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Topics - Arthur Rambo

Hello !
Graded with ACR, reason why it flickers here and there !
All of the CD visuals were taken from some of the frames of the video.
Thanks ML !


Hope you'll like it !

French 80s pop icon Desireless with Antoine Aureche (Operation of the Sun) new single.
Shot on a 5D Mark iii + Magic Lantern.
Couldn't have been possible without MLV Converter (thanks Tony !)
I shot .mlv, converted them in dng sequences, imported them in After Effects without any Adobe Camera Raw modifications, created proxies, Imported the compositions in Premiere. Imported the .wav file associated with the dng sequences (got 1 frame difference between the .wav created and the video file)
Edited in Premiere, trimed my compositions in AE as my edit in Premiere to reduce the calculations time, re-imported the dngs in AE and graded with ACR, turned off the proxies and then render in Premiere.
I'd say this workflow increases up to 30% your overall working time. Can be pretty tedious, but once you get the routine optimized, it's doable. And well, you work with raw files !
Shot reasonably for 3 days, got 300go Dngs, and deleted the .mlv files once converted to dngs.
For some clips, the frame rates skipped randomely from 25 fps to 29.776. To avoid that, choose FPS override in ML.
To reduce the amount of data, I shot in crop mode.

ML settings :
Global Draw : On all modes
Cropmarks : On
Raw video (MLV) : 1920x818 (2.35:1), Global draw : Allow
Hi there !

First of all thank you for your great work.. I know eyes are all on raw video right now, but I was wondering if these features would be interesting for photograph users :

- The possibility to assign a button to change between different picture ratio overlay (1x1 , 4x5 , 7x11 , 16x9 etc etc...)
- For any focal, aperture, and nearest object in focus given, ML would calculate the hyperfocal distance.

Thank you again !