6D Wifi Video

Started by HVil, February 26, 2013, 01:23:08 AM

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Just wondering if you guys are able to get video to work in wifi mode for the 6D or if there might be any developments in the near future?



Encoder is off when wifi is on. I think wifi takes the encoder's dma channel away. I "started" video several times while in wifi and all it did was clear everything from the screen. What will be good to investigate here is what the preview frames become when sent to the app. Ideally they are jpeg and we can record them into a movie.

My wifi with the phone freezes so I plan on trying this with a computer and eos utility and scanning camera ram and packets for jpeg data. Best case scenario would be writing video over wifi (maybe slightly better bandwith?) or turning on wifi and writing jpegs to card as mjpeg. Tethering was the only way jpeg worked on 600D so I'm guessing on 6D its related too.


Hey 1%, thank you so much for getting back to me. If you ever crack the 6D wifi issue, please let me know! I appreciate all your effort and thanks for everything thus far :)



Quote from: 1% on February 26, 2013, 01:34:18 AM
Encoder is off when wifi is on. I think wifi takes the encoder's dma channel away. I "started" video several times while in wifi and all it did was clear everything from the screen. What will be good to investigate here is what the preview frames become when sent to the app. Ideally they are jpeg and we can record them into a movie.

My wifi with the phone freezes so I plan on trying this with a computer and eos utility and scanning camera ram and packets for jpeg data. Best case scenario would be writing video over wifi (maybe slightly better bandwith?) or turning on wifi and writing jpegs to card as mjpeg. Tethering was the only way jpeg worked on 600D so I'm guessing on 6D its related too.

good idea, i forgot about the phone app! It looks pretty low quality from what i can remember but it might be better on a computer (could be the app making it look bad)


Alternativelly: It is possible to turn WIFI off automatically when we push video button?
Its really tedious to go into setting and turn wifi on and off all the time!