Canon 70D

Started by nikfreak, January 15, 2015, 12:22:15 AM

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New guy here and my question is a bit specific. I tried researching it on google and here on these forums to no avail, so, my apologies if its been asked and answered already.

I'm looking to use one of my Canon 70Ds as a web cam to live stream on twitch. Originally, I was using software called SparkoCam which uses the 70Ds USB port. It seems to work decently but the quality is far lower than the HDMI. The issue with HDMI was it showed all overlay options during liveview.

Note, I am NOT recording, simply using liveview for a webcam.

Enter ML. I installed it and was able to remove the overlay and got the resolution somewhat stretched using ML but there are still black bars on either side when displaying on a 1920x1080p canvas in OBS studio.
Is there any way to get liveview to display in full 1920x1080p using ML, or do I have to manually stretch the image using OBS to get it to fill the screen entirely? I've been dabbling in video lately and have been a photography buff pretty much my whole life but I am a complete nub to ML and the advanced video settings.

Thanks in advance!

PS, my apologies if this is not the right section, again, new here!



I have used the magic lantern before in my previous camera. Now I'm new on the EOS 70D and trying to figure out how to get the ETTR to work on it. I would like to use "trigger mode: press SET" and somehow does not work. If I press the SET button on live view the center AF point gets selected and the ETTR does not triggered. I have checked in the Canon menu (C.Fn III) the set button is set to OFF.
Is there any way to use the set button (or any other button) to trigger ETTR in live view?
If I use the camera with the viewfinder the set button turns on the live view but every time I get a message: 'ETTR failed'
Unfortunately find no way to use the ETTR with my camera....
I have tried to factory reset my camera and the magic lantern too.
Can someone please give me a guidance?

Walter Schulz

Firmware update 1.1.3.
If you install it I think you will have to ask Canon Service if you want to rollback to older versions. Fixes vulnerabilities as seen in PTP remote code execution.


Certainly seems odd that Canon would come up with a FirmUp for a Cam that is so far in the rear view mirror ~

Would it be correct to assume that this would most likely "Break" ML ?
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)

Walter Schulz


How about > Render Unusable ?
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)

Walter Schulz

Nope, according to a1ex.


Long answer:

- ML will not start with the newer firmware; it will display an error message
- rendering the camera unusable: very unlikely, unless the update itself fails in the middle or something
- you may not be able to downgrade the firmware (not even via Canon's EOS utility, if it's like 5D3 1.3.6)

That said, if (and only if) you don't mind having your 70D without ML for some time (at least one week, but could be one month or more), you may upgrade the firmware to see what happens. I'd welcome a ROM dump in order to prepare a firmware downgrading tool (assuming one is needed).

I don't expect the update to remove our ability to run user code, or to disable the boot flag, which is probably what Walter was referring to.


   The only Times that I use the 70D anymore is when I need a Cam' with ML Abilities so I suspect being without it

for a Short Time would not be a major issue as long as it appears that a Solution could be forthcoming. If I conjure

up the Nerve to do the FirmUp, I'll only be doing it for ML Test purposes & will then also attempt to acquire & provide

a ROM Dump ~ RSVP Alex ~
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)


It's your decision. I expect to have some more spare time after mid-December (until then, only weekends), so if you prefer a shorter downtime, you may choose to wait.


Quote from: L4C on October 09, 2019, 09:56:23 PM

I have used the magic lantern before in my previous camera. Now I'm new on the EOS 70D and trying to figure out how to get the ETTR to work on it. I would like to use "trigger mode: press SET" and somehow does not work. If I press the SET button on live view the center AF point gets selected and the ETTR does not triggered. I have checked in the Canon menu (C.Fn III) the set button is set to OFF.
Is there any way to use the set button (or any other button) to trigger ETTR in live view?
If I use the camera with the viewfinder the set button turns on the live view but every time I get a message: 'ETTR failed'
Unfortunately find no way to use the ETTR with my camera....
I have tried to factory reset my camera and the magic lantern too.
Can someone please give me a guidance?

I did more experimenting with the ETTR. Only works if the camera makes a real photo (Always ON or Auto Snap) in those modes the next photo will apply the proper settings.
Unfortunately triggering by the set button or using the half double click all the time gives ETTR failed message, plus addition on that in live view mode to trigger with set button does not work at all as the set button will select the focus point and does not trigger the ETTR.
Is there some way how I can contribute to you guys to figure out the root cause of the issue?


Hello everyone! Im new here.
Just wanted to ask a quick question: very smart me recently updated firmware to 1.1.3. - is magic lantern lantern going to be further updated to be able to work on it?

ps. sorry if I missed something - not a native speaker


                   @ Dumpil

        Read Alexs Reply #3415 ~ just 5 posts back ~
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)

Walter Schulz

Foreseeable future: No ML for 1.1.3
You already tried to downgrade to previous Firmware via EOS Utility? I think it may not be possible but nobody confirmed it yet.
We know CPS can downgrade 5D3s and if you need ML now it's the only option you have.



       Since You have already taken the plunge to 1.1.3 You should attempt to Grab the ROM Dump

that Alex has requested so as to see if there is anything He can resolve from it ~
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)


Yes, please try the portable ROM dumper. You should be able to replace autoexec.bin on some older ML card; if that doesn't work, you will have to make the card bootable (EosCard/MacBoot/


Quote from: a1ex on December 10, 2019, 10:08:08 PM
Yes, please try the portable ROM dumper. You should be able to replace autoexec.bin on some older ML card; if that doesn't work, you will have to make the card bootable (EosCard/MacBoot/

Hello Alex! I don't think I get it. There is no developer that has 70D to try that out? I own 70D, and doesn't use ML that often, so I could sacrifice not having ML for 'noone knows how long'. Though.. How likely is it, that It won't be supported at all?



       Have You acquired a Rom Dump for the 113 FirmedUp 70D from anyone yet or

is it looking like it is going to be up to Me ~
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)


No, I did not. There was a private request from another user (besides the one from here), but there was no reply after asking them to run the portable ROM dumper.

QuoteThere is no developer that has 70D to try that out?

Apparently there is no active developer that has 70D, otherwise they would have tried it :D

I can test some things in QEMU, but most of the "interesting" stuff (LiveView, image capture, Wi-Fi) are not working there.


Is focus bracketing available for the 70D?
Lost my camera body (650D) to a bad fall and looking to replace with 70D. Focus bracketing was used often.
Dual ISO, Motion Detect and bulb times were other frequently used settings that were avail on the 650D build.
If not, I may consider another body that Magic Lantern has added these features to the build.


" Apparently there is no active developer that has 70D, otherwise they would have tried it "

   It certainly does appear that ML interest in the 70D has waned dramatically, which is

why I was pleasantly surprised when You posted that You would Give It A Look ~

   If You can't get a RomDump from some User that has already FirmedUp their 70D by

end of week / after Christmas, I guess I'll take the dive ~
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)



i've installed the Nightly from 2018 Dec 24. I have a problem with the overlay. When I go through the canon overlays with the "Info" button the magic lantern overlay doesn't appear.

My settings for the overlay:

Global draw: ON, all modes
Zebras: LumaFast, over 99%
Focus Peak: ON, 0,5, local
Magic Zoom: (+), Med, TL, 2:1

I have restored the ML defaults a few times and i also installed Magic Lantern again. Same problem.

What's wrong ?

Thank you

[email protected]

Greetings .... I'm 'new' to magic lantern, though I've been reading the forums on and off for a couple of years ... The following account *may* be of help to some who are starting out ...

Naturally I was fearful, worrying about possible camera damage. Trying to figure out *which version* of M/L to load was a nightmare and I pondered this for a long time. Would it be the December 24th, 2018 nightly build? That *seems* rather dated now. Then again, would I risk a more recent 'experimental' build? Decisions, decisions. Well, I finally chose the experimental version of March 24th 2019. Why? Simply because it offered the ability to record in 10, 12 or 14 bit RAW - straight from the 70D's sensor. Now I must say, I'm NOT an overly 'techy' sort of guy. I'm 'visual', and I prefer to keep things 'simple'.....

So, I got to thinking that this 'cropped' (3x or 5x - whatever) was toooo much of an inconvenience. I just wanted 'simple'. Soon I realized that the largest video 'frame' size M/L would allow me to capture (without the 3x), was 1832 x 776 pixels. That's based on a 2.35 to 1 aspect ratio. So not quite full HD width. But I'd read that you still get great results after up-scaling, so I continued in hope. Well, really the rest is history. At the end if the day, all I was after was a *film look* from the 70D - with it's amazing focus system. Based on this goal, here's how I proceded:

■ Normally, (without M/L), I'd go with 24 fps (like 'real' film), using a fixed aperture of 1/50th of a second (roughly 'twice' the frame rate).
■ Also I find that an ISO setting of 640 - is as high as I can get away with, without introducing too much visual noise. It also happens to be an *ideal ISO* for shooting indoors. In a room with bright natural or artificial light, you get a perfect exposure at f:2.8. Neat.
■ I followed M/L instructions, loading the (3 files) onto a fast SD card, (which I'd formatted first). I used a Samsung EVO 64GB SD card, 60MB/sec write speed.
■ As mentioned, I went with the March 24th, 2019 M/L 'experimental' build. I chose to record at 10 bit, which (I thought) was enough of a quality boost without stressing my camera too much. A more demanding 12 bit capture would mean reducing my frame resolution.
■ 10 bit recordings would give me 1832 x 776 resolution, (set for 2.35:1 aspect ratio), resulting in 40.6 Megabytes of data being sent to the SD card each second. This is the bottleneck of the 70D, since it's limit is 40MB/s throughput to the memory card. 40.6 MB/sec is *just over* the limit, and a test yielded just under 4 minutes before the camera stopped recording. (the M/L 'display' showed that the camera's internal temperature had risen from 26° to 32° during recording). 4 minutes would be ample for most shots, and *if* a longer duration was needed, the frame resolution could be lowered. Reducing to a 1792 x 762 resolution gives unlimited recording time, (the on-screen counter being 'green' this time, rather than amber). I only went to 7 minutes - way long enough, (this time the temperature rose from 31° to 41°). This is to be expected - the internals are working harder than usual.
■ After recording, I removed the SD card but FIRST WAITING 5 seconds AFTER opening the SD card DOOR. The card is then slotted into a PC.
■ Using the free program called "MLV App" (a 'RAW to Video' converter from Magic Lantern), just go to 'File' > 'Import MLV' & navigate to (open) your file.
■ In "MLV App"s right-side pane, select 'Fix Bad Pixels' > ON (This does *wonders* for hiding those bright 'hot' pixels).
■ Under 'Debayer Algothithm' I went with 'AMaZE' (which is the default and to me gave the best result).
■ To sharpen or not to sharpen. *Maybe* to just '20' - a tiny boost, to get a little more 'percieved' resolution. But with a sharp lens, I'd leave this at '0'.
■ Set RBF Denoise Chroma to desired level. Around the 40 to 60 range worked best for me.
Bear in mind, this run-down is for a 'basic approach' to quickly get your RAW files into a standard (editable) video file. By default this will output your video as 'REC 709'. You *could* do extra fine tuning with MLV's built-in 'level' and 'color' controls (or do that later in your NLE). You could also choose a 'log' profile for better grading control. You could even output as 'Digital Negatives' (DNG's) for maximum control in software like 'DaVinci Resolve'. But for now - back to basics.
■ EXPORT: Click the "Cogs" icon at the top, choose 'Codec' > 'Uncompressed AVI' and 'V210 10bit' (or ProRes 4444 for smaller file sizes).
■ RESIZE: I entered 3664 x 1552 - exacly twice my recorded resolution. I wanted the best I could get straight out of the gate. But you leave this unselected if you're happy with the camera's recorded resolution.
■ I used 'Smooth aliasing' 3 pass. It does a fantstic job smoothing jaggy edges and reducing the high ISO noise. (Long render times though, and if you don't want (nice) Motion Blur at this stage then DON'T select it).
■ Click the folder Icon left of the 'Cogs icon', enter a File Name & Location and hit SAVE. That's it! - Editable files processed from the RAW data. Now it's onto the editing and color grading.

Uncompressed files are large, so I convert them to an intermediate codec inside Vegas, which reduces them to about 1/3 their size. A more economical approach would be to scale them to 1080p directly from inside the *MLV App* if that's the desired delivery resolution. I'm still experimenting, here's some comparisons (all set for 2.35:1),

10 bit recordings:
1832 x 776 (largest FF) = 40.6MB/sec of data (Amber display - buffer's fed 0.6MB/sec above what it can write to the card)  test = 3m 50s
1792 x 762 = 39.0MB/sec of data (Green display - buffer not being choked)  Unlimited record time

12 bit recordings:
1832 x 780 (largest FF) = 49.0MB/sec of data (Amber display - buffer's fed 9.0MB/sec above what it can write to the card)  test = 25 seconds
1728 x 736 = 43.6MB/sec of data (Amber display - buffer's fed 3.6MB/sec above what it can write to the card)  test = 1 minute
1632 x 694 = 38.8MB/sec of data (Green display - buffer not being choked)  Unlimited record time

14 bit recordings:
1832 x 776 (largest FF) = 56.8MB/sec of data (Amber display - buffer's fed 16.8MB/sec above what it can write to the card)  test = 14 seconds
1728 x 736 = 50.8MB/sec of data (Amber display - buffer's fed 10.8MB/sec above what it can write to the card)  test = 22 seconds
1520 x 644 = 39.1MB/sec of data (Green display - buffer not being choked)  Unlimited record time

Note: The resolution sizes shown here are what I was able to select on the 70D. They differ slightly to what's shown in the M/L RAW Calculator , which indicates '1824' (not 1832) as the maximum available width.

Hoping this helps or inspires some-one ..... And I'd be amiss if I didn't say a big 'thank-you' to the amazing M/L Gurus who've achieved such incredible results from these Canon cameras.


Hi, Posted this question in the general help section for three days without any replies so please can you use ML focus stacking option with a 70D in Photo mode (not video)? Did with my 600D but cannot see it for 70D. Thankyou, Russ.


70D ist stubborn due to the dual pixel cmos AF. Some focusing features are not enabled. I can't remember myself what exactly was wrong but it had been reported as non working feature and is therefore disabled. You might give it a go and enable the feature and compile a new build to test it though.
[size=8pt]70D.112 & 100D.101[/size]