MLV App - All in one MLV Raw Video Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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Ah, thanks! I see now. But if you don't know maths, there is no label to understand what has been selected.  ???

I see the tags now in ProRes export ffmpeg Anatolyi. But whatever preset/space/gamma is exported it just writes default 1-1-1 tags. Maybe this is mac only?
5D3 1.1.3
5D2 2.1.2


Quote from: timbytheriver on October 28, 2020, 04:23:09 PM
Ah, thanks! I see now. But if you don't know maths, there is no label to understand what has been selected.  ???
There can't be any label, because this feature exists to tweak the formula. You can freely define your transfer function, instead of nearly all other applications - so there can't be a default name for all possibilities of functions - the list is endless.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Righto. Thanks. That's hardcore! I'd better learn me some functions math.  :P
5D3 1.1.3
5D2 2.1.2

Milk and Coffee

What would be the proper way for me to rename long clips (multiple 4gb split .MLV's) BEFORE importing into MLV app? Do I just need to change the name of all files?
Canon 5D Mark II, Mac/OSX


How come you are not able to test it yourself? Something wrong with you computer?

Milk and Coffee

No, just thought maybe someone had a good insight from a previous experience. Thanks, really helpful though!
Canon 5D Mark II, Mac/OSX


I know this is a long shot but I was wondering if anyone was thinking about this? Apple will soon (next few years) be moving to ARM for all of its computers.

Is a version of MLV App for arm in the works?

Thanks so much,



Hi there, I am new here and was wondering whether anybody might be able to help me troubleshoot an issue I'm having with MLV App / FCP XML.

Basically I used a 5Dm3/ML to shoot something, created ProRes proxies using the MLV App, locked my edit in Adobe Premiere, and am now trying to online to RAW for color correction.  My plan was to use the FCPXML Import Assistant in MLV App to link to the edit's corresponding MLV files and generate RAWs.  So I created an FCP XML file in Premiere from my locked sequence.  But when I try to use the FCP XML Import Assistant in MLV App, I'm unable to select my XML - I can navigate to it in the selection window of the Import Assistant, but it's grayed out and unclickable.

I'm not sure where I went wrong, and would truly appreciate any help that anyone could provide, as I'm hoping to meet a tight deadline.  Apologies if this isn't the right place or way to post this query, and I very much appreciate any attention to this. Thank you!


@harkr: as far as I know Premiere is not able to export "real" FCPXML files. And as you see, you did not export a .fcpxml, but a .xml. This is a difference, and that is why you can't import into MLVApp. I've never seen a .xml from Premiere, so I can't tell how it looks inside. If Premiere really exports a fcpxml (but with xml ending), you could try to rename the file ending. But no idea if MLVApp is able to read it.

@jdana: Apple just presented the new models with M1 processor. None of the devs owns a ARM Mac, and there is no Qt5 (the used development environment) for Mac ARM processors existing. Both is a must have to be able to support it. If Qt5 ever supports this architecture is not sure, because they will start rolling out Qt6. And if Qt6 is really compatible, I can't tell either. Time will tell... but for now it won't be compatible, if I understood right. So for now I recommend to not buy a ARM Mac if you want to edit MagicLantern files. Maybe it works with the use of Rosetta2, but who knows.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


masc is it possible to split grain slider so you can control how much grain is in highlights and how much in shadows separately ? Also size of it ? Currently theres tiny amount visible in highlights and a lot in shadows which looks more like noise, id like to reduce it in shadows and have more in highlights/midrange.
Id like to get something like this wtith visible grain in highlights  :
Looks legit film like when theres grain in highlights as well and this guy has 0 grain in shadows.


Quote from: 2blackbar on November 24, 2020, 09:54:58 PM
masc is it possible to split grain slider so you can control how much grain is in highlights and how much in shadows separately ?
Wow... there is really someone using my grain slider? Cool! B) Yes, I think that should be possible.

Quote from: 2blackbar on November 24, 2020, 09:54:58 PM
Also size of it ?
That is not really possible with current (very easy) solution, becaues generated grain size is exactly 1x1px now. I have no idea how to make it look good when e.g. using 2x2px or larger. Do you have ideas?

Quote from: 2blackbar on November 24, 2020, 09:54:58 PM
Currently theres tiny amount visible in highlights and a lot in shadows which looks more like noise, id like to reduce it in shadows and have more in highlights/midrange.
That might depend on the footage. The math is for all luminance values identical now.

Another question is: how to define shadow, mid and highlights? I could imagine an active diagram similar to HSL->Limunance vs. Saturation: bottom is 0 grain, top is 100 grain. Left is shadows, right is highlights. Sure: the image needs to be converted another time to LCbCr for this, and that needs additional time. What do you think?
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


I found a quick solution for this: a checkbox for luma weighted grain. This brings a little more grain in highlights, but less to none grain in the shadows. Here the results:

The code is commited to the repos. Try it if you like ;)
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Thats cool, ill try to compile , i was thinking about second slider that would remove grain starting from low luma values(darkest parts of the image) Kinda like You say - luminance vs saturation  curve but as a slider if its easier but of course curve would be better.


I cant download the source, tried like 10 times and got disconnected after a couple MB's


Quote from: 2blackbar on November 26, 2020, 08:24:47 PM
I cant download the source, tried like 10 times and got disconnected after a couple MB's
That must be your connection. Works fine over here.

I liked your idea with another slider. What I did now: instead of a checkbox, there is another slider now. So you can finetune between the 2 modes from yesterday.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202



would it be possible to add the ability to remove jobs from the render list while rendering is underway?

when i am doing batch renders, splitting the jobs across multiple instances of mlvapp, invariably some finish earlier than others, and it would be nice to be able to have them take on clips from other instances without having the other one potentially redoing clips that were reassigned to other instances.



DarkFrame Substation seems to be very buggy.
It stops applying the darkframe after a certain amount of frames or clips rendered, without any warning or error message. very unpredictable.
Everytime the module stops working i have to close and reopen MLV App to get it working again. but everything else continues to work perfectly fine.
I tried a few older versions of MLV App, even the 32 bit ones. they all have the same exact issue for me.
Im on Windows 10 Pro x64.


Quote from: 70MM13 on December 06, 2020, 08:40:08 PM
would it be possible to add the ability to remove jobs from the render list while rendering is underway?

when i am doing batch renders, splitting the jobs across multiple instances of mlvapp, invariably some finish earlier than others, and it would be nice to be able to have them take on clips from other instances without having the other one potentially redoing clips that were reassigned to other instances.
That's not possible in an easy way. There is currently no way to show/edit these internal data buffers, and they aren't made for this. So a huge change for a tiny feature.

Quote from: MotherSoraka on December 15, 2020, 10:18:06 AM
DarkFrame Substation seems to be very buggy.
It stops applying the darkframe after a certain amount of frames or clips rendered, without any warning or error message. very unpredictable.
Everytime the module stops working i have to close and reopen MLV App to get it working again. but everything else continues to work perfectly fine.
I tried a few older versions of MLV App, even the 32 bit ones. they all have the same exact issue for me.
Im on Windows 10 Pro x64.
Maybe you put in some information - "doesn't work" doesn't help at all. "they all have the same exact issue" because they all have exact the same feature and code. How to reproduce this? No such problem here, not on Windows, and not on macOS. What means "module stops working"?
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


QuoteMaybe you put in some information - "doesn't work" doesn't help at all. "they all have the same exact issue" because they all have exact the same feature and code. How to reproduce this? No such problem here, not on Windows, and not on macOS. What means "module stops working"?

You can't really tell if the DarkFrame Subtraction module has stopped working (applying the Subtraction to the clip) until you play and examine your rendered output. (ofc if you know what to look for)
Sometimes the Subtraction only applies to the first few numbers of frames only and stops applying the DarkFrame to the rest of the frames.
The Longer your clip is, the higher the chances of the issue happening. Sometimes it renders all of the clip just fine, and sometimes it stops applying it from frame 1.
to reproduce it you should try to render a few long (preferably High ISO) clips in succession (without closing the App) or in batch, then play and check your output files till the last frame.
I've tried rendering in many different formats and codecs including RAW CinemaDNG, with all the different possible settings in "RAW Correction" module with no success.


You dont even need to check the rendered file.when it stops working, your Darkframe will no longer have any effect on any of your clips until you restart the app.
There wont be any Crash or Error, only the Darkframe Subtraction function Silently stops working.


After processing of around 30000 frames I really got the error once (that needed some time). Enabling debug messages and waiting another x * 10000 frames brought me the message "Could not open file darkframe.mlv" (video_mlv.c), and "DF: could not read frame: darkframe.mlv" (darkframe.c).
@bouncyball: do you have any idea why access to the file stops after such a long time? File is opened, data read, and closed again... I don't see any problem so far. MLVApp seems to be blocked to read any file after this.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Almost all my videos are under 1 min long and the issue still happens to me very frequently even after processing only a dozen of frames. again, the occurrence of the issue seems to very random and unpredictable and possibly dependent on the content of the Darkframe or the clip being processed.

I just tried processing the same sets of MLV clips and Darkframes on the Linux version of MLVApp on a fresh installat of Ubuntu on VMWare; so far everything seems very stable and havent run into the issue yet.

Btw, How do i enable the debug messages?


Possibly MLV App is leaking file handles?  That could explain the symptoms, especially it being blocked after the error occurs.  On Linux you should be able to check with some combination of lsof and ulimit -n.


Quote from: MotherSoraka on December 15, 2020, 10:39:33 PM
Btw, How do i enable the debug messages?
Search for this in, comment and compile:
# Silent Mode, deactivate for more debug info

Quote from: names_are_hard on December 16, 2020, 12:53:30 AM
Possibly MLV App is leaking file handles?  That could explain the symptoms, especially it being blocked after the error occurs.  On Linux you should be able to check with some combination of lsof and ulimit -n.
Yes, it could be the problem. But the architecture is very complex and it is very very hard to find such issues - if they exist at all. On my macOS "ulimit -n" brings 256, so not a high number of open files allowed for all users, for around 30000 times procesing with darkframe. Also RAM usage doesn't change at all over this time.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202