MLV App - All in one MLV Raw Video Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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Announcement: JPEG and PNG export is added to MLV App. Download
(Ultimate goal is still ProRes)

Big announcement!!!
@masc has been doing amazing work with his Qt version of the GUI. The app is now pretty much cross platform. (@masc I hope your okay with me announcing this?)
We've had some back and forth messages, and as far as I know: it compiles on macOS, Windows, and still bugging out on Linux (fault of my messy code). Here's how the Qt UI looks:

@masc, can you try and compile a build for Windows and macOS and make a release on the GitHub page? No hurry, I'll try to get QT up and running and compile it myself too (I don't want to be bothering you with things like that in the future). Or is it too early?


Wayne H

Excellent, will be following closely to see how this app develops, looks promising so far.

Do you plan on implementing some code so it can handle MLVS with lossless compression?


@Wayne yes definitely will be adding it in the near(est) future, the app is open source and the code for lossless decompression is out there - lj92.c - so implementing it should be problem-free, however when I look at it, it seems insanely confusing and I have no clue how I'd use it and what functions to call - I would like help with doing that if someone knows how to use it  ;)


@Ilia: hehe, thanks. I'll try that tomorrow.
@everyone: yes, it is early to prerelease it. We have still lots of bugs. But maybe someone (like me) has fun with it ;)
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Looks interesting - but when I open an MLV file the GUI closes and I get something like this in Terminal: 

Wayne H

@jpegmasterjesse Same for me too, i think the code needs to be compiled or something, not sure.

@Ilia gread work dude, looking forward to the new features discussed, batch export with proress 4444 and lossless compression GOLD, :)

Hey i wonder if apple sorted out the problem with exporting to prores 4444XQ, i remember Martin Hering saying that apple's development tools didn't support it, 4444XQ would be amazing (12bit) rather than 4444 (10bit)

Oh and Ilia, as you add new features i'll be happy to test and report any bugs etc, keep up the good work.
i'm so with you on why your making this new app, Magic Lantern has some great post software, but there still isn't a proper native MAC app that does everything, without tedius work arounds, that MLP app looks cool, but not a native mac app and no lossless compression support, and footage app was brilliant but needs batch export and that black level issue is a problem plus,Martin has disapeared off the face of the planet lol, so no updates. MLVFS is a great time saver, but it only spits out CDNG and i find working in da vinci a pain (personal Preferance) i LOVE FCPX,

Hopefully overtime this app will address all these teething problems.

Thanks again for doing this.  :D


Quote4444XQ would be amazing (12bit) rather than 4444 (10bit)
Prores4444 is as much 12bit as XQ.
XQ is for vfx and green screen mainly. I can't tell the difference inspecting output.

Wayne H

I always thought Prores 4444 was 10bit lol, must have got confused with proress 422HQ being the 10bit one, oh that's great, no need to even worry about 4444XQ then. Thanks for the correction :)


"Apple ProRes 4444 XQ and Apple ProRes 4444 support image sources up to 12 bits"

the ffmpeg encoder for example only supports ProRes444 with 10-bits


Quote from: jpegmasterjesse on July 20, 2017, 06:42:46 AM
Looks interesting - but when I open an MLV file the GUI closes and I get something like this in Terminal:
Hmmm, looks weird, its as if your video's frames repeat twice or something... Could you try with another MLV file, it should not happen... if it does, then we can investigate why it happens on your system, it it does not happen with other clips, you can send the MLV file that caused the problem... if you want... so I can try and understand why it happened. @Wayne H You get it too?, on all MLV files you try? If so, tell me what version of macOS you have and what era/what model of Mac you are on and @jpegmasterjesse please do that too if possible.

@Wayne H, yeah I think it's nice that the app can be taking full advantage of macOS in the Cocoa version and be cross-platform because there's a Qt version, I think Linux is particularly in need for such an app right now. For testing: just keep track of MLV App's GitHub release page, and anything significant will be announced on this thread too.

(@main ML people) is the name "MLV App" okay? I feel it makes it sound too official. I was originally planning to come up with something more fancy, but I've started to like it a little bit.


Okay. First buggy version of the Qt GUI is online on GitHub. ;)
@Ilia: you can link it on the first post, if you like.
@All: have fun.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Promising looking gui. No time to test this yet. For mac users. See to it to hold down ctrl button first time you open the app to bypass gatekeeper. Will test more later. Great efforts guys.

Wayne H

@Ilia Yes the same thing happens to me, the app GUI closes and terminal opens, i'm currently running macOS Sierra 10.12.5 and using late 2016 MacBook pro.


@Wayne H thanks, I'll do some more investigation/ testing on 10.12.5, I'm only using 10.11, so there's a chance its related to that.

@masc, I understand it seems to still have a lot of problems compiling on Windows and Linux, and its mostly down to the mlv / processing code, right?
So do you think it would compile with less difficulty if I refactored the code to fit the C standards more strictly? Things like declaring variables at start of scope etc...
(Also added link to first post)


@Ilia: "a lot of problems" sounds so bad... no, maybe I take only the wrong flags for compiling. I only got a complete exe by compiling half with a -std=c99 flag and half without this flag. I know I should not do that... ;) Maybe there is someone out there knowing better solutions for such problems.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


@masc Ah, sorry, so its flag problem mostly, I'll be refactoring the code that needs it over time anyway. Been setting up Qt myself on a windows PC to see what I can do.
Also: I noticed the new Qt version(testing on mac) redraws slower (than the version you sent me a couple of days before) when dragging a slider, have you changed image output setup or compiled it with different flags or something? Otherwise, I probably made a change that slowed it down, all I can think of is the 'single frame cache', but that was to speed up redrawing in pretty much that specific scenario.
Oh wait, I figured out why... I saw before you were only using 2 CPU threads, but now I guess you're using all, and I noticed this slowness only happens when it says caching is active. Maybe its a good idea to use a bit less than all cores for caching? I just set the Cocoa version to be (all cores / 2) + 1.


@Ilia: yes, you are right. Before I used only 2 cores, now all for background caching. Thats why it is slow when caching and fast when idle. But it is very fast, when I disable the processing in the code (getting 23 frames on my Core2Duo) ;-)

Edit: set it now to All-1, thats much faster in the GUI! Thx!
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Tried the Wins version and no joy !


Win7 pro AMD FX8350 dual GPU's GTX580's
I'll try in on my dell laptop i5

Edit: Same thing on i5 Intel dell laptop Wins7 Pro , 8GB ram , gpu radeon HD 4300


 MP5.1 Sierra 10.12.5 dual quad core cpu (16 thread) 24GB ECC ram GPU GTX570 2.5GB Vram
Works here --but i have pink hi lights , are you using apple camera raw ?
happen when i drop the exposure to -2 something .
good job so far . 3x crop mlv from about 3years ago

The BPM export , FYI --in A.E. ACR & Resolve i don't have pink hi lights


Same file in Footage.App --no pink hi lights .

What Color Space are you using ? sRGB ?
wonder it that could be a issue .
Anyways Great job --keep it going  :)


Quote from: reddeercity on July 21, 2017, 06:40:28 AM
Tried the Wins version and no joy !

Win7 pro AMD FX8350 dual GPU's GTX580's
I'll try in on my dell laptop i5

Edit: Same thing on i5 Intel dell laptop Wins7 Pro , 8GB ram , gpu radeon HD 4300

Ups... thanks for trying it out! On my PC that does not happen, because the whole framework is installed. But I think I found out which libraries are missing. Will upload it this evening!
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


@reddeercity, the pink highlihgts most likely are because MLV App reads the white level from the MLV files, I think most apps don't do that, and in that MLV file, the white level was probably too low, so the app was cutting off much of the information. In the next release I'll add an automatic correction if it seems unusually low, see if it helps. If it remains... I will have to research why everything else does better, maybe theree's a simple algortihtm to fix it to an extent. What about RAWTherappeee or one of the opensource apps, do they have these problems with the same file??

Also no, i'm no using 'Apple Camera RAW', I've made my own, which is the whole reason it can be cross platform.

Colour space: welll.... this one's not done yet, but I've had many conversations with g3gg0/a1ex/Danne and understand it, just had a few difficulties implementing so its not done yet, but I'm going to have another go at implementing colour space management, right now it is something along the lines of 'Camera RAW (RGB) Space - Probably Close to sRGB'

@masc Forgot to mentiion, I had the same issue as reddeercity running on PC - pentium n4200 laptop (not mine :D)


I found it and updated the version on git. Some .dlls were missing...
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: reddeercity on July 21, 2017, 08:02:45 AM
Works here --but i have pink hi lights , are you using apple camera raw ?
Could you please try again with with the same clip and this release? I've added auto white level repair, seeing if it helps. However I hear my GUI has problems with 10.12.5, so you may have to run it on a different Mac or wait for another Qt release, the mac you run it on makes zero difference... though it may in the future (once I figure out openCL and GPU ;))