Lightroom plugin cr2hdr v3.0 DEV (WIP)

Started by kichetof, March 18, 2014, 05:04:33 PM

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v2.2 BETA 4

  • Added metadata from akry. Big thanks guy!
Download cr2hdr 2.2 BETA 4

Thanks akry for your code, it's save to me a lot of a time!

And now the screenshots (sorry I forget to switch in english ;))


maybe you can put it on bitbucket so that others can contribute easier?
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magic lantern: 1Magic9991E1eWbGvrsx186GovYCXFbppY, server expenses: [email protected]
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no problem ! Feel free to pull request :)


@kichetof [2.1 with 5DIII and LR 5.3]
marvelous work. i just did my first dualISOs, and i'm damn proud of you, makin this files so easy to handle. one click, done. where's the donate button?
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]


@kichetof Glad it helps!

I've made two more minor additions. First, the color label. 'DualIso' or any custom color name won't work — only standard 'red', 'yellow' etc. So no point in text field, I've changed it to popup.

f:edit_field {
  value = bind 'label',
  width = 100,

replaced with

f:popup_menu {
title = LOC "$$$/ML/ExportManager/ASLabel=Color label for Dual ISO file :",
items = {
  { title = "none", value = '' },
          { title = "Red", value = 'red' },
          { title = "Yellow", value = 'yellow' },
          { title = "Green", value = 'green' },
          { title = "Blue", value = 'blue' },
          { title = "Purple", value = 'purple' },
value = LrView.bind( "label" ),
size = 'small'

Of course we have to change { key = 'label', default = "DualISO" } to { key = 'label', default = "" } upstream.

Second thing, I got complains about the final summary dialog. Dunno why but I thought this problem is easy to solve: just added checkbox «Show summary after conversion» (with a proper bind value) and enclosed summary dialog in "if exportSettings.showSummary then LrDialogs.presentModalDialog..."


@chmee glad to help you! Drink a beer for me :)

Yes good point for final dialog!

But for the label I don't understand why it doesn't work for you! I set the label but not the label color. Is it the same? see my next post

Could you send pull request from bitbucket? It's more easy to add quickly! :)

Big thanks for your feedback and your great help!

Walter Schulz

No LR at hand, damned!
Not sure who is confusing things here. Propably me, because I do not know how to do lua.

ASlabel in 2.2 Beta will be shown as a text field below pic's left corner in grid view mode (if enabled to be shown. Default is "not"). "DualISO" or other strings will work just fine here.
This "label" doesn't have to be confused with "Colour Label" ...



from LR API References

label: (string) The name of assigned color label.

don't blame me! 8)

I'll change "my label: DualISO" from label to caption or headline or maybe another when I go home and have LR on my hand ;)


@kichetof I don't! LR API is kinda esoteric. :)
BTW I can't find a way to save previous settings so Magic Lantern:cr2hdr is always using defaults. However «Export with Previous» works.


I updated the code and replaced label with caption and you can mute the summary alert.

Effectively, if you don't open the Export Manager Windows (cmd + maj + e) default settings are applied.

exportServiceProvider.sectionsForTopOfDialog( f, propertyTable )
(optional) This plug-in defined callback function is called when the user chooses this export service provider in the Export or Publish dialog.

To update with right click : Export to cr2hdr; maybe this function should be used:

exportServiceProvider.updateExportSettings( exportSettings )
(optional) This plug-in defined callback function is called at the beginning of each export and publish session before the rendition objects are generated. It provides an opportunity for your plug-in to modify the export settings.

Yes this function is called when you bypass export windows ;) so we can add some useful info!
This function is added to the source! You can play with it :)


Big cleanup !

I've split the plugin on 3 files : Primary file (MLExportServiceProvider.lua) and 2 secondary files (MLDialogs.lua, MLProcess.lua)

And I started to customizing the plugin manager ! A lot of work in perspective :)


@kichetof, refactoring in progress :)

Three issues so far.
1. I think it is a good idea to leave a color label, not caption (or maybe keep both) — I like visual when working with grid. I suggest a) assign color label; b) add keyword (not caption, coz it bad for shots management workflow).
2. MLProcess[55]: local gt = WIN_ENV and " ^> " or " > " — not working unless I change " ^>" to " >" (I use Windows 7).
3. Still can't save new settings in Export dialog, no "Update with new settings" menu item.


Okay I'll add the label color ;)

What do you suggest to replace caption?

I've no idea for windows command, I'm running on Mac and I hate cmd.exe! ;)

Quote from: chris_overseas on March 19, 2014, 12:35:04 AM

command = string.format('"start /D "%s\\bin" /B /WAIT /BELOWNORMAL cr2hdr.exe "%s" ^> "%s""', pluginPath, filePath, output)

I haven't add the keep setting but found a way for maybe keep. We need to try but  I always use export manager windows ;)

I'll check tomorrow to add color label and I need some feedback for the windows command ;)


@kichetof, I've made few patches.

1. MLDialog.lua. Added code for keywords and color labels in MLDialogs.settings()
2. MLExportServiceProvider.lua. Added "keywords" to exportServiceProvider.exportPresetFields
3. MLProcess.lua. New function MLProcess.split() and new code in MLProcess.process()
4. MLProcess.lua. I think local gt = WIN_ENV and " > " or " > " is unneeded — local gt = " > " is enough. It works on my PC.

Seemed, cr2hdr already adds "Dual-ISO" keyword by itself.


@akry ! Yeah good patches!

I'll add it tonight!

I don't know for local gt because I never add problem with > or ^> but I never really used this plugin on windows


The color label is user dependent.

In my case, I set red color to "Reject" and in the MLDialog is set to "red" so, no color! But if I set Red to "Reject" it works fine!

I added your patches and custom label color with user defines. Unless that, it doesn't work if it not the same name ;)


Known issue with color label.. If you change from menu the title of the label and you run the plugin, the name inside the plugin is the old name. You need to close and re open the plugin to get it the new.

I made some test and I can't found a way to bind title.

Actually this is the code to fill popup_menu items

but I think we have no problem if you can make something like that but it doesn't works

If you have some useful information, please help me :)

I think that the problem come with the async task to get the color name.

Ok I know, it comes from the async function, I've tested some things and I found that the async function return the value after exportServiceProvider.sectionsForTopOfDialog, so it's normal that the value is the old. We need to find an "update" method to refresh values

Solved! Thanks Rob from adobe!


Hey There!

First of all, big Hand to kiteof producing this marvelous piece of plugin-code :D
I am new to ML anyway and was unsure to use it in daily photography; since most of these interesting features required me a lot of learning-how-to and post-processing; whereas i allways want to get best results out of my camera straight away.
I tumbled over the Dual-Iso-Function, since this is a great Idea never the less allows me to take an HDR even in High-Speed-movements with an incredible quality.
Since i found this Lightroom-Plugin (v.2.1 installed) i am going to use Dual-ISO more often! It works like a charm, just by x-ing out original Cr2's, then export to DNG and afterwards erasing Cr2s. It has made dealing with Dual-Iso even more simple then producing multiple image-hdr (where you have alignment probs and so on.)

Long story short, i am deeply impressed! Therefor i want to contribute your plugin and bring the german language-files to a grammatically correct version. (me<=native) Will i need to upload the german strings-file?

Yours, Niklas

Walter Schulz

Download latest beta from and extract TranslatedStrings_de.txt and try your best. I expect Beta 5 to arrive this weekend.


Hi nikasio14! Thanks for your feedback and for your help.

As Walter said, a new beta will come soon :)

When it will available, you can play with the source code and change value into TranslatedStrings_de.txt and you can directly send a pull request (clone the project, navigate into your fork source, directly edit from your browser or use TortoiseHG to synchronize to your computer, and send a pull request into mine)

helpful informations: Submitting a pull request all via web browser, Creating Pull Request

Stay tuned!


V2.2 BETA 5 and I hope the last beta :)

What's new:

  • Define color label
  • Add keywords

Windows users please test, test & test again! I removed an escaped character but I've no windows on the hand to test ;)

People who speak: german or portuguese please send me the correct translation for the plugin! I will be very grateful!

Download cr2hdr 2.2 BETA 5

Please feedbacks!


Walter Schulz

I suppose color labeling is responsible for this warning:

(Rough Translation:
Your catalog must be updated before it can be used with the following plug-in:
Dual ISO converter
Update Catalog; Disable This Plug-In)

I'm not happy about this.
Is it really necessary to change LR's database schema? Is there a way to make this one optional? What happens if Adobe changes the schema? Will there be data loss?

Will test it after I created a new catalog to play with.



this is quite normal when installing a plugin.
i guess you have enough backups :)
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