[RAW2DNG] BATCHelor 3.0 Alpha 3

Started by fatpig, May 24, 2013, 03:43:29 PM

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Quote from: Chpouky on December 13, 2013, 02:06:57 PM
Great tool, thanks ! BUT, why do I get ".dngp-@" files instead of ".dng" ? I did a quick research and it seems like nobody had this problem.
I choosed the "normal" option.

EDIT: same with the "Lossy" option

I too am having a similar problem: slightly different format that ends in @ but no dng extension.  Also the thumbnail looks purple and washed out.


I'm sorry, but inside the Trojan. ??



I tried now and it gets an error while trying to extract the file. Processing: normal ( no dng box checked)
Error: line 9622 error : subscript used with non-array variable.