Tragic Lantern for 6D

Started by 1%, December 24, 2012, 07:07:02 PM

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Quote from: DTSET123 on February 06, 2013, 02:22:20 AM
When I tried RC at first, without any overrides, it still crashed. I will do some more testing later.

Question, when arrow shortcuts are on, for automatic white balance it says push but how? The SET button does not do it. How do you use that feature?

push focus points (far right button) and then set. but you cant have af in quick mode


Canon puts the white blocks. Shortcuts are on the focus pattern key. have to make them switch while recording, all buttons go dead. will need to rewrite the 5d3 double click feature for that.

If you overrode initqp or bit rate while on rate control then it will crash. Just autoload on an rate control config. make sure its in the ML folder.

Need to make the patterns work again, one point or all points is pretty worthless.


QuoteIf you overrode initqp or bit rate while on rate control then it will crash. Just autoload on an rate control config. make sure its in the ML folder.
That's what I meant. No override and auto load on still crashed and ini is in ML folder. I am going to modify the ini and lower Min and Max bitrate and see what happens.
I have the short cuts on the display and everything works except pushWB. Is that because I have ISO assigned to it in canon?



Dont bother, yes it was because of that. THX anyway!


FPS table is at 0x82e14 with timer B on you get 77FPS in 60 and 40 in 30P... too bad b isn't changing and makes purple screens.

Prop LV lens is still there but the offsets are wrong. on my 35-135 I get 135mm at 35mm and 106mm at 135mm, this tells me the count isn't right. maybe something a uint8 instead of 16.


why is it so hard to post a photo on here, I'm gonna show you guys something that will BLOW your mind


take a look at this image of what my 6d footage looks like

such a joke, and I can't believe nobody else is having this issue

the BMCC can't get here fast enough



I think 400, but that should NOT even matter.  I have take pictures with this camera in PITCH BLACK, LITERALLY PITCH BLACK and had nowhere NEAR this kind of noise or lines

before I put ML on the 6D I never had such an issue.

I shot a really dark scene of my brother driving at night and there was no noise and it was at a pretty extreme ISO

I've done testing with all-i, ipb, no bit or q increase, VBR, CBR, low iso, medium iso, and I'm getting the same results.
ML is causing a major issue, or I have a setting that isn't right.  I wish people would post some low light test videos or screen shots of.


are using peaking? if so turn it off. What if u dont use ML and reset camera settings, you still get that?


I tried with peaking off and it was the same

do I have to completely remove ML or can I use a different SD card that doesn't have ML on it.
because I tried a SD without ML and it was the same.


weird, there is something wrong with your cam
can you upload short clip at ISO 400 so we can take a look


This looks like a hardware defect. those are vertical lines. do they show up in pics? at least you found out now, not next year


no, only in video

I bought the camera from BH, but if it is a hardware issue, do you think canon would issue a full refund?

but the thing is, I didn't have these lines before ML, so i'm still not gonna blame canon just yet.


I bought the camera from BH, but if it is a hardware issue, do you think canon would issue a full refund?

dont expect him to answer that question, you know the rules. If this is a hardware problem it would happen regardless, it just happens that you had ML when it happened. ML does not write anything to cam's ram so if you take out ML and it is still messed up, well at least you have options.


mine doesn't have the lines. I've used ml too and done worse things. use a non bootable card and reset all settings but this is probably a has to go back to seller or manufacturer kind of thing. it does it with no ML. if you're going to get the bmcc just try and get your money back. you used the shit out of the camera testing it, if you hadn't it might have failed out of warranty


Quote from: gravitatemediagroup on January 26, 2013, 03:34:49 AM
nope, camera is dead

but it did, it took about 10 seconds to transfer files to SD, and then it created a new autoexec
maybe it was when this happened?


Quote from: gravitatemediagroup on February 06, 2013, 05:45:33 AM
the BMCC can't get here fast enough

can you use canon lenses on the BMCC, I dont know much about it.


Yea, its ef mount.

*made the bit rate more user proof and informative with new api
*pic style editing fixed, the const was never checked
*double click dead button to toggle zoom or shortcuts (pick in lv zoom settings0
*Kill canon dialogs


Quote from: sparedog on February 06, 2013, 12:49:03 PM
maybe it was when this happened?

possibly, but then that would be a result of ML causing the issue.

if you see the picture I posted of a clip shot before installing ML.  that was at a extremely high ISO.

i'm gonna try a different card, and take ML off the camera and see what happens

why do my pictures not display the same lines that the video is?

why has nobody posted any test footage yet?


Quote from: sparedog on February 06, 2013, 01:02:20 PM
can you use canon lenses on the BMCC, I dont know much about it.

yes, if you have't seen the video "meet me in big sur" shot with the BMCC I HIGHLY suggest it.
I really hope that the bmcc forces canon to be a little more realistic with their prices from here on out.

I found one that I'm going to buy but it's going to cost me $4100, that's $1100 over retail, but it's brand new.  I


That is weird.. but they are 2 different ways of sampling the sensor
1. really fast, change cmos clock, skip every x lines chroma/luma
2. take a pic, read every line slowly

that's all I can think of.

I posted test footage a ways back, do you want black or something. My footage now looks like your "pre ml' footage

RC_IPB_STOCK_MVI_7291.MOV (145.8 MB)!A4wFjL5Q!fcfZ2lGdUlQiU_swlipc6XZgKOMjNiYkYhISMP0zHDY

vs rate control on the "same" realistic scene

MVI_7293.MOV (321.3 MB)!hhgXxLbA!MB-_egDLa_AVjSTyV7nFxnF1aPd1rZqpRJ9ej2Dnydg