Lightroom plugin cr2hdr v3.0 DEV (WIP)

Started by kichetof, March 18, 2014, 05:04:33 PM

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Walter Schulz

Du kennst den Spruch "Im Haus des Fischers wird kein Fisch gegessen"?

Walter (Sysadmin)


@Walter Schulz, it's absolutely normal. Any plugin using custom metadata will issue this warning, it's a part of legal LR behavior. All changes are made via LR API and no harm to catalog is possible. The warning actually means than you will need this plugin to view the Dual ISO metadata.

If Adobe will change schema (which it probably already did few times) all custom metadata will be preserved. There are many plugins using custom metadata. My «Camera Temperature», lots of Jeffrey Friedl's great plugins such as «jf Facebook», «jf Megapixel Sort», John's «Big Note».


Thanks akry for you reply! :)

Walter it's normal :)

Akry has added a metadata preset on beta 4 and LR need to be updated to add it on the metadata choice ;)

Unfortunately I can't disable it, it's write on the plugin and I can't tell LR: by pass it ;)

Make a backup of your catalog :)

Walter Schulz

Okay, paranoia mode is idle now.
Made a test bed catalog just for fun ... <g>


Quote from: Walter Schulz on May 03, 2014, 10:44:24 AM
Du kennst den Spruch "Im Haus des Fischers wird kein Fisch gegessen"?

Walter (Sysadmin)

its the same as i know it about car mechanics and the overall condition of their cars... ;)
after realizing that i have 35k (>1TiB) of images (and some videos) i tend to backup those even though having raid 1.
Help us with datasheets - Help us with register dumps
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Paranoia too!
I made a backup every time I run LR :) I've a lot a Gb of my LR catalog backup :D

Walter Schulz

Here is an old dog trying to learn a new trick: Dived into Bitbucket and created my first pull request.
Did I have followed the procedure correctly or messed up?


@Walter yeah it's right! :) it's already merged!

I was in the same situation as you when I started there a few months ago


Hi kitchehof! Awesome progress.
Tried to incorporate a swedish translation string but It seems I only get halfway right. Some  strings aren,t following to swedish. Tried finding the answer looking in the german and french translations but It seems I did practically the same but in swedish?
Any hints on this one?
I,m on lightroom 4.4 on mac osX mavericks

"$$$/ML/ExportDialog/ExportMenu/Title=Magic Lantern"

"$$$/ML/Dependencies/ErrorTitle=~ Dependencies error ~"
"$$$/ML/Dpendencies/Error=Denna plugin (cr2hdr) kräver dcraw och exiftool.^n^nVänligen installera dessa innan installation av denna plugin"

"$$$/ML/Import/Error=Import av dual iso fil ej möjlig!^n^nVänligen synkronisera din mapp manuellt"

"$$$/ML/ExportManager/Title=Magic Lantern Dual ISO"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/MLTopic=Magic Lantern Dual ISO forumdiskussion"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/MLDocTech=Teknisk dokumentation"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/Description=Denna plugin konverterar en DUAL ISO bild med cr2hdr (tack A1ex) från Magic Lantern.^n^nFunktionsbeskrivning :^n^n- Export av bild till temporär mapp^n- Adderar -dualiso suffix till bild^n- Konverterar bild med cr2hdr^n- Importerar konverterad bild till denna LR Katalog^n- Adderar DualISO till beskrivningen^n- Adderar konverterad bild till mappen med din originalbild"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASTitle=Avancerade inställningar"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSuffix=Suffix för konverterad dual iso fil :"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLabel=Definiera färgetikett till Dual ISO fil :"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASCollection=Addera Dual ISO fil till bildsamling ?"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASCollectionInfo=Avmarkera för att ej addera till originalbilderna"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLog=Behåll loggfil efter konvertering?"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLogInfo=Avmarkera för att radera loggfil"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSubfolder=Addera konverterad fil till följande undermapp:"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSubfolderPL=Aktuell mapp"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSubfolderInfo=lämna blankt för återimport till samma mapp"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/Keywords=Addera nyckelord :"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLabelInfo=Lämna tomt utan färgetikett"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSummary=Visa summering efter konvertering ?"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSummaryInfo=Avmarkera för att ta bort"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/CRTitle=cr2hdr optional arguments"

"$$$/ML/Publish/Progress=Exporting ^1 foto till cr2hdr"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Progress/One=Exporterar ett foto till cr2hdr"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Error=Export ej möjlig ^1 till cr2hdr! Error #^2"
"$$$/ML/Publish/AlreadyConvertTitle=Redan behandlad"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Error/NotRaw=Endast RAW (CR2 & DNG) foto är tillåten att export till cr2hdr"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish=cr2hdr export färdig"
"$$$/ML/Publish/NoPhotoExported=Inget foto har exporterats"
"$$$/ML/Publish/NbPhotoExported=^1 foto har exporterats korrekt"
"$$$/ML/Publish/NbPhotosExported=^1 photo har exporterats korrekt"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/NoImage=Ingen bild"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/AlreadyConvertTitle=Redan behandlad^1"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/NotRawTitle=Fel format^1"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/NoError=Inget fel"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/noDual=Ej DualISO^1"

Walter Schulz

Well, kichehof gave his best but german and english doesn't look that well right now (he will be the first to agree with this, I suppose).
I'm working over german text right now but I think we will need some iterations to find a proper GUI style. My command of french language is non existent. Not that easy to solve this puzzle.
Bit of stuck with the "cr2hdr export finished" box translation. Will work it over soon.

"$$$/ML/Dependencies/ErrorTitle=~ Abhängigkeitsfehler ~"
"$$$/ML/Dependencies/Error=Dieses Zusatzmodul benötigt cr2hdr, dcraw und exiftool.^n^nBitte installieren Sie diese Dateien, bevor dieses Zusatzmodul ausgeführt wird"

"$$$/ML/ExportDialog/ExportMenu/Title=Magic Lantern"

"$$$/ML/ExportManager/Title=Magic Lantern Dual ISO"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/MLTopic=Forums-Diskussion zu Dual-ISO (WWW, englisch)"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/MLDocTech=Technische Dokumentation zu Dual-ISO(WWW, englisch)"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/Description=Dieses Plugin erlaubt es, eine Datei im Dual-ISO-Format mittels cr2hdr (Danke, a1ex) zu konvertieren.^n^nFunktionsweise:^n- Exportiert Bilddatei in temporären Ordner^n- Fügt Suffix -dualiso an den Dateinamen^n- Konvertiert Bild mittels cr2hdr^n- Importiert konvertiertes Bild in den LR-Katalog^n- Fügt DualISO der Beschriftung hinzu^n- Fügt das konvertierte Bild den Sammlungen hinzu, die das Original enthalten^n- Fügt Stichwort Dual-ISO der konvertierten Datei hinzu"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASTitle=Erweiterte Einstellungen"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSuffix=Suffix für die konvertierte Dual-ISO-Datei:"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLabel=Definieren Sie die Beschriftung für die Dual-ISO-Datei:"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASCollection=Dual-ISO-Datei den Sammlungen der Originaldatei hinzufügen?"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASCollectionInfo=Haken entfernen, um die konvertierte Datei nicht den Sammlungen des Originals hinzuzufügen"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLog=Log-Datei nach der Konvertierung behalten?"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLogInfo=Haken entfernen, um Log-Datei zu löschen"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSubfolder=Speichern Sie die konvertierte Datei in diesen Unterordner:"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSubfolderPL=Aktueller Ordner"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSubfolderInfo=Leer lassen, um in Quellordner zu importieren"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/Keywords=Add keywords:"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLabelInfo=Leave blank to not add color label"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSummary=Show summary message after conversion?"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASSummaryInfo=Uncheck to hide"
"$$$/ML/ExportManager/CRTitle=Parameter für cr2hdr"

"$$$/ML/Import/Error=Kann die Dual-ISO-Datei nicht importieren!^n^nBitte Ordner händisch synchronisieren"

"$$$/ML/InfoProvider/Bitbucket=Bitbucket-Projektseite zum Zusatzmodul (WWW, englisch)"

"$$$/ML/Publish/Progress=Exportiere ^1 Bilder mit cr2hdr"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Progress/One=Exportiere ein Bild mit cr2hdr"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Error=Fehler beim Exportieren von ^1 mit cr2hdr! Fehler #^2"
"$$$/ML/Publish/AlreadyConvertTitle=Fehler beim Konvertieren"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Error/NotRaw=Es können nur RAW-Fotos (CR2 & DNG) mit cr2hdr exportiert werden"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish=cr2hdr-Export beendet"
"$$$/ML/Publish/NoPhotoExported=Kein Foto wurde exportiert"
"$$$/ML/Publish/NbPhotoExported=^1 Foto wurde erfolgreich exportiert"
"$$$/ML/Publish/NbPhotosExported=^1 Fotos wurden erfolgreich exportiert"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/NoImage=Keine Bilddatei"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/AlreadyConvertTitle=Bereits bearbeitet^1"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/NotRawTitle=Falsches Format^1"
"$$$/ML/Publish/Finish/noDual=Kein DualISO^1"

Again: Most strings in $$$/ML/Publish/Finish above are just placeholders right now.


PS: Please no more blanks between last letter and colons, periods etc. ;-)


Hi Danne thanks for your works!

I think I found the problem, sometimes you have at the end of the line " instead of " (check your text editor)

I added your translation to the source, try with this file swedish translation

@Walter yes I make a rough translation (french include). I'm better in programation than in language  8)



What do you think if I remove that ?
And add a new section at the bottom with some help/info?
This plugin allows to convert a Dual ISO picture with cr2hdr (thanks a1ex) from Magic Lantern.

How it works :

- Export picture to temp folder
- Add -dualiso suffix to picture
- Convert picture with cr2hdr
- Import converted picture into this LR Catalog
- Add DualISO to the label
- Add converted picture to the collections of the original picture

Walter Schulz

Less work for translators traded in for a small loss for users (less info).
Let's keep it as simple as possible. You have my vote.


You have my vote for a help section replacing what you brought up. Thanks a lot for the swedish translation correction.

Of course I saw two things from my translation that could be changed. Maybe you put it in your provided link? Thanks

line 29 is        "$$$/ML/ExportManager/KeywordsInfo=comma-separated"
should be       "$$$/ML/ExportManager/KeywordsInfo=kommaseparerad"

line 44 is        "$$$/ML/Publish/NbPhotosExported=^1 photo har exporterats korrekt"
should be       "$$$/ML/Publish/NbPhotosExported=^1 foto har exporterats korrekt"

Thanks again for this plugin, really good


@Walter & Danne

Ok I note your votes, IMO we could write a text file (more flexible, no sequence like ^r^n) with basic informations in english and read this file into the bottom section.

What do you think ?

No I've a best idea! We can make an illustration with pictures :)

Swedish updated! ;)


Swedish, thanks!
Yea, pictures, what are you thinking?


Something likes that

But with illustration like cr2 banding (dual iso preview), cr2hdr terminal icon, LR metadata etc


looks nice, although I don,t see the deeper picture yet. I,m sure you,re on to something though :)

Walter Schulz

Q about GUI consistency

1. Most plug-ins don't have a dedicated header section (upper frame to the right) in Plug-In Manager interface. Seems like Jeffrey Friedl is using this a lot: feedback options, log transfer, info buttons (frankly: GUI design not always convincing). Potential there, I think.
2. Title (left window) and section headers doesn't match. Is the license info about cr2hdr, plug-in or both?



I prefer have a header for the plugin, when you selected it, you know directly what is it.

Effectively it's not the same name, I'll change it to match :) and yes it's the license info about the plugin not cr2hdr (it's my mistake)

Walter Schulz

Quote from: Danne on May 03, 2014, 10:46:21 PMI,m sure you,re on to something though :)

If killing the export finish message box is his agenda I will cover his back.


If it looks not good and/or not nice, I'll not add it in the release ;)

Walter Schulz

Problem with keywords?
Entry in Plug-In Manager:
Dual ISO, cr2hdr
Entry for converted DNG:
cr2hdr, Dual ISO, Dual-ISO



No problem :)

Try to convert without added a keyword and check after conversion. Dual ISO or Dual-ISO I don't remember is added with cr2hdr.

I only added some useful placeholder, but maybe I doesn't wrote the bests
