Lightroom plugin cr2hdr v3.0 DEV (WIP)

Started by kichetof, March 18, 2014, 05:04:33 PM

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Ah pardon me I'm running the plugin for mac.

Walter Schulz

Any OS X environment will give windows executables some peaceful resting place as long as WINE stays out of the house ...
See first page.


To run cr2hdr-20bit on Mac you need draw v9.21 (download available here)


With one tab

With 4 tabs

This is for the tab, I didn't have the time to code items into tab ;)
Personally I prefer one tab


Ah thanks for the link to dcraw9.21.

My mac is currently running dcraw v9.19 how do you update it to the new version?

So far I have tried the obvious 'sudo port install dcraw' but terminal returns 'sudo: port: command not found'

I'm sure its simple to you guys. Any suggestions?


Quote from: joshuamk on May 09, 2014, 11:56:57 AM
So far I have tried the obvious 'sudo port install dcraw' but terminal returns 'sudo: port: command not found'

You don't have MacPort installed ;)

You can simply do that
Quote from: kichetof on May 08, 2014, 09:27:39 PM
/usr/bin is a private folder, you need to copy with root privileges.

Before copy, make a backup of your actual version
sudo mv /usr/bin/dcraw /usr/bin/dcraw.9.20  #<-- I like to put the version of the file I backup, to know your version simply run dcraw into terminal

cd /folder/where/you/downloaded/dcraw
sudo cp dcraw /usr/bin/


Thanks for the reply. I have installed Mac Port, xcode and installed dcraw via terminal but the lightroom plugin says...

~ Dependencies error ~ This plugin (cr2hdr) need dcraw and exiftool.
Please install it before run this plugin

I'm very puzzled. Now if I type into terminal 'sudo port install dcraw'. then my password It returns...

--->  Computing dependencies for dcraw
--->  Cleaning dcraw
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
--->  No broken files found.



Already seem to have exiftool 9.59 installed. I grabbed it from here

Is that right?


Could you try to run
which dcraw exiftool

This command is use to define if these 2 soft are present.
I've planned to modify cr2hdr exec to add my path for the exec ;)


Ah. Right so using that command confirms they are both present somewhere but not sure where. Could the path be the problem?

'which dcraw exiftool'



Nop the path is not the problem, which command return the right value.
Have you try to restart LR and restart computer ?


Yes both the computer and LR have been restarted. Here are a couple of images.

The terminal when dcraw is typed

The terminal when exiftool is typed

The current files in the plugin bin

The alert inside lightroom

I really appreciate the help, apologies if this is all just a bit basic. I'm happy to supply any screenshots you need.


uh ‽

from Terminal, could you try this

cd /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom/Contents/PlugIns/cr2hdr.lrplugin/bin
./cr2hdr /path/to/a/dualiso/image

And if its work, edit MLProcess.lua into cr2hdr.lrplugin like this (start at line 217)
if MAC_ENV then

local cmd = MLProcess.checkDependencies()
isDependOk = LrTasks.execute(cmd)

if isDependOk ~= 0 then

--LrDialogs.message(LOC "$$$/ML/Dependencies/ErrorTitle=~ Dependencies error ~", LOC "$$$/ML/Dpendencies/Error=This plugin (cr2hdr) need dcraw and exiftool.^n^nPlease install it before run this plugin")
--do return end


Add two hyphen (--)


Hmm okay so I can't seem to get the terminal command to do anything. I tried inputting it a couple and this is what I get:

Now I assuming I did this part wrong I decided to try your code in MLProcess.lua anyway. I placed it in here:

I'm still getting the dependencies error in lightroom. What i'm thinking of doing is completely reinstalling the plugin and seeing what happens.
I hope the images are useful. If you see what I'm doing wrong please let me know :)


in your terminal, your are not in the LR plugin folder ;) use TAB to add \ before space or Drag&Drop from Finder to Terminal


Cool dragged and dropped and yes that works in terminal! Here is the screenshot.

How can we get LR to recognise dcraw and exiftool? I tried adding your code to MLProcess.lua but not much luck there i'm afraid.


Cool! On LR go to plugin manager (CMD + Alt + MAJ + ,), disable and reenable the plugin with your mlprocess edited and normally it will works fine!


Hmm that hasn't worked. Still getting the error in LR


Remove plugin from LR, edit the MLProcess.lua with added 2 hyphens and reinstall it into LR


Sorry still nothing. Just the dependencies error.  :-\

I have highlighted the inserted script. Is this how the code should look?


very strange! Delete the selected text and try again, with -- before LrDialogs, you should not have any message.. strange


Hey folks,

thank you so much for implementing this great feature!

I took a lot of photos during my holiday using dual iso.

I got two questions regarding post processing:

1) Is it possible to just keep the .dng and automatically delete the original .cr2 using the lightroom plugin or any other method?
2) How can I convert a lot of pictures (>3k) quickly? Should I use 4 threats or just one? The CPU is an  i5 quad-core.

Thanks in advance!

ML rocks!


Export dng to designated folder. Before exporting you could filter the originals as rejected to filter them from the dngs. You can start four exports or more in parallell to speed up things.


Thank you for the quick answer.

My problem is that I took about half of the shots with dual iso and the other half without.
The only way for me to distinguish the cr2s with dual iso from the cr2s without dual iso is to do it all by myself. Or is there any possible way for lightroom to filter the dual-iso-cr2s?