night/neon light Musicvideo - 5dmk3 mlRaw

Started by jankrueck, December 13, 2016, 04:59:19 PM

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hey guys,
I am finaly allowed to show my latest work on vimeo,
after some weeks of licence tarms (due to a "exclusive" premiere of the client)
Its german hiphop, so most of you wont get into the lyrics I guess, but nervermind. (it maybe better that way  ;D )

The project was shot 24p 1080 in ml and debay'd with raw2cdng 1.7.5
edited & graded in resolve, finalized in AE to put credits and some grain.

I hope some of you find some words for me,
so I can improve next time.



ehm. does the video show to you?
did I do something wrong?



Hi Jan

Your video appears here just fine. I like the scenes in the shop and station, but the road shots are too dark on your rapper's face, I think.
5D3.123 | 5D4 | C100ii | 16-35 f4 | 24-105 f4ii | 70-200 f2.8ii | 50 f1.2 | 100 f2.8 | Samyang 16, 24, 35, 50, 85, 135


thanks for the feedback.
I didnt lighten up his face in post, wich I could do.
Itressting point. thanks