My MiniRAW 1 Project :-)

Started by janoschsimon, August 25, 2013, 06:24:28 PM

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Hey all :-)
im working on a small DIY Project:
over at EOSHD i posted something about it :-)

in short its a small Point Grey Flea 3 USB 3 Camera with c-mount.
i managed to get it shooting in 720p 120fps 12bit raw :-=) continuous onto an SSD raid0 in a .raw format (guess its different then the ML .raw)

but now im at a point where i need help :-)

the camera software is the control software from pointgrey flycapture 2 in which i can adjust the gain the fps the shutter and so on

i want to make my own GUI to control the camera and then either save directly .dng or like now record .raw and then convert to dng or (whats at the moment not working) from my .raw to Cineform RAW

would be great if some c++ gurus can help me to complete this project :-)

if you need a .raw or .dng drop me a line :-)

cheers and thx


Magic Lantern exists because the DEVs own the cameras they create the code for and have a passion for Canon cameras.

I don't speak for them but you're not the first to ask for help on your one off non Canon project, I'd say you're on your own.
5D Mark III -- 7D   SOLD -- EOS M 22mm 18-55mm STM -- Fuji X-T1 18-55 F2.8-F4 & 35 F1.4
Canon Glass   100L F2.8 IS -- 70-200L F4 -- 135L F2 -- 85 F1.8 -- 17-40L --  40 F2.8 -- 35 F2 IS  Sigma Glass  120-300 F2.8 OS -- 50 F1.4 -- 85 F1.4  Tamron Glass   24-70 2.8 VC   600EX-RT X3


Since is "only" a raw file maybe one dev that makes the raw2dng app can inclued this type of raw in there software... you never know...


Hes asking for a Graphical User Interface that controls the camera... thats a little more than a RAW2DNG app...
5D Mark III -- 7D   SOLD -- EOS M 22mm 18-55mm STM -- Fuji X-T1 18-55 F2.8-F4 & 35 F1.4
Canon Glass   100L F2.8 IS -- 70-200L F4 -- 135L F2 -- 85 F1.8 -- 17-40L --  40 F2.8 -- 35 F2 IS  Sigma Glass  120-300 F2.8 OS -- 50 F1.4 -- 85 F1.4  Tamron Glass   24-70 2.8 VC   600EX-RT X3


yeah if a dev could help me with the raw2dng to cineform raw thing that would be a great start :)


hey guys my project is working fine :-) now i would love to include false color would it be possible to use the ML false color code on a windows based gui?

cheers and thx


You can use any code provided you follow the terms of the licensing agreement.

falsecolor.c is GPL.


yeah! thx! will give it a try and i dont plan to sell my miniraw :-)

cheers and thx


GPL does not prohibit selling.  However, if you modify the code and distribute it (even in binary form), you must make the modified code available on request, or distribute the code with the binary.

Good form is to acknowledge the original authors of the code, and even better form is to push your changes back to the original project (ML in this case).


Absolutely. It'll be a win-win for you, GPL & everyone on board w ML.

5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


irgs the best would be if a programmer can contact me :-) guess im lost alone :D
check this guys

those montiors start at 3000$ :-(

but how can they make it that smooth? :D