Keeping forks up to date

Started by stevefal, September 10, 2013, 10:31:47 PM

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I'm experimenting with ML on my own fork (

I understand that if I had a branch on the main ML repository, I'd be able to merge new commits into my branch. But I want to push my work for backup and sharing. So since I don't have write permissions on the the main repo, I have forked instead.

Question is, can I merge the latest mainline commits into my fork? I use SourceTree and don't have much experience with mercurial.
Steve Falcon


yes, it's easy! do it from bitbucket, when there are new commits to the main repo, you will see an option on the upper righthand side on the main page of your repo that says "sync now" that will sync your bitbucket repo with changes from the main repo, then you need to pull them to your local repo (clone), you can do that with hg pull, or the "Pull" button in SourceTree


Steve Falcon