Atomos Ninja 2 and 700D

Started by Mat80, December 19, 2015, 05:52:45 PM

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I have a 700D. I would like to work with a Ninja 2 Atomos. It is not possible because the HDMI Signal is not clean.
But with ML can I do that ? Someone can tell me more about that point ? There is limitations ?


Hello ! I wanted to use a ninja 2 on my 700d, but as you said, no clean HDMI output. No clean HDMI until... ML ! When you are in the ML menu, go to the Display settings, then look at the option "clear overlays", it gives you the option to get a clean output when you want ! For example you can set it to trigger only when you launch the recording ! No more overlays on the screen.  8)


Can't find a seperate Ninja 2 thread, so posting this here:

Does anyone know how to get 720p/50fps working with Ninja 2 and 5d mkiii?