Screen/LiveView/HDMI resolutions

Started by theBilalFakhouri, August 07, 2020, 10:02:06 PM

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I was trying to get Force HDMI-VGA to work on 700D, it didn't work, I had a black screen for a few seconds after activating it then it's get back to 1080i output and it does this again and again, I will try another builds, but Found this register for Width resolution for Canon screen or HDMI after running adtg_gui:


Canon Display: 0x2cf02cf
0x2cf = 720

HDMI Output: 0x77f077f
0x77f = 1920

The fun fact when overrding it it give the same scrambled effect when increasing the width resolution in LiveView, but this time with the whole screen elements, yes with Canon and ML global draw, maybe this will make understanding how Width resolution is implemented easier, because the scrambled effect is done outside LiveView this time.

Here is a video showing it on Canon display (same results on HDMI output), I took also screenshots but it was fine not scrambled after overriding the register:

This register doesn't have effect when you in photo mode?

Note: this is long term topic, I will post more things slowly, at least for me


Nice , you found the reg's I've being looking for to get full hd(1920) instead of 1650 with black bars on the side (letter box) on 5d2 though the HDMI.
I can verify that "C0F14224" show same results on 5d2  ;D
I can post images latter , also i found more useful reg in that preview area .
Had HDMI set to 1920 on 5d2/d4
C0F14258 0x0 -> 0x1 , Turns off the ML OverLays , "0x0" Turns them back on .
C0F14254 0x32090231 ->0x32090431 , HDMI/HD Liveview Vertical Offset (moves the whole image+black frame around image up)
C0F14250 0x2B003D -> 0x2B013D ,  HDMI/HD Liveview Horizontal Offset (moves the whole image+black frame around image left , until it wrap's around to the right & can go right to left)


You mean the LiveView buffer resolution, on 700D and using HDMI output there two LiveView buffer resolutions from Canon you can toggle between them using INFO button while using HDMI output, the first one is 1320x639 and the second one is 1620x639:

On HDMI 1320x639 looks smaller than 1620x639 with black borders in the sides and in the bottom.

Using adtg_gui I could have what registers changed between them:
Register       1320x639                  1620x639                                  LCD Screen 960x539                    x5 Mode 1032x687

C0F11450:    0x1b70527                   0x21b0653                                 0x1df02cf                                     
C0F11B8C:    0x370048                     0xf0010                                     0x50009                                      Will update it soon
C0F11B90:    0x50254                       0x30222                                   0x20333                                       
C0F11B98:    0x527                           0x653                                      0x3bf                                           
C0F11BDC:   0x47f0527                     0x47f0653                                0x47f03bf                                     
C0F2C01C:   0x2800527                     0x2800653                               0x28003bf                                       
C0F2C054:    0x2810538                    0x2810664                               0x28103d0                                     
C0F2C0c0:    0x52a0000                     0x6560000                              0x3c20000                                     
C0F11A98:    0x527                            0x653                                     0x2cf                                     
C0F11A9C:    0x27f0527                     0x27f0653                               0x27f03bf                                     
C0F11ACC:    0xb0010                        0x1b0020                                0x30004                                     
C0F11AD0:    0x302e9                        0x4025f                                  0x102ab                                     
C0F11AD8:    0x1b7                           0x21b                                     0x1df                                     
C0F11ADC:    0x27f0527                    0x27f0653                               0x27f02cf                                     
C0F11590:    0x1b70527                    0x21b0653                              0x1df02cf                                     

Overriding 1320x639 registers into 1620x639 will not make it work, even if you override 1320x639 into 1320x639 and make a toggle, the LiveView will freeze and ML will report wrong LiveView buffer size, so overriding these registers aren't enough to change LiveView buffer correctly, maybe because of missing registers ? or we need to make a call before applying the new changes.

The black borders are coming from above registers not HDMI/Screen resolution.

C0F14250 also make Horizontal Offset on 700D (Tested with HDMI output), C0F14254 this didn't work for me, it give black screen when I try to override it.

I was trying to Enable 1080p instead of 1080i with above registers, it might be possible (I guess),

This is the register for Vertical resolution for HDMI/Screen C0F14228

HDMI:          0x21B2014             0x21B = 539 (~Half of 1080, because it's interlaced)
Canon LCD:  0x1DF002C             0x1DF = 479 (The LCD isn't interlaced resolution, can we output half of this resolution in interlaced using **these registers on LCD ?)

The right part of the register value it's controlling an offset to fine-tune the vertical resolution.

So I raised the vertical resolution with above register and fine-tuned it with the same register, same result, it's still 1080i (something still saying to the output it's 1080i ? even if we raised vertical resolution) Some LOGS from 5D3 should help, because it's have both 1080i and 1080p output.

**This LOG between LCD and connecting HDMI Cable:
c0f14000:       0 (was 1)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6258
c0f14034:       8 (was 100004)   ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6290
c0f1404c:3f43464e (was 3f43565e) ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e62c0
c0f14050:42021333 (was 42020330) ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e62c8
c0f140d8:      f0 (was 0)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6388
c0f140dc: d66dd00 (was d770000)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6390
c0f140e8:       0 (was f00)      ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6318
c0f140ec:     5a0 (was f00)      ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6320
c0f140f8:   1fa60 (was 1f100)    ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6338
c0f14128:  f000f0 (was 21b021b)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6358
c0f14138:  160016 (was 140014)   ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6378
c0f1413c:      10 (was 12)       ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6380
c0f141b0:       2 (was 0)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e65e0
c0f141b4:      80 (was 0)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e65e8
c0f141bc:      80 (was 0)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e65f8
c0f141e4:       1 (was 11)       ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6450
c0f141e8:      36 (was 0)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6458
c0f14200:       1 (was 3)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6470
c0f14204: 1df0000 (was 21b0000)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6478
c0f1420c: 1df02d0 (was 21b03c0)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6488
c0f14210:      28 (was 277a)     ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6490
c0f14214:       5 (was 7)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6498
c0f14218:       0 (was 1)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64a0
c0f1421c:       0 (was 3)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64a8
c0f14220:      7a (was e1)       ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64b0
c0f14224: 2cf02cf (was 77f077f)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64b8
c0f14228: 1df002c (was 21b2014)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64c0
c0f1422c:       0 (was f004b0d)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64c8
c0f14238:       0 (was 510061)   ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64e0
c0f1423c:       0 (was 403)      ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64e8
c0f14240:      80 (was 400077)   ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64f0
c0f14244:      80 (was 7a)       ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e64f8
c0f14248:      80 (was 7a)       ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6500
c0f1424c:       0 (was 3)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6508
c0f14250:       0 (was 2b003d)   ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6510
c0f14254:       0 (was 32090231) ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6518
c0f11450: 1df02cf (was 21b0653)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975238
c0f11b8c:   50009 (was f0010)    ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff974f80
c0f11b90:   20333 (was 30222)    ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff974f88
c0f11b98:     3bf (was 653)      ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff974f98
c0f11bdc: 47f03bf (was 47f0653)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff974fe8
c0f2c01c: 28003bf (was 2800653)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff9750d8
c0f2c054: 28103d0 (was 2810664)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975108
c0f2c0c0: 3c20000 (was 6560000)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975130
c0f11a88:       0 (was 80000000) ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975150
c0f11a8c:   30004 (was 0)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975158
c0f11a90:   102ab (was 0)        ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975160
c0f11a98:     2cf (was 653)      ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975170
c0f11a9c: 27f03bf (was 27f0653)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975178
c0f11acc:   30004 (was 1b0020)   ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff9751b8
c0f11ad0:   102ab (was 4025f)    ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff9751c0
c0f11ad8:     1df (was 21b)      ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff9751d0
c0f11adc: 27f02cf (was 27f0653)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff9751d8
c0f11590: 1df02cf (was 21b0653)  ISO=800 Tv=100 Av=40 lv=1 zoom=1 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fb780 addr=ff975210

Can we get interlaced output on LCD screen with these registers?


Also, Lowering Screen/HDMI vertical resolution will cut off the output vertically.
        Lowering Screen/HDMI horizontal resolution from the left part 0x77f077f will also cut off the output but horizontally.


yes same  here ,
x5zoom preview reg's on d4/5d2/50d & more
c0f08184 = preview height,  I set this to the raw height +52 (the OB area) 
c0f08188 = preview width , I set this to the total raw width+(OB Area 160)
c0f08518 = both preview height & width

this what i use in crop_rec for realtime/hd/hdmi preview
a1ex post that helped get correct liveview/hdmi preview


QuoteCan we get interlaced output on LCD screen with these registers?
I don't think so , from my knowledge it's 480p .
I'll connect my 5d2's hdmi to my AJA Kona capture card on my macpro5.1 and see what it say when change reg's .
It can capture any signal from SD(pal/ntsc) to 2k 16x9  interlaced or progressive scan.

QuoteC0F14254 this didn't work for me, it give black screen when I try to override it.
yes same , but just move it to the next reg and wait a few seconds and it should bring up a image .
It seems it's every other reg is active on that reg(c0f14254)


Here we go , hdmi capture from 5d2 found some very interesting results .
I explored reg C0F14254 while the HDMI connected to my aja capture card , switching from 1080i to 480p(VGA) and I never thought i see the results i did .

So first connected HDMI in 3x3 1080i mode then enabled the "Force HDMI->VGA"(480p mode) and got this

720p 59.94 in 480p(VGA mode) ? , there was no image i could see but when went from 1080i to 480p while capturing hdmi i got this

look like canon is sending multiplies image streams in the So called "VGA/480p" but really 720p60 mode , I suspect the green image is the vga stream  .
Here a link to the prores 422lt file to be viewed or downloaded for the above image

That not even the strange thing , I found how to toggle the HDMI between Interlace & progressive scan mode , so 1080i & 1080p

Left side Interlace 1080i                                                                                   Right side progressive scan 1080p

Changed C0F14254 0x32090232 ->0x32090231
Crop off the bottom of frame and you get 1920x518 then resize the frame to 1920x1036
Link to my google drive to view or download for  prores 422lt just a few seconds for the above image

Full size frame for above 1920x518 5d2_c0f14254_1920x518.png
And the full size stretched frame 1920x1036 5d2_2x1_1920x1037.png

And the vertical is 2x stretch , I think it's removing one of the interlace fields which be like line skipping in a way
to progressive scan , but it should be doing a 2:1 pulldown (2 interlace fields in to 1 progressive frame) to stop it from compressing the vertical .
The 1080p stretch vertically is as good if not better then the interlace frame to my eye , maybe even less aliasing ?
This will help me with the hdmi in crop_rec for sure.


Same result on 700D, With HDMI Cable connected:

C0F14254 Controls interlaced and progressive scan for HDMI

Original Value: 0x32090231 Gives 1920x1080i @ 60 Hz
Overriding it to: 0x32090232 Gives 1920x540p @ 30 Hz with cleaner image than 1080i, you can see the noise now
Overriding it to: 0x12090231 Gives 1920x1080p @ 60 Hz ? (Please double check) but with two problems:

The first one you can solve it by tweaking vertical resolution register which is C0F14228 from 0x21B2014 to 0x21B1014, now you have clean image, but the second problem the colors are wrong, not sure how to solve it.

Okay I don't think 0x12090231 Gives a real 1920x1080p @ 60 Hz , it's mostly still interlaced, and the right part of vertical resolution register 0x21B2014 is to fine-tune interlaced lines, doesn't have effect when we @ 1920x540p @ 30 Hz.


Okay, "0x12090231 Gives 1920x1080p @ 60 Hz" it's not true, the problem from my TV, it's 1080i and there is no color problem.

But found the register which controls Hz output C0F14210 (also related to interlaced/progressive and resolution):


Original Value 0x277a gives 1920x1080i @ 60 Hz
Tweaked it to 0x2776 gives 1920x1080i @ 50 Hz , or 1920x540p @ 25 Hz if C0F14254  set  to 0x32090232
Tweaked it to 0x277b gives 1920x269p @ 60 Hz (Image flickering and not in correct order, please double check on capture card)

This register controls Horizontal offset in better way:



Trying out the regs on my eosm. Interesting stuff. One thought. Is it possible to reduce hdmi overhead with these regs? Right know eosm is getting a lot of corrupted frames when hdmi out is enabled.


Quoteplease double check on capture card
sure later tonight , also found in the 5d2 rom disassembly the available HDMI setting
ff1ade8c: e28f2e26 add r2, pc, #608 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI (Audio = %d)'
ff1ae014: e28f2f4b add r2, pc, #300 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : EDID_COLOR_444
ff1ae038: e28f2f4b add r2, pc, #300 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : EDID_COLOR_RGB
ff1ae058: e28f2e13 add r2, pc, #304 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : EDID_COLOR_422
ff1ae080: e28f2f4b add r2, pc, #300 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : Unknown ColorMode (%d)'
ff1ae0b4: e28f2f49 add r2, pc, #292 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : FULL_HD_50'
ff1ae200: e28f2f6b add r2, pc, #428 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : FULL_HD_60'
ff1ae23c: e28f2e19 add r2, pc, #400 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : DEFAULT_NTSC'
ff1ae278: e28f2f5d add r2, pc, #372 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : DEFAULT_PAL'
ff1ae2b4: e28f2f56 add r2, pc, #344 ; *'Pana_TurnOnHDMI : Unknown VideoCode (%d)'

ff1aff7c: 128f2f46 addne r2, pc, #280 ; *'[EDID] ScaningMode = EDID_INTERLACE(i)'
ff1aff80: 028f2f4f addeq r2, pc, #316 ; *'[EDID] ScaningMode = EDID_NON_INTERLACE(p)'

ff1aff94: 028f2f55 addeq r2, pc, #340 ; *'[EDID] VerticalFreq = EDID_FREQ_60Hz'
ff1affa0: 028f2e17 addeq r2, pc, #368 ; *'[EDID] VerticalFreq = EDID_FREQ_50Hz'
ff1affac: 028f2f63 addeq r2, pc, #396 ; *'[EDID] VerticalFreq = EDID_FREQ_24Hz'
ff1affb8: 028f2f6a addeq r2, pc, #424 ; *'[EDID] VerticalFreq = EDID_FREQ_25Hz'
ff1affc8: e28f2d07 add r2, pc, #448 ; *'[EDID] VerticalFreq = EDID_FREQ_30Hz'
ff1affe4: 128f2f73 addne r2, pc, #460 ; *'[EDID] AspectRatio = EDID_ASPECT_16x9'
ff1affe8: 028f2e1f addeq r2, pc, #496 ; *'[EDID] AspectRatio = EDID_ASPECT_4x3'
ff1b0000: e28f2c02 add r2, pc, #512 ; *'[EDID] AudioMode = EDID_AUDIO_LINEAR_PCM'

So by default the HDMI is 422 , but it can get 444 or RGB , just a matter of identify all the reg's that control this .
We have found some , but it would be nice to found the 24p reg for hdmi that would in my mind be less overhead , maybe ?

I have HDMI logs I made from last year when i was actively working on Lossless compression
and i know there was some info related to this topic , I'll look at them too .

Just notice this " EDID_ASPECT_16x9" 5d2 hdmi is 4x3  , need to find that one !


tried "C0F14210" and yes it's pal for me , i can get i25/50hz with "0x277E" or 0x2776"
but 0x277B" lockup liveview , so no joy there for me .
C0F14254 "0x12090231" lockup liveview , i think there more reg that are not being displayed , may have to use "Digic Poke" to investigate further .


Quote from: Danne on August 09, 2020, 03:34:18 PM
Is it possible to reduce hdmi overhead with these regs? Right know eosm is getting a lot of corrupted frames when hdmi out is enabled.

Also I had corrupted frames with 700D and HDMI, I read the solution is to use "Force HDMI-VGA" option in ML settings , but it didn't work on 700D, gives black screen then it gets back to 1080i , Does that option work on EOS M?

Didn't figure out how to change HDMI resolution, still looking around, I will make more tests with 1920x540p @ 25 Hz and see if there corrupted frames or not . .

Quote from: reddeercity on August 11, 2020, 02:33:52 AM
tried "C0F14210" and yes it's pal for me , i can get i25/50hz with "0x277E" or 0x2776"
Good results

Quote from: reddeercity on August 11, 2020, 02:33:52 AM
but 0x277B" lockup liveview , so no joy there for me .
C0F14254 "0x12090231" lockup liveview . .

It seems DIGIC 4 has some differences from DIGIC 5 in this situation, Good Luck


Updating some more results on 5d2 from my crop_rec research that I have already implemented in my current crop_rec builds .
3x3 FHD & or 3x1 4k
HDMI & Liveview Width & Height
C0F0D014 - 0x4f307f8 (7f8=2040-160(ob area)=1880) ->0x26210A0 (610x4256) , 262=610-18(ob area)=592 , (10A0=4256-160(ob area)=4096)

cleans up distorted HDMI image in 3x1
C0f0D030 0x10 ->0x20

Turns Off Overlays & Stretches them vertically
C0F140DC D770000->D770001

Helps reduce overhead for random pink frames in HDMI in 1080i to almost none (1 every 30-45 second , before 1 every 5-10 seconds)

Some 50D research from crop_rec
C0F14258 0x0->0x1  Overlay Toggle Off & On
C0F14210 0x277A ->277E Pal i25
C0F14220 0xE1 Horizontally Off Set
(0xE1 , first digit"E" Move offset in large increments & "1" move offset in small/fine increments 

C0F14240 0x400077->400087 Brighten up HDMI image & 400067 Darken HDMI Image
C0F147254 32090231->32090232 Sadly nothing , no Progressive scan mode just locks up Liveview


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on August 09, 2020, 09:42:48 AM
Same result on 700D, With HDMI Cable connected:

C0F14254 Controls interlaced and progressive scan for HDMI

Original Value: 0x32090231 Gives 1920x1080i @ 60 Hz
Overriding it to: 0x32090232 Gives 1920x540p @ 30 Hz with cleaner image than 1080i, you can see the noise now
Overriding it to: 0x12090231 Gives 1920x1080p @ 60 Hz ? (Please double check) but with two problems:

The first one you can solve it by tweaking vertical resolution register which is C0F14228 from 0x21B2014 to 0x21B1014, now you have clean image, but the second problem the colors are wrong, not sure how to solve it.

Okay I don't think 0x12090231 Gives a real 1920x1080p @ 60 Hz , it's mostly still interlaced, and the right part of vertical resolution register 0x21B2014 is to fine-tune interlaced lines, doesn't have effect when we @ 1920x540p @ 30 Hz.

Hello. And where did you download this version of adtg? I don't have any such registers


This hasn't been updated in a while, just wondering what the state of research is here.  Maybe I can pick up some slack.  I have a handful of 7DMKI bodies and 5DII. 

Sounds like this is possibly leading in the direction of getting full 1920 width on HDMI output (instead of 1650 with black bars)?
...and also possibly 4:4:4 instead of 4:2:2?

Any further conclusions, progress, or did you conclude there isn't really a hot lead here?

My use-case is just external streaming/recorders over I am more interested in HDMI output res than in-camera recording.


Quote from: Icaab on April 03, 2021, 02:18:02 PM
Hello. And where did you download this version of adtg? I don't have any such registers

Experimental module posted:;topicseen#msg235690

I can PM you adtg_gui if you still want it