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Topics - russellsnr

Hi, In the middle or was in the middle of moving back to the UK but with the problems we are facing that has been put on hold, I normally use the Lightroom plugin to convert my dual iso files but that computer has been packed away but I have a small lap top running Windows 10 so where please can I download the stand alone version of the converting software for a Windows 10 computer. Thankyou.
General Help Q&A / 70D Focus Stack Possible?
February 24, 2020, 02:34:34 PM
Hi, can you use ML focus stacking option with a 70D in Photo mode (not video)? Did with my 600D but cannot see it for 70D. Thankyou, Russ.
Hi, With so many new kids on the block claimimg to be as good or beter than L/R for image management etc is there any other software that will let you use the DUAL ISO converter as a plug-in or is it possible to do? ie Luminar,On1,Affinity Photo.  Many Thanks. Russ.
General Help Q&A / Dual ISO and Topaz Adjust AI
July 10, 2019, 01:56:17 PM
Hi, Not sure if it's my Dual ISO converting via lighroom or Topaz AI picking up everything but when I export to Topaz AI the image is still covered with bars as though it has not been converted any tips please? (apart from not useing Topaz AI :))Thankyou.
Hi, Just watched video on YT that shows how to see the individual channels RGB that may be clipped on a still image in camera  (after the image has been taken), Was only shown on a Nikon camera. I no you can see RGB in still photography with ML in live view but is there a way to see clipping after the event on a Canon camera? Look at around the 8 minute mark if you don't want to watch the whole video, Thankyou for any advice. Russ.
Hi, On some of the up market cameras like the Canon 1DX ii  and I beleive the 7D Mkii you are able to use exposure compensation in manual mode and yes I no the question 'WHY would you want to use exposure compensation in manual mode?' simple, for example when photographng BIF somtimes that extra 1/3rd to even 2 stops of compensation can make a good image so is this a possible option via M/L for the lower end Canon cameras (in my case the 70D) Thankyou, Russ.
Hi, Can someone please direct me to latest version of the Dual ISO Lightroom Plugin for Windows please. Thankyou, Russ.
General Help Q&A / Don't Bother
March 28, 2018, 08:23:20 PM
Hi, Is it possible with M/L to have in PHOTO  (not video)  Exposure Compensation in 'M' mode on a 70D or 6D with Auto ISO selected as you can set on the more recent cameras from Canon like the  7Dii or more recent pro cameras. Many Thanks, Russ
Hi, After taking 3 X images the camera shows Enfuse Jpeg but where is it stored on camera or is it not? Thankyou. Russ
General Chat / Shooting City Lights?
January 13, 2018, 09:24:56 AM
Hi, Looking for some information as to how to shoot still images  in the City/Town at night useing M/L as an aid to do so, not new to M/L but never tried the night time shooting before. Thankyou for any advice. Russ
General Help Q&A / Canon 70D Wireless Mode
August 01, 2017, 05:30:18 PM
Hi, When/If I turn on the wireless option in camera to be able to send images to my tablet (larger screen to view) the ML RAW Histogram disappears from the cameras LCD screen. Is this correct please? Thankyou.
Have been looking over the net for information/ideas on Still Photography using ML and amazing how many people with not a lot of knowledge about ML seem to give out negative advice on forums to questions and others who ask "Will it brick/damage my camera" expecting others to test it out on there camera/s and report back.

Shame really as ML is a great piece of kit.

Hi, Can someone please explain the differance in simple terms between the Simple and the Diffraction aware options? Have looked at the Userguide and all that I can see is  DOF near and DOF far and that I understand, there is also a link 
'See also Focus distance' that sends you to 'This topic does not exist yet

You've followed a link to a topic that doesn't exist yet.'

Hi, I understand about ETTR when it comes to exposure but I use a hand held meter and shoot in Manual mode 99.9% of the time. I also have my meter calibrated to the Camera/s I use 6D/70D so when taking an image outside I am at the tip of the highlight zone without clipping for the camera/s DR.
When using the Dual ISO in this senario I assume that the ETTR available in ML is better left off?
Many Thanks.
Feature Requests / Would eye auto focus be possible in ML?
September 25, 2016, 12:47:01 PM
Hi, Would it be possible to have eye auto focus like Sony within ML?
General Help Q&A / Focus Bottom Left?
September 16, 2016, 04:56:02 PM
Hi, Used ML for this in live view but cannot seem to get the focus box to the edge of the frame on the rear view finder (see image bottom Left) any help please?
Canon 6D.
Many Thanks

General Help Q&A / 6D live view & M/L menu?
July 30, 2016, 05:36:16 PM
Hi, Have been a user of M/L for some time on a 600D but now I have a 6D and a small problem.
When in live view if I go to the M/L menu the screen keeps flicking back and forth ie M/L Menu/Live View/M/L menu/Live View etc so I thought maybe a problem with the card so tried another and same result so un-installed M/L including boot flag and camera live view works as it should. re-installed M/L and back to flicking back and forth in live view.
Camera works fine but when trying to compose in L/V becomes annoying.
Hi, Just asking here as waiting for a converted camera to reach me.
Wondered if anyone had tried Infrared photography with the dual ISO option and results/views if any?
Hi, bit of a novice question.
When you export the DISO from Lightroom to the cr2hdr for me the only way I can find the converted file is within ALL Photographs and not the recent import folder in Lightroom where the original DISO files are located.
Any help please?
Many Thanks
Hi, When useing the Rack Focus option to obtain near and far focus along with the Focus box is there a way without moving the camera once the near object is in focus to see the distant object in the focus box?
I am trying to use the Rack focus in conjunction with the focus stacking for stills and have tried useing Canon's own zoom feature when setting this up but when I press the magnify button it just sends me back into the M/L menu.
Canon 600D and 90mm macro lens on a tripod.
Thank you
General Help Q&A / Step size in Macro Photography?
February 08, 2016, 07:18:19 PM
Hi, Can anyone please explain not what the Step size does but what Step size you would use when say photographing a flower head compaired to phographing say a 12inch ruler from top to bottom with the MagicLantern firmware.
Many Thanks
General Help Q&A / dual ISO on Nexus?
July 30, 2015, 11:15:28 AM
Hi, Asked back on March 20, 2015 with no reply so try again!! I am using a Nexus 7 tablet with QDSLRController, Magic Lantern Dual ISO and Canon 600D is there a way so that when I review the Dual ISO images on the Nexus7 I can rid of the lines across the image as you do with the Lightroom plug-in?
Many Thanks
General Help Q&A / Dual ISO on an Android Tablet?
March 20, 2015, 03:59:52 PM
Hi, Is there an app to allow a Dual ISO image to be viewed on a tablet running Android without the pink coloured lines?
Hi, ok a little advice please!.
I have the Dual ISO working in Lightroom 5 but cannot see if it is possible when re-importing once the conversion is complete to only import the converted file as I am getting two stacked images every time on re-import, also approximately how long should a conversion take per image.
Many Thanks
General Help Q&A / Lightroom Dual ISO Module
February 23, 2015, 03:16:31 PM
Hi, I have replaced my Hard Drive and tried to ADD the module to Lightroom 5 and it does show in the manager but when I send an image I don't get the option list from Dual ISO 
Should I still get this option please?
Windows 7 64bit
Many Thanks
Hi, Hope not a silly question but when in the FOCUS module ML tells you the lens attached and the settings of the lens ie focus distance, H/F distance at the bottom of the screen but is it possible to see these settings when you go into live view?
Many Thanks
General Help Q&A / Magic Lantern controller app
November 27, 2014, 10:37:51 PM
Hi, I mentioned in another topic if there was an app like DSLR Controller that could work with or on a tablet so ML commands could be seen and sent without going into the cameras back screen. I found something called Magic Lantern controller app but when tried to get it from the app store it states it has been removed. Is the app still available to try out or is it still ongoing in development?
Many Thanks
General Help Q&A / ML & DSLR Controller Tutorial
November 20, 2014, 07:38:29 PM
Hi, Can anyone direct me to a tutorial on how to use the DSLR controller app alongside ML?
Writen or Video.
Many Thanks
General Help Q&A / Hyperfocal Distance Option
October 30, 2014, 07:25:10 PM
Hi, Need a little help please.
I understand Hyperfocal distance but I cannot understand the ML output numbers.
Example. at 24mm F11 I get Focus dist: infty,  DOF near 2.6m,  DOF Far: Infty Hyperfocal: 2.6m,  so I am assuming that focus should be made at the 2.6m mark in the scene if this is correct then the DOF near should be 1.3m to Infnty as Hyperfocal distance is normally half the focus distance. 
Sorry if this sounds kind of UGH!!
Hi. Recently started useing DSLR Controller with Nexus 7 to controll camera  but the DSLR Controller software only gives (as far as I can see) ISO steps of 100,200,300ETC ETC if I set ISO 320 with ML and ISO 400 on the Nexus will this still shoot at the ISO 320 setting in camera?
Hope someone understands this question!!!
Feature Requests / [WONTFIX] Photographic HDR settings?
September 16, 2014, 12:20:04 PM
Hi, I use the HDR option for photography rather than video.
At this time there are the three options for brackets.
All start at zero first so would/is it possible to add a sequence so it will allow 0 --- +++ or 0 +++ ---
PLEASE do not ask me to write a script or even attempt to change one I would not no where to start!!! :'(
Many Thanks

General Help Q&A / Magic Lantern LCD Remote Help!!
September 13, 2014, 12:21:14 PM
Hi, Quick question.
Magic Lantern LCD Remote
Is this option still available?
Looked through the menu but cannot find how to envoke it on a 600D.
Many Thanks

Found it
600D doesn't have the sensor, that's why its gone.
Shoot Preparation / Exposure Bracket (Tv,Ae)
August 23, 2014, 11:13:08 AM
Hi, When you use the option Advance Bracket what in simple terms does it actually mean as stated under Exposure (Tv,Ae)?
I like to shoot in manual mode so rare that the camera is set to AE or TV, will the option of (Tv,Ae) affect manual settings?
Many Thanks
Hi,Just read an article on HDR ONE site concerning HDR Photography with MagicLantern and the guy seems to have the same problem as I do (Not everytime) and replies to his article date back as much as 2 years.. If I set for example 7 brackets to shoot, press the shutter and 7 are taken and then another 7, I thought it was maybe my Camera 600D shutter button so I tried a cable release and had the same result.
Anyone else having this or anyone no what the problem may be?
I have tried re-install after a format on the card and also another card.
Many Thanks
General Help Q&A / 600D HDR 5 x 1 stop then...
June 20, 2014, 04:27:35 PM
Hi, I have a 600D and  I set the option to take 5 x images at 1 stop apart it takes 5 then for some reason takes another 4. Does not happen every-time. Don't have the shutter pressed for the 4 camera just takes them.
Any suggestions please?
General Help Q&A / Dual ISO how to get...
January 03, 2014, 04:26:41 PM
Hi, I have been trying to get the Dual ISO option to show on my 600D as shown here

but am at a loss.
I no the firmware is installed correctly as used it before.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Many Thanks
Feature Requests / [ALREADY DONE] Self Timer
March 14, 2013, 11:57:10 AM
Hi, Is it possible to extend the self timer on the Canon 600D for photography work from the 10 secs to say 20 secs or more please?
Thank you
Feature Requests / Stop Meter Possible?
August 18, 2012, 09:44:08 AM
Hi, Don't no if it would be possible to have the option built in to ML for calculating F Stops? ie. you have 320th second at F16 put on a polarizing filter requires approx 2 stops extra so need to change the shutter speed for example to give the required correct exposure, sometimes hard to work out quickly. In the Sekonic L358 meter there is an option to calculate and to see what I am asking a little clearer please have a look at

At about the 30 Min 50 second mark.
Many thanks for a great product.
Hi, I have the new ML installed for about a week and have been trying to work out how I can set the  intervalometer so the camera will take a photo at say 30 seconds duration then have a two second gap and take another at 30 seconds and another and so on so I can use the photo/s for photo stacking but when I set the  intervalometer instead of taking frames at the time set ( shutter stays open 30 seconds) then close then 2 seconds opens take another 30 second exposure the camera just keeps firing every two seconds. Can this be done? The 30 second exposure with 2 seconds between each frame capture?
Canon 600D/T3i. and have set the shutter to 30 seconds with the camera in 'M' mode
Many thanks and hope someone understands the question.
General Help Q&A / AEB on 600D/T3i
July 29, 2012, 02:37:23 PM
Hi, Quick question. On my 600D/T3i I have set AEB for HDR photography shooting (not video) but cannot figure out how to get the camera to take more than 7 exposures, I have tried 'M' mode and 'TV' but it will only take 7 exposures. Is it possible to increase the number please and how?
Many Thanks