ML spot-metering during Canon zoom

Started by garry23, April 08, 2017, 11:44:22 AM

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This may have been requested before, but as if just came up in a recent post I would like to (re)register a request.

The ML spotmeter it a very powerful feature, however, IMHO it has two 'limitation'.

First, it evaluates a fixed area of the sensor. An enhanced approach would allow two things. First, provide the user a variable to decide the spot size on the sensor. The second would be to make the sensor intelligent, and estimate the degree spot size according to the FL, eg 5 degree, 1 degree and, say, 0.5 degree.

Second, the ML spot doesn't work in Canon zoom mode, and maybe this is a fundamental ML-Canon limitation. If it is not, then making the spot work in Zoom mode would be a killer feature, especially with the additions above.

Finally, as a personal challenge I would like to look at the current coding of the spotmeter, but don't know where to find it in the ML code. Could someone point me at the right place.




1.  here and here.  There was also some other discussion regarding spot size but I can't seem to find it atm.


Please don't clutter the forum with duplicate feature requests.  I suggest to keep this thread specific to the problem in canon zoom mode.



Apologies if I've broken protocol, however, my memory is not as good as yours  ;D

Also, as time moves on, so does ML's ability to address requests that previously weren't possible.

Bottom line: I guess I'll need to take it on the chin when I do 'something wrong'  ;)



Ps I am still keen to look at the code myself to see if I can do anything.