Danne's crop_rec_4k, 5DIII

Started by Danne, November 09, 2018, 05:11:37 PM

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Thanks! I will try that version.

Also this card might be wacky, it's an 600x pink transcend. I'll try a different card later.


Yes, could be it. My version don´t really like cheap cards  :P.


Anyone have any idea what this error could be about:

It only happens rarely, but does happen.

Since that error happened, the camera has been recording for 10 more minutes without any more errors.

I think spanning is getting close to usable now!


Wonderful Ilia3101!
Compression error. Usually includes corrupt frame/frames. I had them when recording was disturbed of sone engdrvout routine changing regs in crop rec. But root could as well be overhead or recording edge of speed I think.
Sd_uhs working?


About to try sd_uhs with a proper card!

Edit: the sd_uhs didn't work with any of my two cards I have tried. I will try with some other cards once they are free.

I have uploaded some testing builds with spanning:

I decided to post them as it does not seem to be causing any dangerous crashes or lockups. I have only tested 5D3.113, don't know if it will be different for 123. Curious to see people's results.

My modified mlv_lite.c and mlv_lite.h code can be seen here: https://github.com/ilia3101/mlv_lite_spanning

I did have issues at one moment, but it was just a faulty lens adapter chip messing with the camera. Not from my spanning code. Pretty certain it's safe.


Gave it a go with version 1.1.3 and could get continuous 24fps 10bit with full expansion of UHD 1:1(3840x1536). I needed sd_uhs enabled but had to get the old routine patching with the very long wait from sd_uhs branch. With my sd_uhs version it would create some File create error and then stop recording. I guess this module needs some testing to get automation working. On a side note I wish for continuation of the sd_uhs patching module. I never really liked the way I stripped and got it working reliably mostly for the eosm but not with other cams.

Compression errors were present when trying out higher frame rates like 48/50/60 fps modes. I guess these modes are too much for the sd card to handle.
Crop marks dir is missing and i also couldn´t get the mlv_lite.c and mlv_lite.h to work with my ongoing branch but I guess it could be done later on.

Great work Ilia3101.


Glad to see you testing it out :)

I just sorted out the semaphores, and it has added megabytes of performance, at least with the weird transcend card. Before I was using cli/sei which would block the processor for too long and cause the compression errors (I think).

I am recording a long test clip right now to see if any errors come up.

When do you think we can start figuring out how to put it back in to your bitbucket branch? How many changes have you made to mlv_lite since?


Only one slight change jan 18th:
     raw_set_preview_rect(skip_x, skip_y, res_x, res_y, 1);
     raw_force_aspect_ratio(0, 0); */

-    if (!get_halfshutter_pressed())
+    if (!get_halfshutter_pressed() || rec_trigger == 3)
         autofocusing = 0;
         long_halfshutter_press = 0;

So it won´t be an issue. You could test compiling and working right into my latest branch. I won´t be messing with it for a while anyway ;).

You changed mlv_lite.c and mlv_lite.h but no other places? Modules needs to be turned on I see at least but I also had some warning about dryos. Didn´t have time to check it too hard.


Nice. Just added that change to my mlv_lite.c, now it can easily be put back in to your branch whenever it is time.


Great. I´ll check. I think I was in the eosm branch before so My last message was testing the wrong branch  :P


Ah ok. Undid the change for now.

Also updated the builds.


ah, no, the change is ok, I meant another error so you can add it back.
Tested again and skipped messing with the sd_uhs module. 48/50/60fps working just fine and what was nice there were no compression errors at all. Could very well be related to sd_uhs.
Nice part with this is that practically all presets can be run in 14bit. Only missing the sd_uhs module for the UHD 1:1 before patching I think sd card will run around 20mb and after patching at least double so getting some usable sd_uhs patch working is something to look into.
Let´s keep your testing branch open for a while and keep on testing from it and when ready I can put it into my own branch.

Remember folks. BLEEDING EDGE! Be brave, and maybe rich too ;)

EDIT: Will test full 48fps 1920x1080p and see if spanning stuff makes this work...


Redid the change :D

Yeah, let's leave testing open for a little while. @everyone please test SD/CF spanning! Download in this post


This is super exciting, i have some good cards that will try it out on this weekend.
UHD in 14bit 24fps with liveview working?? Sounds to good to be true ???


The only thing that has changed is write speed (if you enable card spanning), now instead of 100 it's more like 112 for me (I really want to hear other people's results, I feel like it should be 120). With sd_uhs we might even get a lot more ;)

Note: just remembered: in my build I removed core module auto loading array, so you'll have to load them yourself sorry :) @Danne feel free to make a slightly more official build, the mlv_lite.c/h on my github is the latest


I took your changes and also added sd_uhs patching into 5D3 into this branch:

In time I´ll merge changes into the regular branch again. Feel free to grab code changes and compile/test new builds. Note that sd card I test with are sandisk extreme pro 95 or 170mb/s. Slower cards might behave fishy when patched.

When patched the first time it takes a few seconds for the changes to show. Once OFF turns to ON it´s patched.

Patch function enabled from with in Movie tab menu:

Do remember:
BLEEDING EDGE! Briefly tested. I did not test to patch while only using CF-card so don´t know how it will behave if no sd-card is in the memory card slot...


Holy fuck. My sandisk 45MB/s card just wrote at 48MB/s!

However the CF did slow down to ~75MB/s... whyy!!!! Is the camera's ram becoming a bottleneck?

^ That is UHD in 12 bit

Edit: yep, getting data corruption, need a really good card for this to work. At least 60MB/s


Would love to try this build to help the community !

I have 5DM3 with:
SDHS I Sandisk 95 MB/s
CF lexar 160 MB/s 1066x

But which build to use ?
And what is the settings to try ?
(I have read last 5 pages but I'm not enought in it to fully understand...)


@ilia3101 Thank you for your hard work bringing this to 5D3! :)

I have tested both a build compiled from Danne's branch :

and yours:

Fastest card I have is Sandisk Extreme 90Mb/s U3.

On Danne's branch: I get almost instant stops in UHD 3850px with message: "Frame order error...Slot 10(?)...e13...expecting 19..." The message disappears very quickly so I can't read it all! A file has been saved to SD I notice: M25-1206.M00 – file is 50mbs but I can't open it in MLVApp.

**EDIT** I have just tried turning Spanning = On, but Overclocking = Off. It now records one file to CF and one to the SD, both with same timestamp but the SD one with the .00 suffix. Can't open .00 file in MLVApp or MLVFS.

On ilia's I get an error printed about: Missing crop-marks and also sd_uhs will not run on this camera. (I'm on 5D3 1.1.3)
5D3 1.1.3
5D2 2.1.2


Quote from: MAG on January 25, 2020, 01:32:47 PM
Would love to try this build to help the community !

I have 5DM3 with:
SDHS I Sandisk 95 MB/s
CF lexar 160 MB/s 1066x

But which build to use ?
And what is the settings to try ?
(I have read last 5 pages but I'm not enought in it to fully understand...)
Wait for Ilia3101 to compile and share or learn how to compile. Seems you have the right card to use so should be ok.



@timbytheriver What should happen is that the main file (.MLV) will be recorded on the CF card, and .M00 will be on the SD, just move both of them to the same folder/card, then you will be able to open it with MLV App.

And there may also be .M01 .M02 etc from 4GB splitting.


@ilia3101 Aha! Thank you.

Quotejust move both of them to the same folder/card, then you will be able to open it with MLV App.

I see this to be true now. :)

I will try your updated builds and report back.

5D3 1.1.3
5D2 2.1.2


Works good over here. Is frame order "issue" due to spanning just recording frames differently? Seems indexing fine though so maybe we should exclude the check when spanning is on?
Next I want to increase anamorphic resolutions when spanning is enabled vs defaults now without spanning on.

Also noticed a previewing issue when recorded longer takes, 3 or more mlv chunks. Will print exct message when back home.


I am almost certain the frame order issue is just due to the nature of spanning. Makes each file look like it has loads of skipped frames.

So yeah I think we should disable this check when spanning is used.


Quote from: ilia3101 on January 25, 2020, 03:27:14 PM
Makes each file look like it has loads of skipped frames.
Ah, makes sense.