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Messages - thedcmule2

Is there any updates to these tests?

I am stuck between buying 128gb or 64gb and do not know if either is reliable. I know this thread is old but would love an update from any of you, thanks!
This card is rated 120mb/s write speed (and someone on the canon rumor forums says it only really goes up to 83mb/s while recording which isnt enough for 1920x1080x24).

The reason I want to buy this is because its like $250 cheaper than the Lexar does anyone know about how well this thing record? Thanks,.
Why do some other forums claim that 5d3 ml raw can record 1080p 60fps? Also can it do 2.5k continuous? Audio recording?
Also, can you preview what you recorded on the back the camera?
I read around and here are some things I heard about 5D3 ML RAW that aren't matching up with the google doc:

1) It shoots in 2.5K continuous (doc is showing 1920x1080x only)
2) It now records audio (cant tell by doc)
3) It shoots 60fps at 1920x1080p for slow-mo (doc showing 1920x672, 1.61x...which means what?)