Force fixed aperture for non chipped lenses

Started by leandroprz, November 10, 2013, 05:00:38 AM

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Edit: after doing a few more tests, it seems I got the features mixed up. What I described above seems to be exposure simulation, right? Now I feel like an idiot -.-

Yeah, this is actually an undocumented trick of exposure override: when it's on, ML does exposure simulation that extends into extreme darkness (with display gain and FPS override - try that one to get rid of noise).

Regarding porting, I'd say the two bugs are unrelated: one is ML not being able to detect when you are adjusting ISO, and the other is probably some math stuff, ISO limits, display gain implementation or who knows what (one may find out by breaking down ML's exposure simulation from bv_expsim_shift, lens.c).


For 50D, I think not being able to see digital ISO hides when canon altered it for LV while not changing the prop... ie in A/V mode I get exposure changes in LV and the aperture isn't clicked.


Yep, that code needs to be ported from old bars to lvinfo.


Yep, ISO now changes on 6D and EOSM, however some modules aren't building now because they are missing a dependency

[ DEPENDS  ]   ettr.dep
Will NOT load on:
    6D (expo_lock_update_value)
    EOSM (expo_lock_update_value)


Works on the 6D even in combination with Expo Lock, on the M however Expo Lock doesn't seem to work right, shutter speed jumps right to 30" when I adjust aperture or ISO, I'll have to investigate, don't know if it didn't work before either...

EDIT: I forgot to mention that changing ISO works as well on the M