550D/T2i raw video recording port official thread

Started by dlrpgmsvc, May 22, 2013, 12:11:45 PM

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Do someone knows about a workflow where we use a resolution/fps pair that provoke some dropped frames, then, in post production, an automatic method finds the dropped frames and interpolates them by feeding twixtor ? It would be very nice and useful !  8)
If you think it's impossible, you have lost beforehand



Quote from: crash-film on June 10, 2013, 01:36:15 PM

- rawanizer=> dng
- canon raw software => tiff ( "grading" done completely in raw then exported as 12 bit tiffs)
- Quicktime => dnxhd 10bit
- editing/scaling in lightworks

What canon raw software do you use? I am unable to open the dng's in DPP.


An Other test, this time I used the 1152x432 resolution at 24fps


Quote from: MaKsOZ on June 10, 2013, 10:24:09 PM
An Other test, this time I used the 1152x432 resolution at 24fps

Really nice shots. Would you mind sharing your workflow?



Quote from: funkysensation on June 10, 2013, 01:09:11 PM
Hey guys here are two tests of the ML Raw Module:

from last week in Istanbul 960x480@24fps upscaled to 720p (ML_960x480_Raw_Rec from mk11174). Please download the HD Version (vimeo hd limit is reached)

and from Rhein in Duesseldorf 1280x426@24fps (latest built) got 240 frames continuously.

Thank you guys for your excellent work on 550D.

Wow 1280x426@24fps (latest built) got 240 frames continuously!

What sd card do you have, if I may ask?

robinson brothers

Magic Lantern RAW Test

Camera: 500D (T2i)
Canon 50mm 1.8, Zoom Lens 75-300mm and 18-55mm
RAW Resolution: 1152x496 20fps
Output Resolution: 1920x800 24fps

Workflow: RAWanizer > ACR > AfterEffects (Upsizing, Output to Cineform) > Premiere (Editing) > SpeedGrade (ColorGrade, Output DPX) > Premiere (Output MP4 and others)

Music: RainDrops (Working piece by Jonathan Robinson (Me)


is there any new build for 550d?and what about the shoot malloc...the buffer seems to be larger than 2+31mb

any chance to unlock this?

thanks for this great raw tool!!



Quote from: hammermina on June 11, 2013, 11:48:32 AM
here i found someting interresting it seems there is a little bit more speed possible...


This is indeed interesting. So the fastest card for our 550D would be Sandisk Extreme 16GB 30MB/s. It squeezes out 22,6 MB/s!


Quote from: Chagalj on June 11, 2013, 12:54:28 PM
This is indeed interesting. So the fastest card for our 550D would be Sandisk Extreme 16GB 30MB/s. It squeezes out 22,6 MB/s!
I ran some test on my 550D with with a 32GB Sandisk Extreme 30MB/s card. Images from the tests are here if you are interested https://picasaweb.google.com/114928490933466628908/MagicLanternTests



Tried both 30mb & 45 mb ExtremePro cards and 45 gave me more frames and fps.  I've landed on 3:1 1280x426 @ 23fps, after maybe one drop frame record, it'll give me 3000+ on the 45MB... fyi  Magic Raw record module...


Quote from: dpiximaj on June 11, 2013, 07:14:14 PM
Tried both 30mb & 45 mb ExtremePro cards and 45 gave me more frames and fps.  I've landed on 3:1 1280x426 @ 23fps, after maybe one drop frame record, it'll give me 3000+ on the 45MB... fyi  Magic Raw record module...

those are great numbers!

Wow the 550D is a real raw camera!


i used a sandisk extreme pro 95 mb/s 32gb to get 240 Frames at 1280x426...


Got a strange issue going on. This is what I get when I convert my RAW file to DNG's. They look like this;

I've tried formatting the card, removing magic lantern from both the camera and the card, re-installing it, and different builds. I'm using a Scandisk Extreme 45mb/s card, too.

Any ideas?  :-\


Quote from: Kornowski on June 11, 2013, 09:57:19 PM
Got a strange issue going on. This is what I get when I convert my RAW file to DNG's. They look like this;

I've tried formatting the card, removing magic lantern from both the camera and the card, re-installing it, and different builds. I'm using a Scandisk Extreme 45mb/s card, too.

Any ideas?  :-\

first of all, its sandisk.

second, try adjusting framerates. you're using 24p or 30p.


Quote from: qsara on June 11, 2013, 10:28:12 PM
first of all, its sandisk.

second, try adjusting framerates. you're using 24p or 30p.

Ah, my bad.

It worked for a bit last night recording 24p @ 960x480 with a 2:1 aspect ratio.
I've just tried it at 22fps and nothing, same problem. Everything I try results in those weird artifacts/corruptions.

EDIT: Just tried 12fps and it seems to have worked, apart from a slight glitch on one frame. I don't get why it'd be glitching if my settings were below 20mb/s write?


Quote from: Kornowski on June 11, 2013, 10:32:57 PM
Ah, my bad.

It worked for a bit last night recording 24p @ 960x480 with a 2:1 aspect ratio.
I've just tried it at 22fps and nothing, same problem. Everything I try results in those weird artifacts/corruptions.

EDIT: Just tried 12fps and it seems to have worked, apart from a slight glitch on one frame. I don't get why it'd be glitching if my settings were below 20mb/s write?

I had 2 550Ds (now have one) always used different versions of them with same SD cards (sandisk extreme series, 30MB/s and 45MB/s) never get what you've experiencing. maybe someone else can answer your request.


Quote from: qsara on June 11, 2013, 11:41:33 PM
I had 2 550Ds (now have one) always used different versions of them with same SD cards (sandisk extreme series, 30MB/s and 45MB/s) never get what you've experiencing. maybe someone else can answer your request.

Which build are you guys using? I don't seem to be able to get as high a res, or aspect ratio as most people here, despite having a fairly decent card?


Quote from: Kornowski on June 12, 2013, 12:28:08 AM
Which build are you guys using? I don't seem to be able to get as high a res, or aspect ratio as most people here, despite having a fairly decent card?

maybe your card is not real sandisk extreme, there are some kirfs on the market. have you checked the speed with usb 3.0 card reader (if you have)

I'm using what they're using, nothing special. I don't do modifications lately. you can find the zip file on 20th or 21st page


Since the Hardware is locked at 21MB/s and I have two card which benchmark faster It won't matter correct because at the end of the day can't go higher.

My test looks like this:

Write speed buffer 2048 = 19.4MB/S
Read speed buffer 2048= 21.3 MB/S
Write speed buffer 1953= 16.7 MB/S
Read speed buffer 1953 = 21.0 MB/S
Write speed buffer 3072 = 19.5 MB/S
Read speed buffer 3072 = 21.4 MB/S
Write speed buffer 2929 = 17.9 MB/S
Read speed buffer 2929 = 21.1 MB/S
Write speed buffer 4096 = 19.5 MB/S
Read speed buffer 4096= 21.3 MB/S

I'm getting the bug where the screen is all messed up but i'm using FPS override at 12 fps @ Resolution 1280x640

Any ideas?


Quote from: qsara on June 12, 2013, 12:32:35 AM
maybe your card is not real sandisk extreme, there are some kirfs on the market. have you checked the speed with usb 3.0 card reader (if you have)

I'm using what they're using, nothing special. I don't do modifications lately. you can find the zip file on 20th or 21st page

I think it is, I bought it in store rather than online. I'll run some tests on it later though to see!

Do people have any tips/advice? I've been reading about people having photo 'M' mode set to jpeg, rather than RAW - does that make a difference? Also, does it matter if the camera is in 1080p or 720p? I'm using FPS override to set it to 23.976 anyway


Quote from: Kornowski on June 12, 2013, 10:43:38 AM
I think it is, I bought it in store rather than online. I'll run some tests on it later though to see!

Do people have any tips/advice? I've been reading about people having photo 'M' mode set to jpeg, rather than RAW - does that make a difference? Also, does it matter if the camera is in 1080p or 720p? I'm using FPS override to set it to 23.976 anyway

I'm having the same issue as you with the last build. I'm going to revert back a few builds to where I know it was working.