Free NSA Reverse Engineering Tool

Started by mothaibaphoto, January 21, 2019, 04:37:51 AM

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Maybe this will be useful for devs?
It kinda decompile C code, platform independent... And free, maybe even open-source!!!


can be, but the whole magic lantern system built from ground up.


I have no experience with the commercial IDA tool or generally ARM assembler but wanted to support the porting efforts for the 77D model.

So far I have little results but at least a stable build environment. ;) I used it to toy around with Ghidra. Here are my first steps so far:

At least I could make sense of some of the bootloader code. Also Ghidra finds functions, strings, embedded JPEG images and other data. It can be scripted with Java or Python, but I haven't tried this yet.

If anybody has tipps and hints on how to use Ghidra effectively I would be happy about replies.