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Topics - Metsadah

Just wondering if this is a RAW Post processing thing or some interference going on with the lights, I hope you guys can help me out. Its really visible in the exported file, on vimeo a bit less. But you should notice it definately on 2:45 in the background:
pass: feest

I used to extract the DNG's with RAWMagic, 12 bit, vertical stripes checked, auto black lvl. Its the same with 16 bit.
Its not really visible in the proress files I got out of DaVinci after applying VisionLog, but when I start grading it it becomes visible. I chose a very flat look, since more contrast makes it worse (and flat was what the client wanted anyway).

Raw Video / No audio in MLV? (canon 5d mk3)
April 07, 2014, 10:42:00 PM
I just made some shots on the canon 5d mk3 with the MLV Module. Now im viewing them on my macbook with mlrawviewer, but I can't hear any sound. When I export them to prores there is also no sound. I see that there is an option to enable sound for mlv on the 5d mk2, but I can't find such an option on the 5d mk3?

am I missing something?