Canon 6D

Started by Maqs, May 01, 2015, 09:56:15 AM

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Walter Schulz

Sorry, but can you explain what you mean by "Custom menu"? Screenshot might be helpful.


OK, maybe I'm not precise enough, I mean this menu with the star (just before that with delta sign), which one can customize with favourite functions. Maybe the name is "My menu" (as Canon's) or something like this :)

Walter Schulz

Okay, got it!
You're saying Focus End Point behaves different in Focus menu and MyMenu. Can you take a vid showing working/nonworking? Quality doesn't matter, smartphone lowres will do.


Sure, MyMenu - there is even the name at top of the screen :) I can make video but it looks 100% the same as in Focus menu but no action. There is "0 (here)" and after SET or Q button click left and right arrows don't work. After changing to the Focus menu everything is ok. After setting some steps at Focus menu, I can see the same value at MyMenu, SET still doesn't work but Q resets to "0 (here)". I'm using 2016Apr30 ver.


I'm missing the "Highlight Tone Priority" setting within the ISO submenu of the latest nightly of ML.

Bug or feature?


I noted in a February 20, 2016 posting that the 6D build (August 2015) did not interface with the Sescam DSLR-550D-HOCF A/V Out Cable.  In reading entries on or about October 14, 2013, it appears a developer (1%) released or compiled a source code at to allow 6D audio headphone monitoring using the Sescom A/V Out Cable.

It appears the latest 6D build (May 2016) did not incorporate the source code to fix the audio monitoring using the Sescom A/V cable. I await any suggestions to fix this issue.


Hi , just a quick question. I'm looking to upgrade my 7D to a full frame such as a 6D (was going to go for a older 5D mkii), as I tend to shoot RAW videos in low light.

I haven't been able to find many RAW videos where the 6D is in 2K? Is the 6D able to shoot well in 2K or isn't its buffer quick enough.


Walter Schulz

SD-card interface limited to about 41 MByte/s writing. 720p24 continuous.


Quote from: squidman90 on June 05, 2016, 03:00:35 AM
Hi , just a quick question. I'm looking to upgrade my 7D to a full frame such as a 6D (was going to go for a older 5D mkii), as I tend to shoot RAW videos in low light.

I haven't been able to find many RAW videos where the 6D is in 2K? Is the 6D able to shoot well in 2K or isn't its buffer quick enough.


If you want to shoot raw, dont get 6D like me. save up for 5d3.
raw @max resolution only like 8sec
and wait time inbetween shoots to clear the buffer.

I am so regret that I picked 6D for shooting wedding for raw. (it didnt works well at all)
btw shooting raw in high iso is not even a good ideal tho.


Great advice, save 2.000 more to replace camera worth 1.000 or save some extra 2.000 and buy RED maybe.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


I just installed ML on my 6D. The lens (16-35mm f/4) makes a funny noise when the IS is turned on on the lens.
When I press the shutter halfway, there is a weird whir/vibration, which is then repeated after about 2 or 3 seconds. It only happens when I press the shutter halfway down and only when the IS is turned on. I don't remember this when Magic Lantern wasn't installed.
Anyone know what this could be?


That'll be the IS working normally then, won't it?

I doubt Magic Lantern is affecting it at all.

I have a 300mm f/4, and on that the IS sounds like a Vespa with worn piston rings. I used it for some video experiments a few weeks ago, and it was obvious the built in mic would be quite unusable if the IS was turned on (but it recorded the sound of the IS really well!).

On a 16-35mm lens, do you really need IS anyway? You hardly need focus most of the time!

On the 2-sec thing, it's probably the IS dropping out again after a timeout. It will come back on when you half-press the shutter.

Roberto Mena

squidman90, there are only like 3 maybe 4 canon DSLR cameras that are worth installing and using ML where you can record continuously ML RAW or MLV (RAW 2.0) because of the memory buffer limits. Check out this comparison chart of Canon models with ML:

The 6D even though it has a full frame sensor also has a 40mb memory buffer limit so it can only record for about maximum resolution of 1792x1008 for like 5 seconds with RAW or MLV video. This is such a heartbreak because of the Canon 6D's full frame sensor ... can you imagine being able to record (hell even 30 seconds continuously would've been doable) continuously RAW video?! So for full frame RAW recording the only one that can is the 5dIII, even the 5dii records at a slightly lower resolution than 1920p. The third option that can record continuously RAW/MLV video is the 7D but it has a smaller APS-C sensor and it records at a maximum resolution of 1728p which about 9% smaller than 1920p but scaling up in post fixes it and because of the extra sharpness with RAW video you really do not notice and still looks great.


Hi all,

Im running magiclantern-Nightly.2016Jun13.6D116 and Im not getting global draw when in live view, I noticed when I turned on crop marks, I dont get any crop marks or zebras at all, from what I can tell it should be turned on, is there some other setting i may have turned on that conflicts ?
or is it not working in this build?

I checked the bug tracker and couldnt see anything..


Quote from: CountParadox on June 26, 2016, 12:35:20 AM
Hi all,

Im running magiclantern-Nightly.2016Jun13.6D116 and Im not getting global draw when in live view, I noticed when I turned on crop marks, I dont get any crop marks or zebras at all, from what I can tell it should be turned on, is there some other setting i may have turned on that conflicts ?
or is it not working in this build?

I checked the bug tracker and couldnt see anything..

It's working fine in this build, have u checked if it's turned on in the settings? Do u have magic zoom on?

Walter Schulz

Press INFO button to toggle screens until ML screen pops up.


Quote from: CountParadox on June 26, 2016, 12:35:20 AM
Hi all,

Im running magiclantern-Nightly.2016Jun13.6D116 and Im not getting global draw when in live view, I noticed when I turned on crop marks, I dont get any crop marks or zebras at all, from what I can tell it should be turned on, is there some other setting i may have turned on that conflicts ?
or is it not working in this build?

I checked the bug tracker and couldnt see anything..

There are two Global Draw settings: one Global Draw setting in the easier-to-find "Overlay" menu, and another Global Draw setting in the actual "RAW Video" menu. Ensure that at least the Global Draw in the "RAW Video" menu is on?


Hey all,

I just installed ML the first time on my 6D. I tried to use Focus peaking but it isn't working at all. After I took a photo I can see a pattern of the focus peaking for a few seconds, but while looking at the Live View I can't see anything from the focus peaking. Even when I activate the grayscale the live view stays in colour.
Am I doing something wrong?

Kind regards,


I wouldn't recommend using focus peaking at all. I use the Digic peaking "slightly sharper" setting, it's enought to see where the focus is - just give it a try, it has little to no impact on the performance. Other setting that you might find useful, in case you are shooting a flat profile is to boost the Live view contrast/saturation while maintaining a flat recording picture.
Canon 5DIII| Sigma 35/1.4|T 24-70/2.8 VC| Tamron 70-200/2.8 VC USD


I had the June NB loaded on a SanDisk 32gb 60MB/s? card and it was working fine. So I loaded it on to 5 NEW Lexar Platinum II 32GB SDHC cards I got from Costco.

Focus peaking was hit and miss. Had some time to troubleshoot. The SanDisk 32gb 60MB/s cards ALWAYS worked. Only ONE of the Lexars worked. So I downloaded the July NB on to the Lexar cards. Still can't get them to work.

I do a low level format whenever I install ML. I'll try the digi peaking thing. But I'm taking the Lexar's back to Costco.

Update: I just looked at Digi Peaking effect, and that's what I've been getting anyway, INSTEAD of Focus Peaking. At one time, quite a while ago it was working, then stopped. Removing the battery would get it to work again. Now nothing will get REAL focus peaking to work.

Digi peaking will work on the Lexar disk though.
Intel i5-4440 3.1Ghz CPU, Win 8.1, 12 Gb Mem, Intel HD Graphics 4600
Camera gear: Canon S110, Canon 6d, 70-200 2.8 Mk II IS, 100 2.8 Macro Mk II IS, 24-105 f4 IS, 85mm 1.8, Canon G9 with IR conversion (movies in IR?)
24", Rode Videomic Pro, Sony lapel mic.

Walter Schulz

Essential information about the Lexars missing.
Manufacturer's speed rating? 200x or else?
Numbers verified by benchmark in cam and USB 3.0 cardreader?
"Not working" = ML won't run at all?


That did it for me. I'll checkout that link.
Intel i5-4440 3.1Ghz CPU, Win 8.1, 12 Gb Mem, Intel HD Graphics 4600
Camera gear: Canon S110, Canon 6d, 70-200 2.8 Mk II IS, 100 2.8 Macro Mk II IS, 24-105 f4 IS, 85mm 1.8, Canon G9 with IR conversion (movies in IR?)
24", Rode Videomic Pro, Sony lapel mic.



Does this build support audio from USB port? I have the converter cable.
Canon 650D w/18-55 Kit lens | Sigma 30mm f1.4 | CarrySpeed VF-4 Viewfinder | Rode VideoMic Pro | Manfrotto MVH502A Fluid Head + MVT502AM Tripod System


*EDIT* - I forgot the registers I had to port over from Tragic Lantern in audio.h.  All better now.

I got tired of not having headphone monitoring on my 6D, so I hacked it in over the course a few evenings.  Turns out people have already done some work in this space, so once I figured out how the code works I was able to complete the exercise.  It works on my 6D, but try at your own risk.  Any comments or feedback is welcome - I haven't coded in C in a long time, so I probably did something dumb in the process.  There is still some sketchiness in its operation - don't take a picture while you're in video mode, for instance - but it does work.  You may need to cycle the headphone monitoring configuration option once before you plug in the cable.

For those that are interested in doing this yourself on your version of the source code, the following changes had to be made:

* /platform/6D.116
** features.h
*** Enable headphone monitoring by adding


*** I only enabled headphone monitoring because other parts of code are broken on the 6D, or in the case of analog gain, the registers or values to put in them are incorrect and would cause the input gain to be basically zero.

** internals.h
*** Uncomment #define CONFIG_AUDIO_CONTROLS
*** This is necessary because there are various checks in the code to ensure that the *entire* audio subsystem is enabled, like in audio_configure(), not just one part of audio subsystem.

* src
** all_features.h
*** Comment out the following lines, as they are not working yet, but the #define for the *entire audio subsystem mentioned above is required for the audio subsystem to function at all


** audio.h
*** Added the following method to be able to write to the audio-ic - turns out somebody already figured out the how to write to this interface.

inline void _audio_ic_write(unsigned cmd)
    extern void _audio_ic_write_bulk(uint32_t spell[]);
    uint32_t spell[] = { cmd << 16, 0xFFFFFFFF };

Add the following #elif block to the register definitions - ported from Tragic Lantern

  #elif defined(CONFIG_6D)
    #define AUDIO_IC_PM1    0x8000
    #define AUDIO_IC_PM2    0x8100

    #define AUDIO_IC_SIG1   0x8200
    #define AUDIO_IC_SIG2   0x8300

    #define AUDIO_IC_MODE3  0x8E00
    #define AUDIO_IC_PM3 0x9000
    #define AUDIO_IC_ALCVOL 0x8D00
    #define AUDIO_IC_ALC1   0x8700

    #define AUDIO_IC_IVL    0x8900
    #define AUDIO_IC_IVR    0x8C00
    #define AUDIO_IC_MODE4  0x8F00

    #define AUDIO_IC_FIL1   0x9100


I'm on the latest ML build for 6D. Was shooting a project as a B-cam, and the camera kept stopping recording. I was using a Lexar SDXC 128Gb 633x, which covers the max transfer rate of the 6D's SD interface (also tested on PC - has 90MB/s transfer rate bot reading and writing), I've formated the card natively in camera - same results, also noticed the problem occurs when there is more motion in frame, like small details - foliage or high ISO shooting, in other words when the codec is stressed.
Has anyone experienced such issues? Forgot to mention, I was shooting ALL-I. IPB solves the problem, but it's a good choice for me.


Tried other card, have the same problems.
Canon 5DIII| Sigma 35/1.4|T 24-70/2.8 VC| Tamron 70-200/2.8 VC USD