New 240 MHz preset for 5D3 / EOS M / 100D (Download available)

Started by theBilalFakhouri, September 07, 2022, 05:26:20 PM

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I tested on Extreme PRO 170MB/s V30 256gb card and working(eosm).
Also tested now and working on an Extreme PRO 95MB/s V30 32gb card.


Just for the record, tested 5D3 113 and all is well apparently (check detailed results here).

5D3 for video
70D for photo



Could formatting the card do something. I use it on Mac and erase it with exfat


I erase with dos fat on mac:
Tested 4 cards, all works! around 89Mb/s when doing benchmark and in practice around 77-80Mb/s when recording 2.8k 14bit(eos m).

These cards.


Cool results, thanks Danne for testing. Lucky Sandisk Extreme PRO SD cards :P

I have added all new reports to this reply.
Also I put a link to reports in first post.


I tried formatting the Sandisk Extreme Pro 170, 128GB card which doesn't work @240  with the Mac,but sadly, it still doesn't work.

The card which doesn't work is more recent than the one that does. Maybe it is a firmware revision thing?

Is there a tool I could use to display the SD Card's info.? This would help us find compatible cards.

Working Card serial begins with 213
Non-Working Card serial begins with 221



My 512 170MB/s serial is 212

btw found that formatting in exfat it reaches 62 MB/s with 192 Hz  ::)

Walter Schulz


Cards not working maybe needs to be tested not being fakes. Benchmark in some fast card reader.


More likely Sandisk Extreme PRO SD cards which work at 192 MHz they aren't fake. And the problem could be that just the new 240 MHz on EOS M / 100D isn't perfect for every Sandisk Extreme PRO 170 MB/s SD card (for some reason).
The fake cards can't write faster than ~25-30 MB/s (from my own experience), I bought before one 95 MB/s and two 170 MB/s fake Sandisk Extreme PRO SD cards.

Other similar example, the new 240 MHz preset still doesn't work on EOS M using Sandisk Extreme PRO 256 GB 200MB/s R, 140MB/s W SD card. While the same card work on 650D at 240 MHz (Walter report).
More likely there are some unknown variations among 170 MB/s SD card (just guessing). And the issue should be fixable somehow in first place by changing some SD configurations which we are not aware of on EOS M / 100D.

Walter Schulz

Offtopic: Just another benchmark. Extreme Plus but no 5D3, M, 100D and not @240 MHz.


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on September 12, 2022, 09:17:42 PM
More likely Sandisk Extreme PRO SD cards which work at 192 MHz they aren't fake. And the problem could be that just the new 240 MHz on EOS M / 100D isn't perfect for every Sandisk Extreme PRO 170 MB/s SD card (for some reason).
Hard to tell for sure but if testers keeps reporting we'll get a better perception.
Funny when I tested an extreme 90Mb/s card both 240 and 192Mhz patch would perform about 65Mb/s.


Quote from: Danne on September 12, 2022, 08:20:52 PM
Formatted dos fat?

I tried Dos fat, then I tried ExFat, then I tried formatting with the Camera.
It doesn't work! My card that works has been formatted ExFat with the Mac.



Would be better with screenrecordings of benchmarks before and after patch applied. Recording should show the exact card clearly. No way of validating otherwise.


Quote from: Danne on September 13, 2022, 07:04:23 AM
Would be better with screenrecordings of benchmarks before and after patch applied. Recording should show the exact card clearly. No way of validating otherwise.

I can't get the camera to "See" the writing (Too small, I need a magnifier to see clearly) , but could you look behind your cards?

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170 MB/s 128GB
Right below the serial number on the back of the card,

Working card says "Made in Malaysia"
Non-Working says "Made in China"


So try to benchmark your card to see maximum speed. Here´s few programs that might work. I have no experience in using them but feel free to have a look.
Published results are always better with screencaptures or recordings.
My sandisk 256Mb/s is made in china.


EOS M SD Card Speed Test With The latest Build:

The cards have also been tested in a MacBook Pro 2010 (Built-In SD Card Reader), with Blackmagic Disk Speed Test:

Note: All the cards tested here have been used a whole  day, recording various clips to the point where it says "Card Full" in the EOS M, on at least 8 occasions each in the past 3 months,
with the previous builds crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_raw_only_2022Jul31.EOSM202 and crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_raw_only_2022May29.EOSM202,
@192 MHz. Cards worked as expected.

For the Test, cards have been formatted in camera with Low-Level Format enabled (ExFat).
Camera: EOS-M

Short Version (Write Speeds, EOS M Global Draw On):

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170 MB/s, 128GB (Made in China, Serial 221xxx)
Mac Test: 70.4 MB/s
@192 MHz: 78.9 MB/s
@240 Mhz: 20.9 MB/s

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170 MB/s, 128GB (Made in Malaysia, Serial 213xxx)
Mac Test: 70.0 MB/s
@192 MHz: 78.7 MB/s
@240 Mhz: 94.4MB/s

Sandisk Extreme Micro SD, 256GB (Made in China, Serial 14 7xxx)
Mac Test: 70.3 MB/s
@192 MHz: 76.8 MB/s
@240 Mhz: 20.8 MB/s


Cards Tested:
Cards-Used" border="0

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170-128MB Mac Speed Test (ML-1, Made In China)
BMD-Sandisk-Extreme-Plus170-128-MB-China" border="0

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170-128MB @192MHz (ML-1, Made In China)
bench-Sandisk-Ex-Pro170-128-MB-SD-China-192-MHz-GDOff" border="0

bench-Sandisk-Ex-Pro170-128-MB-SD-China-192-MHz" border="0

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170-128MB @240MHz (ML-1, Made In China)
bench-Sandisk-Ex-Pro170-128-MB-SD-China-240-MHz-GDOn" border="0

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170-128MB Mac Speed Test (ML-2, Made In Malaysia)
BMD-Sandisk-Extreme-Plus170-128-MB-Malaysia" border="0

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170-128MB @192MHz (ML-2, Made In Malaysia)
bench-Sandisk-Ex-Pro170-128-MB-SD-Malaysia-192-MHz" border="0

Sandisk Extreme Pro 170-128MB @240MHz (ML-2, Made In Malaysia)
bench-Sandisk-Ex-Pro170-128-MB-SD-Malaysia-240-MHz" border="0

Sandisk Extreme 256MB Micro SD, Mac Speed Test (ML-3, Made In China)
BMD-Sandisk-Extreme-256-MB-China" border="0

Sandisk Extreme 256MB Micro SD, @192MHz (ML-3, Made In China)
bench-Sandisk-Extreme-256-MB-m-SD-China-192-MHz" border="0

Sandisk Extreme 256MB Micro SD, @240MHz (ML-3, Made In China)
bench-Sandisk-Extreme-256-MB-m-SD-China-240-MHz" border="0


Thanks a lot for a very good test 👍.
Should test the shit out of that china card :P.


My two Sandisk Extreme PRO 170 MB/s SD cards are made in china, and they work on 100D with new 240 MHz.
Edit: more likely gabriielangels' Cards are not fake SD cards.


No performance gain with 64GB Sandisk Pro Extreme 200MB/s Made in China. Just as another 170MB/s user posted, 240MHz gives 20 MB/s and 190MHz gives 60.5 Mb/s actual recording speed, same as previous build.
EOS M, 15-45 IS STM, 64GB Sandisk Extreme Pro UHS-I 200 MB/S


Cards not working might work with trial and error modifying small increments in 240Mhz patch. "Unfortunately" I don´t have one of these cards myself to play with.


Quote from: Danne on September 12, 2022, 02:07:34 PM
I tested on Extreme PRO 170MB/s V30 256gb card and working(eosm).
The same on Sandisk Extreme PRO 170MB/s V30 64gb card  working (eosm). Made in China.
@240MHz  Write - 92.1 MB/s
@192MHz  Write - 77.5 MB/s
@160MHz  Write - 68.9 MB/s
Canon 5D3,1.1.3; Canon EOS M,202,  CF-SanDisk Extreme PRO,160MB/s, 256GB, SD-SanDisk Extreme Pro, 170MB/s, 128GB.