60D RAW video - it's working !!!

Started by marekk, May 24, 2013, 09:27:26 PM

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He's not talking about the rainbows, he means the splotches of red and blue. very small ones, on the right.


QuoteNot too sure what's happening but I am seeing some small red, blue, and yellow lines scattered throughout

Turn on lv_af_raw... its needed for 5D3/600D but causes this on 6D :o


Hi guys, does anyone have any tips or thoughts for increasing the malloc to squeeze out more frames on the 60D at higher resolutions? Right now I can get 143 frames at 1600x900 if I put the picture recording mode on jpeg (not raw or raw+jpeg) per the tip from several days ago (I am using the 5/25 build btw). Does anyone think that ultimately there will be other ways to inch closer to using more of the memory for raw recording bursts in the future either by disabling unneeded features or some other creative methods? 143 frames (5.9 seconds at 23.98) is certainly an improvement over where we were just a few short days ago. I'm Just trying to stay hopeful and positive for a future break-through that may allow us to get to 8 or 10 seconds of recording time if not more.


I would certainly love for that possibility, but I don't think we will be able to do that with 14bit RAW. Maybe if they get 12 or 10 bit working. Regardless of how much you increase the buffer, my understanding is that the write speed limits writing these large files. Eventually that space is going to get backed up enough and full and cause recording to stop.

This is why I am strongly considering a 50D for higher resolution RAW. At the current stable resolutions (960 wide), the resolution looks not much better than regular H264. Now if we could get the 1280 wide modes working stably (720p or the 2.35 and 2.39 crops of it) that could be a great compromise. The image is still an increase in sharpness over regular H264.

The last option is to record at 1440 wide (1440 by 602 for example) at 12fps, then use Twixtor or similar software to create the missing frames in post. Not perfect, but probably the best we're going to get.

I did propose the idea of using JPEGs so that we could at least get sharper video at FullHD, but I don't know wether that's even possible.


I was testing out the latest build (05-28) and RAW video has some amazing capabilities (I'm not new to RAW photography, so this feature is really exciting for me). The only problem is the speed cap for writing, although even a wee bit of actual RAW footage could sometimes be very useful for artistic purposes.

I was wondering, maybe there is some sort of a soft mod possible to increase the SD writing speed? The connectors for my 32GB SanDisk Extreme Pro UHS-1 (95MB/s) SDHC card are exactly the same as those of some old SD card I have. I know the card itself has some stuff inside to speed it up, but this can't be all just on the hardware end, can it? After all, overclocking CPU's is possible without modifying the hardware... If it's one thing we've learned - it's that Canon likes to lock some stuff in their cameras. Maybe the writing speed is capped somewhere to make the 60D inferior to higher end cameras...
If that doesn't cut it, another idea I had was to maybe somehow push the RAW feed through the HDMI as data to an external device. Not sure if this makes sense though... My backing of this is that HDMI should in theory be able to push some serious data rates through it (we're talking in hundreds of megabits and even gigabits here, depending on hardware).

Hope my thoughts can spark something in the minds of devs here. Amazing work, guys! We've gone a long way since the 5D3 could only push 28 frames at once, so I believe the 60D can go through similar changes too :)


no, UHS support is on hardware level, 60D is not having a UHS controller and thus it is impossible to do so

Here is the information from wikipedia
UHS-I cards, specified in SD Version 3.01,[41] support a clock frequency of 100 MHz (a quadrupling of the original "Default Speed"), which in four-bit transfer mode could transfer 50 MB/s. UHS-I cards declared as UHS104 also support a clock frequency of 208 MHz, which could transfer 104 MB/s. UHS-I is the fastest class for which products are currently available.[45]


I installed this on my late 2010 60D and all is well; 960x540@24 works just fine on a Transcend 16 GB class 10 card which benchmarks around 19.7 MB/s. And I can't figure out how to get the video to play back in camera; it only shows anything at all in live view, and then it is very glitchy. It also ERR 80's sometimes when I try to review, and then I have to pull the battery. Anyone else have this issue?

The biggest problems now are I that I have major 5D3 envy, and I need more hard disk space. I'm not expecting any major 60D breakthroughs, but I wouldn't really mind if there was.


Considering all work that's done it is amazing how far we came with the Canon 60D and ML RAW video.

But to be honest, I don't think Full 14bits RAW HD video is possible with the 60D.
So it will be fantastic for doing timelapse or stop motion animation.
For instance in combination with Dragonframe it would be fabulous!
But the only thing missing for timelapse and stop motion animation is a bigger resolution.
Why is 1728x972px the maximum? 2560 would already be nice to be able to do some panning in post!

Or buy a Canon 50D :-)
My first Canon: FTb QL (Quick Loading), my first digital Canon: 20D 2.0.3
The current one: Canon EOS R


You should to remenber that:
- Max LiveView RAW in 60D is 1734x1156
- Camera can write max 20MB/s, full HD needs 90-100MB/s
- Max width of raw movie on Canon 50D is 1592
- There is no special RAW_REC module for 60D, it's the same file like for 5D, 550D, 6D etc.
... and how RAW_REC works

Quote"Raw data is sub-sampled (RGGB) from the 22MP sensor, using an electronic rolling shutter. The sensor sampling modes remained unchanged from the stock Canon spec and the sensor is doing what it does normally with the official Canon firmware. The sensor data is stored in memory during live view operation and Canon's code uses this data to supply an image for the LCD, HDMI and video mode. Magic Lantern's code simply addresses the memory containing the raw data and copies it to the compact flash card via the buffer."

Quote from: kotik on May 29, 2013, 11:02:31 AM
Considering all work that's done it is amazing how far we came with the Canon 60D and ML RAW video.

But to be honest, I don't think Full 14bits RAW HD video is possible with the 60D.
So it will be fantastic for doing timelapse or stop motion animation.
For instance in combination with Dragonframe it would be fabulous!
But the only thing missing for timelapse and stop motion animation is a bigger resolution.
Why is 1728x972px the maximum? 2560 would already be nice to be able to do some panning in post!

Or buy a Canon 50D :-)


Thanks marekk for making this clear.

It is possible to get the full 18 Megapixels in RAW for timelaps and stop motion animation, bypassing Live View?
My first Canon: FTb QL (Quick Loading), my first digital Canon: 20D 2.0.3
The current one: Canon EOS R


@Kotik - If you're doing stop-motion animation why not just use the camera for photos and get 5k frame sizes?
Colorist working with Davinci Resolve, Baselight, Nuke, After Effects & Premier Pro. Occasional Sunday afternoon DOP. Developer of Cinelog-C Colorspace Management and LUTs - www.cinelogdcp.com


My first Canon: FTb QL (Quick Loading), my first digital Canon: 20D 2.0.3
The current one: Canon EOS R


Quote from: kotik on May 29, 2013, 11:02:31 AM

But the only thing missing for timelapse and stop motion animation is a bigger resolution.
Why is 1728x972px the maximum? 2560 would already be nice to be able to do some panning in post!

Or buy a Canon 50D :-)

Silent picture shoots DNG at a higher resolution. Its I believe 2K..  Use that instead of raw video for timelapse if you don't want to eat the shutter with standard pictures.  I am currently uploading one to you tube now. It will take another few hours tell its up. I had to down scale it to 1080.


The Silent Pictures and raw videos are nothing else than the LiveView image before the Picture Styles are applied. So you can't get higher resolutions than what Canon gives us. For the 18 Megapixel APS-C cameras that means the max. resolution is 1734 X 1156. Only in 5X magnification mode you get a higher resolutions. You could make a high-res matrix be moving the focus box of course.

The 15 Megapixel 50D has an even lower LiveView resolution than the 60D/600D/550D.


Quote from: CFP on May 29, 2013, 03:56:30 PM
The Silent Pictures and raw videos are nothing else than the LiveView image before the Picture Styles are applied. So you can't get higher resolutions than what Canon gives us. For the 18 Megapixel APS-C cameras that means the max. resolution is 1734 X 1156. Only in 5X magnification mode you get a higher resolutions. You could make a high-res matrix be moving the focus box of course.

The 15 Megapixel 50D has an even lower LiveView resolution than the 60D/600D/550D.

Ahh yes 1734 X 1156 was the resolution I was looking for. I did notice it does have more than a normal 100iso raw when processing. However a little ACR noise reduction it looks great.   Really with SD cards raw video is viable only in short clips because even with a camera that can handle it without filling the buffer. You can fill the card very very quickly.


Quote from: Andy600 on May 29, 2013, 03:08:48 PM
@Kotik - If you're doing stop-motion animation why not just use the camera for photos and get 5k frame sizes?

No wear on the shutter perhaps? 10 minutes of animation @24fps = 14,400 shutter actuations...I have not tried to upscale the frames yet, but considering the look of  the silent pics it might be worth the reduction in size if you do a great deal of stop motion.

A little OT - sorry.


Quote from: marekk on May 29, 2013, 01:33:02 PM
You should to remenber that:
- Max LiveView RAW in 60D is 1734x1156
- Camera can write max 20MB/s, full HD needs 90-100MB/s
- Max width of raw movie on Canon 50D is 1592
- There is no special RAW_REC module for 60D, it's the same file like for 5D, 550D, 6D etc.
... and how RAW_REC works


I would suggest that you added this valuable information to the first post of this thread. And thank you for spending your time on RAW for 60D.  :)


Still getting dropped resolution from my 60D.
So the following happens once i unwrap the Raw file with RAW2DNG:
1720x732 = 1704x716

However, now i'm using RPP to process the DNGs & once converted to TIFFs they change size again to 1714x726.
So, not really a problem anymore as its only a fraction off now.

Would highly recommend RPP if you're on a Mac & don't have PS, LR or AE.
Or, if you don't like how ACR handles Raw!
RPP has all the settings you need apart from a Denoiser & it also has some pretty nice Film Stock emulating presets!


Quote from: Andy600 on May 29, 2013, 03:08:48 PM
@Kotik - If you're doing stop-motion animation why not just use the camera for photos and get 5k frame sizes?

Stop motion animation is not my first goal with the 60D. It's mainly use is shooting video.


All shots were taken with the 60D execpt the close-ups of the talking people are shot with a Sony EX-3.
So I'm still interested in ML RAW on a 60D but realize the 5D MIII is the way to go for me!
My first Canon: FTb QL (Quick Loading), my first digital Canon: 20D 2.0.3
The current one: Canon EOS R


Quote from: 1% on May 29, 2013, 01:24:23 AM
Turn on lv_af_raw... its needed for 5D3/600D but causes this on 6D :o

Thanks! But how would I go about turning it on?

Edit: Tried the May 27th build for 60D and no problems, looks like the 28th build introduced something that messes it up


My compile chain also finally working now and I got also the full image (as in nightly build) without module support. (which is ~3mb for all cameras)
If I try to activate module support (and dependencies), I got a 3.5mb autoexec, but it crashs on start with null pointer. Is this image to big, oder is something else broken then?
Your image has the module support, but nothing else. Do you deactivate all features in features.h? Some lower features as silent pictures or such things - some features are really not very important.

Is there a way of combination both ways in one image?
60D & 5D3


My ISO (100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400) RAW video tests on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/67242906


I love MagicLantern and who made this and dev....... !!

well, I copy that file and add modules and finaly record raw !


when I copy files to my laptop and try to opening... my face changed, like this -=>  :o

when drag to photoshop :

when opened :

( very sorry for my bad english  :-[ )


@saeed2vfx: you don't open these files in photoshop - they are not .RAW 32BPC HDR files that it supports. You need to convert it to a DNG sequence using RAW2DNG. Once you have the sequence, you can import it into After Effects or other editing/compositing suite (subject to support for DNG sequences) and start playing around with it.


I managed to achieve 247 frames of 1280x536 (2.39:1) RAW with my 60D and a Transcend 32GB class 10 card.

Here is a test clip comparing the RAW to the H.264.


The footage is ungraded. The H.264 was shot with the cloudy WB setting and Picture style with reduced contrast and saturation.

If it wasn't raining, I would have gotten some nicer beauty shots but this clip does a decent job of demonstrating the enhanced detail in the distance.