MlRawViewer 1.3.3 (CDNG/MLV/RAW Viewer & Encoder, Linux/Mac/Win)

Started by baldand, December 09, 2013, 06:10:19 PM

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Great stuff, I mite start shooting raw for smaller projects and just export them as 444 files and miss the whole resolve part, would save a lot of time.


Hello Baland!

lut support is really a very nice implementation. would it be possible to add a function to bypass all luts with one shortcut to compare the material with the original one?
the lut support opens up a whole new dimension for on set previewing :)

ah and would it be also possible to add the anamorphic and slow-motion changes in a short tool tip (which one is selected at the moment) that would be also very handy..

Another Dream Feature would be OFX Neat Video Denoiser Support :) no idea if this would be possible and how complicated it would be..
cause then you could denoise the material at first with neat video then apply a lut and then export to whatever format you want.. :)

thank you.


All those improvements are great. Unfortunatelly it is hard to admit but seems that i dont know how to use the app. I have read the first page and some of the 35 pages in this topic. I am on windows 7. When im opening the app, chosing file it is ok. The file is playing nicely, when i want to play another file and drag and drop the next file nothing happens. I mean it still plays the first one.  How to see the next file?
I set all things and want to make an export as mov (prores), press C to export all file, the file name appears on the screen with 0.00%. In the target folder it makes two wav files: *.wav and *_00.wav. There is also *.mrx file. I press Y button to start conversion but nothing happens at all, the name with 0.00% dissapears, no new file is created in the directory.

THis is the last part of log file:

MOV export to u'E:/Dolomity 2014 MATERIA\u0141Y/testy mlvrawviewer do skasowania\\M03-1007_000001' started
Set indexed. Frames missing: 2
ffmpeg config (audio): -f mov -vf vflip -vcodec prores_ks -profile:v 4 -alpha_bits 0 -vendor ap4h -q:v 0 -acodec copy %s.MOV
Encoder args: ['C:\\MOJEPR~1\\1MLPOS~1\\MLRAWV~3\\ffmpeg.exe', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'rgb48', '-s', '1920x1080', '-r', '23.976', '-i', '-', '-i', u'E:/Dolomity 2014 MATERIA\u0141Y/testy mlvrawviewer do skasowania\\M03-1007_00.WAV', '-f', 'mov', '-vf', 'vflip', '-vcodec', 'prores_ks', '-profile:v', '4', '-alpha_bits', '0', '-vendor', 'ap4h', '-q:v', '0', '-acodec', 'copy', '-r', '23.976', 'E:/Dolomity 2014 MATERIA\xa3Y/testy mlvrawviewer do skasowania\\M03-1007_000001.MOV']
Traceback (most recent call last

It says something about mov file but no file is made in the target folder. How long more or less should it process 1 GB file (i7, 16GB ram, GTX570) - is this seconds or minutes or hours? Maybe I should wait more than couple of minutes to see the file in the directory? But there is no visible clue of export progress at all.
Exporting to dng works fine.

Damn, how to use this thing? Seems so easy for everyone but me. 

THanks   5D Mark III, 6D, 550D


Quote from: rrrmusic on August 29, 2014, 02:40:06 AM
LUT Import Test with VisionColor Osiris

I'm really puzzled that this looks like that ;)
How does it look like if you set it to Linear => Linear to Log 8 => Vision Color LUT?
You then can control the contrast by switching to a lower log curve and adjusting exposure.

Going sRGB => Log 5 = > VC might cause a strange gamma curve...

Just my 2c


Quote from: kgv5 on August 29, 2014, 07:30:03 AM
All those improvements are great. Unfortunatelly it is hard to admit but seems that i dont know how to use the app. ...
Damn, how to use this thing? Seems so easy for everyone but me. 

I'll send you a PM - lets work out together what the problems are and see if we can get you up and running with the others.


hello baland!

i have converted about 30 dirs with dng files (where no vertical stripe correction was applied before) worked great.
only on of those dirs made mlrawviewer go completely black (no menus, only a black window)
i will create an issue and perhaps you could take a look into it.

thx. sw


1.2.3 for OSX works great for play and export DNG.

Some things in the pop up windows like save (w) and type a new folder to save the footage doesn't work property.

- For example, when you press w and create a new folder, you can't type a name. So, you have to create outside MLRAW a folder to select. So, you start to type and the letters are commands to the image and you have to closed the MLRAW and start again.
- When I select a LUT, the image is exporting with the  LUT, but you can't visualise in the moment, so, you have to check after if the look is what you want.
- When you cancel and export the software doesn't respond. So, you have to reset the computer completely.

Very few things. Except this, everything works great. Thanks for all!


Everyone sounds so excited about this "LUT" stuff. Could someone give a brief synopsis/tutorial on it?


In the TXT, when you install the software, explain how to apply the Look Up Table. A Pre configured setting to guide near your final color post production.
If you want to create your own, you can do this in Davinci


ToS_Maverick please let me know if you think that looks better now with your recommendation.



Would it be possible to toggle between ProRes4444 and ProRes422?


I can't add LUTs.

Windows 8.1 64bit
MlRawViewer 1.2.3

Open a clip (via double-clicking MLV file / via opening MlRawViewer.exe and navigating to file)
Shift left and right browses the 1D LUTs
Shift up and down does nothing
Shift L to add LUTs
Window pops up
Navigate to LUT (tried adding one at a time, or multiple, from desktop, or my Resolve LUT folder)
Select Open
Mouse Icon changes to busy wheel for a half second
Shift up and down does nothing
Shift left and right changes 1D LUT

C:/Users/<username>/.mlrawviewer containts lut1d file, directory file, and mlrawviewer.log file, nothing else

Any idea what's going on? I can't add 1D or 3D LUTs


Exactly the same problem with LUTs like spnsir have. Windows 7 64bit.   5D Mark III, 6D, 550D


Make that another with the loading LUTs issue.  Exactly the issue that spnsir describes.  Windows 7 64bit.

Canon eos m

Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


Thanks all for the reports about LUT import on windows not working.

I've tracked down the bug now - unfortunately it's a Windows specific problem in the toolkit I'm using for the dialogs. But I should be able to find a workaround for it and get this fixed soon.


Ok, I have a fix for the LUT import on windows now. It will be included in the next binary release.

However, I also have a small patch you can apply to 1.2.3 for windows to fix the problem:

Open that file and copy "dialogs.exe" over the old version wherever you installed MlRawViewer_1_2_3. Then the LUT imports should work

Sorry for all the trouble

edit:link updated to correct version


Thank you so much Baldand.
On my mac Luts work great.

MlrawViewer has become a post production monster.

I asked you a couple of month ago if you can add an option to export the Mov or the DNG naming after shot name and take number when using Ime text, instead of the original mlv file...

this could save a lot of time in post

Something that can be done? 

600D | 5D3 | macOS Sierra |


Quote from: kyrobb on August 30, 2014, 04:30:10 AM
Would it be possible to toggle between ProRes4444 and ProRes422?

Yes. I plan to add this option soon. And maybe also some other export options like H.264, and JPEG or TIFF sequences.


Quote from: baldand on August 30, 2014, 11:51:01 AM
Ok, I have a fix for the LUT import on windows now. It will be included in the next binary release.

However, I also have a small patch you can apply to 1.2.3 for windows to fix the problem:

Open that file and copy "dialogs.exe" over the old version wherever you installed MlRawViewer_1_2_3. Then the LUT imports should work

Sorry for all the trouble

Hi baldand

thanks for your quick reply to the reported error but I think you have not included the right "dialogs.exe" into your patch. It appears me to be the same as it is in your last release. Did you mixed up the exe-Files?

Thank you very much for your efforts.



Baldand, that does indeed fix this LUT loading issue on my machine anyway.  I hope you hear it enough but I'm going to say it again anyway.  Thank you for all your hard work on this.  Please know that it is greatly appreciated!  You are doing some amazing work!


Hello everyone again... I've been up and running around using latest nightly builds ML on my 5D3 for work purposes and I must admit that life without ML would have been horrendous. THANK YOU to A1ex once again!

Now this dream of ours has just gotten bigger with the installation of MLRawViewer 1.2.3 on my Mac. I've showed this amazing software to my managers at work and they are floored!!!

Now I can't wait to test them out with several LUT's that we mainly use for work on both 5D3 and 7D.

In case you guys aren't aware but I shoot for Time Warner Cable Sportsnet so I get the luxury to follow around Lakers, Dodgers, Galaxy and Sparks players. We also do intensive interviews and features using ML's useful features.

Again I can't imagine life at work for me without the usability that ML provides us.

Be in touch soon, Baldand! :)

5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109
