Need help quick! T3i Audio.

Started by dilectus, January 24, 2014, 06:47:33 AM

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I have a problem and google searches for a solution have yielded nothing useful whatsoever.

So, I have a t2i and a t3i. With my t2i, I access controls for audio and white balance/ISO using the button that in manual mode would activate the flash. On the t3i, it used to be that I could access white balance/ISO controls with the DISP button and the flash button would access volume control, but now the flash button does nothing except quickly flash a message reading something along the lines of "this function is not available in video mode" (referring to flash). Somehow my volume is turned WAY down on my t3i so that no audio is recorded at all, and I cannot figure out how to turn up the volume. How come I can no longer access audio control using that button, and how did I even set it that way in the first place? Please advise.