EOS M ** Alpha 1 ** [FIXED][DOWNLOAD]

Started by coutts, November 23, 2012, 12:36:28 AM

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can't believe EOS M porting is so fast! Just donated $10 to express my excite!

As I take astronomy photos, without ML on EOS M, there are so many limitation to use it even the body provide very ideal weight and good picture quality compare to my ML installed 60D

intervometer and time lapse is so important for astro photo so i will wait!

ah. let me see if I'm going to be free to join ML developing later in December (le me working with embedded system)


lots of homework this week, so no updates for now. This weekend I'll release a dumper to allow others to develop if they wish. Maybe an early alpha soon, but I want to get some more features working so it's actually worth testing.

Small update:
Yesterday I think I found a way to block touch events, so I can disable the touch screen while in the ML menu. This way touching the screen won't interact with screen elements underneath the menu. In future releases I want to implement a touch menu for ML. Alex has talked in the past about possibly doing an iPhone-style interface with icons, which could be completely possible. I also enabled ptp support for it, for usb debugging with ptpcam (check ram values on the fly, send/receive files to/from the camera, etc). I have high hopes for this camera, I can't wait to see what it can do!

Also, some bitrate news:
The bitrate hack works! Using my class10 UHS-1 card I was able to record at ~130-150mbps without the card buffering out. This was done at qscale-14. I couldn't go any higher without it buffering out. Soon maybe I'll see what the 7D cache hack can do to these numbers.

FPS override is in it's infant state now. Still need to do some more tweaking before it works. Intervalometer seems to be working out of the box, no further fixes required. Kelvin white balance works. All vram features like focus peaking, zebras, magic zoom, histogram, waveform, vectorscope, etc are working (except ghost overlay, not sure yet). Movie logging works. Bulb exposure mode works (with manual focus selected).

That's about where we're at now. Not bad for <1 week of work


Whoah! That's a lot of stuff for a week's work! :D

Great job you guys!! :3


QuoteI was able to record at ~130-150mbps without the card buffering out
Does image quality noticeably improve at such high bit rates?  This is so exiting...   Thank you for doing this!


Quote from: DTSET123 on November 30, 2012, 10:02:54 AM
Does image quality noticeably improve at such high bit rates?  This is so exiting...   Thank you for doing this!

Should improve a LOT. Especially at high ISO.

This is on the 7D, but it should be representative (or even better!):

ISO 12800: http://i.imgur.com/UwtiV.jpg

Denoised: http://i.imgur.com/gKEyi.jpg

You just can't get a usable video without the high bitrate hack.

Very excited for EOS M :D


Wow you guys are fast!! :o

Quote from: feureau on November 30, 2012, 10:09:58 AM
ISO 12800: http://i.imgur.com/UwtiV.jpg

Denoised: http://i.imgur.com/gKEyi.jpg

super OOT: (yes, sorry...)
Looks like I recognize this place. Is it in Bandung, Indonesia?


Could someone please explain to me,
what is the high bitrate hack, and if it so greatly increases video quality
why has canon not included it in their firmware ?
Is there any downsides to it ?


Malcolm Debono

Quote from: HoloPed on November 30, 2012, 04:13:07 PM
what is the high bitrate hack, and if it so greatly increases video quality

Basically you are recording more data per second. The more data you have, the higher the video quality. It does improve video quality considerably when quite a high bitrate is used.

Quote from: HoloPed on November 30, 2012, 04:13:07 PM
why has canon not included it in their firmware ?

Either a marketing thing or for the reasons below.

Quote from: HoloPed on November 30, 2012, 04:13:07 PM
Is there any downsides to it ?

You require a faster memory card, otherwise the camera won't keep up and the recording stops. This is why we always advise to try some tests on your own memory cards before setting a high bitrate for an important shot. You won't know when the recording will stop otherwise (remember that the 4gb file limit is reached faster too). Audio also impacts the bitrate - you need to disable audio to achieve the highest bitrate.
Wedding & event cinematographer
C100 & 6D shooter
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Quote from: Malcolm Debono on November 30, 2012, 04:32:57 PMYou require a faster memory card, otherwise the camera won't keep up and the recording stops. This is why we always advise to try some tests on your own memory cards before setting a high bitrate for an important shot. You won't know when the recording will stop otherwise (remember that the 4gb file limit is reached faster too). Audio also impacts the bitrate - you need to disable audio to achieve the highest bitrate.

I have a T4i, not an EOS-M, but they are similar hardware.  The T4i continues beyond the 4GB file by seamlessly starting a new file, recording up to 29:59 non-stop.  Does the EOS-M have this feature as well?


I've been a long time lurker, but this new has made me register ans say "THANKS GUYS!!".  Keep it up, and I look forward to trying your Alpha.


Does anyone know if its possible to transmit the LiveView image over PTP ?
Say that the EOS M does indeed gain PTP capabilities,
does PTP protocol allow Live View ?

Thanks !


new commit:

first attempt to interface with the touch screen. this is rough, sort of my first shot for an implementation. I'm sure it can be improved, but I'm just happy to see it recognizing left/right swipes now (with some glitches, but working for the most part!).

So, I think this is a big step forward for ML and future cameras.


Quote from: Lanselta on November 30, 2012, 05:34:15 PM
I've been a long time lurker, but this new has made me register ans say "THANKS GUYS!!".  Keep it up, and I look forward to trying your Alpha.

me too: added my pp donation -- been patiently awaiting progress on 650d/t4i -- big thanks


Discovered this site searching for EOS-M hacks to address the relatively sluggish AF (works for me most of times, but seriously wanted the M to be on par with my MkIII... :))

Keep up the great work and thanks a lot for the effort !


Maybe you want to join our team.
If you want you can help write documentation, or making videos in Portuguese language.
Another important contribution is to convey to the community how much ML is useful in their work.


Quote from: AshleyAshes on November 30, 2012, 04:57:01 PM
I have a T4i, not an EOS-M, but they are similar hardware.  The T4i continues beyond the 4GB file by seamlessly starting a new file, recording up to 29:59 non-stop.  Does the EOS-M have this feature as well?

Same feature as the t4i, says canon on the german website http://www.canon.de/For_Home/Product_Finder/Cameras/Digital_SLR/EOS_M/index.aspx



i am new here and sorry for my bad english.
One question: Is it planned to give the Eos-m  a FULLSCREEN HDMI out over ML-Software for records with Blackmagic Hypershuttle2?



I'll get back to working on this next week after my winter finals are done. Expect some more progress then, I'll have about a month off from school so plenty of free time.


Audio out through the HDMI cable would be great, my EOS-M does not output audio via HDMI.  My Canon Vixia HF10 Camcorder does audio out via HDMI and is very useful for us.  Thank you.

The face detection autofocus is useless.  I like to film with the 22mm lens at the largest aperture (2.0) for low light and as a result I am always getting my model's faces out of focus with manual focus since the DOF is so shallow, and if I use the autofocus it hunts and changes constantly.  The servo option turned on seems to make it worse or just add lens noise to the problem.   Suggestions welcome.  I love my two EOS-M's otherwise.


Quote from: feureau on November 30, 2012, 10:09:58 AM
Should improve a LOT. Especially at high ISO.

This is on the 7D, but it should be representative (or even better!):

ISO 12800: http://i.imgur.com/UwtiV.jpg

Denoised: http://i.imgur.com/gKEyi.jpg

You just can't get a usable video without the high bitrate hack.

Very excited for EOS M :D

feureau do you know which denoiser was used there?


Quote from: Coldsector on December 06, 2012, 07:24:14 PM
feureau do you know which denoiser was used there?

Magic Bullet Denoiser.


Found this thread by a google search for EOS M FIRMWARE.

I had to register and point out this is amazing news. I've been overly impatient by checking this thread for new posts several times a day  :P

I've also been holding myself back for the past two weeks from purchasing the Olympus OMD until I find out there is nothing that can be done to improve the AF on the little beast aka Canon EOS M.


alpha 1 posted, updated first post.


Hi coutts thanks for your work so far!

Trying to install Alpha1, using win7 (64bit):

1) After unzipping the .zip file, the "__MACOSX" and "ML" folders are in green font when displayed in explorer, indicating the folder and contents are encrypted. Not sure what's going on there, but OK..

2) When copying the files over to card (using laptop's built-in card reader and a 64GB SDXC card), explorer warns it can't keep the files encrypted, do I want to decrypt (yes). Files copy over successfully after that - the EOSM106.fir (37KB) and autoexec.bin (278KB) are in root folder.

3) When attempting to flash the fw I get "Firmware update program" "Update file cannot be found. Please check the memory card and reload the battery and try again." The power LED continually flashes until I press the power button and it stops blinking (but error message keeps showing). Have to yank the battery to turn it off.

(Camera works fine afterwards but ML's not installed).

Will try and find another (SD) card and see if same issue..

"Download removed for now, installer is NOT SAFE, bricking possible. Stay tuned for updates." - OK I'll just leave that alone for a while....