Canon 1200D

Started by akkotyni, July 12, 2014, 02:48:26 PM

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The former is when pressing INFO (ML overlays should only show up when Canon overlays are hidden), the latter appears half-shutter related.

On 1200D, the fix discussed previously was applied, but there might be something overlooked; somebody has to sit down and debug it. On 5D2, this was a special case, as the property used to detect the overlay status was not triggered properly at startup. It almost worked -- the only exception was when camera started with Canon overlays enabled - in this case, you had to press INFO to perform a full cycling of the overlays.

Quote from: a1ex on January 23, 2018, 10:18:08 PM
To test: press INFO/DISP a few times. ML overlays should appear only when Canon overlays are turned off (not both at the same time, fighting over the screen).



Quote from: a1ex on May 13, 2018, 11:46:06 PMIt almost worked -- the only exception was when camera started with Canon overlays enabled - in this case, you had to press INFO to perform a full cycling of the overlays.

Cycling through the different layouts using the DISP button (is that what you meant for the 1200D; it has no INFO button) doesn't help. The image as shown above doesn't show all the time; only when I use the wheel to change any of the parameters does the canon overlay appear, first on top and then behind the ml overlay.


Got it, so it's not the issue discussed earlier. It just happens to look the same in a screenshot.


Double quote! ;-)

Quote from: dfort on May 13, 2018, 10:22:47 PM
The May 4 build has this commit that should give a warning if you have the camera set to movie auto mode.

Quote from: dterrahe on May 05, 2018, 07:19:40 PM
Quickly tested Nightly.2018May04.1200D102.
When switching on the camera, a message now flashes by to set Exposure=Manual. It is gone very fast, so I only noticed it the third time.

Would it be possible to show the message a bit longer? Might get annoying after a while so you'll have to decide if that's a good idea...


Quote from: dterrahe on May 14, 2018, 08:18:06 AM
Cycling through the different layouts using the DISP button (is that what you meant for the 1200D; it has no INFO button) doesn't help.

I am on 20180504 build, only hiding the Canon overlays makes the ML overlays appear.
Also, I saw the latest 20180705 build fail one of the tests, which one failed? (site only shows beforementioned 20180504 build)
7D.203 + 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM



Because it is a work in progress and I am fairly new to this forum - can anyone confirm that the current build has sticky half shutter?

Searched also from google and previous posts, but did not find such a topic answered.


Looking for 1300D values in the consts.h file, I found for 1200D  the following value:
#define DISPLAY_SENSOR_POWERED (*(int*)(0x2A0C+0x18))  // Look up *"ForceDisableDisplay (%d)"
#define IMGPLAY_ZOOM_POS_X MEM(0x77c9c) // Look up *"CentrePos x:%ld y:%ld"
#define IMGPLAY_ZOOM_POS_Y MEM(0x77c9c+0x4) // Look up *"CentrePos x:%ld y:%ld"

I know DISPLAY_SENSOR_POWERED does not exist in that file for 1200D, but it exists at 1300D.
Can you check if it's OK?
Thank you.
Canon 1300D, 500D, EOS M, EOS M2


seems like development for the camera has stopped. probs I can test some fresh builds for the sake of pointing out errors (well at least trying to lol)
7D.203 + 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM


Quote from: TheFirstMohhikian on July 09, 2018, 09:08:49 AM
can anyone confirm that the current build has sticky half shutter?
Yes it does, I yet have to upgrade to latest build though.
7D.203 + 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM


Quote from: Raov on August 04, 2018, 07:45:30 PM
seems like development for the camera has stopped.

Not really, there were changes committed to the 1200D branch on August 20 though it looks like the build wasn't updated:


Ha, that seems to be a bug on the build server. No idea what's wrong - ran the script manually and it worked...

(the download page is static HTML, updated daily - in theory; looking into it)


is anyone experiencing black holes when recording RAW video? It seems like a bug from the latest build


Hello, i have just installed the ML nightly build for my 1200D and i was wondering if someone could help me and advise me on if there is a way i can record RAW on the camera at 10bit instead of 14bit. I try to record 14bit and set my CBR to 0.5x however after 72 frames, it stops recording.

Could someone explain if there's a chance to record RAW on the 1200D for video and if so, how?
Is it hardware limited due to the fact it's an old camera or is it restricted due to limitations of my SD card?
I am not as technical as most on this forum but i am willing to learn.
Kind Regards


Quote from: d!g!c on December 12, 2018, 06:26:37 AM
is anyone experiencing black holes when recording RAW video? It seems like a bug from the latest build

Do you have a sample or picture showing the problem? which build exactly is affected? and is there a previous build doesn't have this problem, which one?

Quote from: Bleachboy on July 29, 2020, 08:03:12 PM
Hello, i have just installed the ML nightly build for my 1200D and i was wondering if someone could help me and advise me on if there is a way i can record RAW on the camera at 10bit instead of 14bit. I try to record 14bit and set my CBR to 0.5x however after 72 frames, it stops recording.

Could someone explain if there's a chance to record RAW on the 1200D for video and if so, how?
Is it hardware limited due to the fact it's an old camera or is it restricted due to limitations of my SD card?
I am not as technical as most on this forum but i am willing to learn.
Kind Regards


CBR doesn't affect RAW video in any way, it's just for H.264 video recording. Nightly Builds don't contain 12/10-bit options for any camera. There are experimental builds in the experiments page which contain builds for 10/12 bit for some models, unfortunately and currently there is no build for 1200D with 10/12 bit-depths function.

1200D has limited write speed, mostly it is 21 MB/s as many DIGIC 4 cameras, overclocking is a solution for this case, but also currently there is no overclock for DIGIC 4 cameras to bypass this limit to achieve more write speed, this is the main reason for limited recording time, other ones might be from your SD card, you can run card benchmarks using module directly from the camera and see how the card performs,

Also uncompressed 14-bit recording is a lot of data at maximum RAW resolution in 1200D for a such limited write speed, a workaround for this is to get 14-bit lossless compression working on DIGIC 4 cameras, this could cut the required writing speed by half by compressing the RAW data losslessly @ 14-bit.

For now you can only lower the resolution for continuous recording.

Walter Schulz

@1200D users: Can you confirm/falsify a bug in "Clear overlays" for this camera?

To test this you just need to access Display tab -> Clear overlays and use setting Always. Use a lens with AF in AF mode. Do you get a clear liveview in photo mode and clear view in video mode? Or is liveview obstructed by focus box overlay?
Thanks for your assistance!


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on December 22, 2020, 09:27:11 AM
1200D has limited write speed, mostly it is 21 MB/s as many DIGIC 4 cameras,
Bilal, this page claims 1200d can write at 44 MB/s. Can you comment?


I checked this site before and I mentioned it on Discrod and I was wondering about it, it's must be a typo from the writer.

I checked 1200D ROM, it doesn't have 96 MHz mode and 1200D ROM was same as other DIGIC 4 cameras ROMs regarding SD configuration which mean the speed is limited to 21 MB/s (highest
available preset is 48 MHz in DIGIC 4 cameras).



Quote from: Walter Schulz on April 09, 2021, 10:25:26 AM
@1200D users: Can you confirm/falsify a bug in "Clear overlays" for this camera?

To test this you just need to access Display tab -> Clear overlays and use setting Always. Use a lens with AF in AF mode. Do you get a clear liveview in photo mode and clear view in video mode? Or is liveview obstructed by focus box overlay?

To some extent, yes. The focus box and a frame with things like exposure indicator and remaining pictures appears when switching to live view after changing to a different photo mode.
But only the first time after switching to or between photo modes and then turning on live view. For any further toggles of live view while the mode is unchanged, the screen only shows the sensor feed. No overlay right away, or ever.
Also, when the photo mode is changed while live view is active, no overlay appears.
And for video, I only see it briefly after switching the camera on in that mode.

Best regards,

Walter Schulz

Thanks for testing and reporting!

Minor issue then.
Are you able to redo this test with HDMI connected to a capture device or directly to TV set/computer monitor/AVR?


Certainly. I've also redone the test without HDMI out as I encountered some inconsistency that clashed with the earlier report.

Without HDMI out:

  • Turning on live view after about half a second after either leaving live view within the same mode or after switching to a mode does not bring up the overlay.
  • Turning on live view at about a quarter to half a second after either leaving live view within the same mode or after switching to a mode shows the overlay.
  • Turning on live view even earlier does not bring up the overlay.
  • The timing feels like it varies slightly between modes.

With HDMI out:

  • Turning on live view for any mode always shows the overlay.

In either case, switching between modes while the live view is active clears any overlay, if present, except:

  • When switching across the groups of modes (as in the fully automated ones vs. the partially or fully manual modes P, Tv, Av, and M), the live view cannot be tested as doing so deactivates it and returns to the camera's info/config screen for the mode.
  • When switching within the manual group, any existing overlay is never cleared. Presumably to continue showing the aperture and/or shutter speed and the like. That said, if you managed to turn on live view for any of the manual modes without getting the overlay (see above as to how), switching between modes keeps the screen overlay-free, but that's only "available" when HDMI out is not used.
So, any actual clearing happens effectively only when switching modes within the full auto group.

Walter Schulz

Thanks for thorough and proper test and report. Appreciated!

ATM there are no bug reports about inconsistencies with Clear Overlay activated and only citrix is working on a Digic 4 cam (1300D).
I will keep it in mind for the future. Maybe someone comes up having some serious problem with this behaviour.


Absolutely. Sorry you had to wait almost two years for a response, I only found this forum, and in fact ML, just recently.
Thanks for your time!


Any 1200d user struggle with chromatic aberration?? :-[
EOS 1200d (magiclantern-Nightly.2018Aug21.1200D)

Walter Schulz

CAs are lens related, not dependent on cam. ML has nothing to do with it
-> off-topic.