Assign lens focal length and name for non cpu lenses

Started by Lars Steenhoff, October 29, 2016, 12:04:45 PM

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Quote from: zLOST on February 08, 2019, 04:52:15 PM
my version of {lens|xmp|ui|logger}.lua is at (you'll just need to delete settings/LENS.LCF, otherwise it will keep on crashing when loading/saving the configuration due to added "Format" select to the lens configuration menu),

Thank you zLost! Had a look to understand why my version of xmp.lua with added support for array of property wasn't working and found i wasn't converting to table before adding them.

It's not currently present in the updated PR at the moment to keep it simple, but I was thinking that is good to add and leave the possibility to use this features in the future.

Quote from: zLOST on February 08, 2019, 04:52:15 PM
With my "exiv2" template the output is not a XMP sidecarfile for each photo, but one bash script (with one line being added for each pic), which i'll run once i'm done with shooting and it updates the exif data of the existing CR2/JPG files, so no messing with metadata during saving the picture. So this should be safe way to get the data there ;)

An example of such line is:

exiv2 -k -M"set Exif.CanonCs.LensType 65535" -M "set Exif.CanonCs.MinAperture 288" -M "set Xmp.aux.Lens Meyer-Optik Gorl
itz Telemegor 180mm f/5.5" -M "set Exif.CanonCs.Lens 180 180 1" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensSpecification 180/1 180/1 56/10 5
6/10" -M "set Exif.Photo.MaxApertureValue 325770/65536" -M "set Exif.Photo.FNumber 55/10" -M "set Exif.Photo.FocalLength
180/1" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensMake Meyer-Optik Gorlitz" -M "set Exif.CanonSi.TargetAperture 157" -M "set Exif.CanonSi.A
pertureValue 157" -M "set Exif.CanonCs.MaxAperture 159" -M "set Exif.Photo.ApertureValue 322363/65536" -M "set Exif.Cano
n.LensModel Telemegor 180mm f/5.5" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensModel Telemegor 180mm f/5.5" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensSerialNumb
er 1728275" -M "set Exif.Image.LensInfo 180/1 180/1 56/10 56/10" IMG_6929.CR2

This looks interesting :)

I would add a new menu (like for Autoload option) to "Lens Pref" instead of inside "Lens" submenu, just to have all the options organised and easy accessible.

"Config.lua" library already support multiple menus and config tables in the same script in this branch

Quote from: zLOST on February 08, 2019, 04:52:15 PM
There are changes all over the place, so it may be better to discuss this by email, skype, icq or irc.
We could add a couple of commits with your features in the PR if we can manage to keep script simple (both usage and code complexity).

Take a look on how mercurial (Sourcetree or equivalent gui) works and how to contribute :)

Quote from: zLOST on February 08, 2019, 05:07:25 PM
What about an external DB of lenses and user will only say, which are of some interest for him/her? ;)
Currently the script already have it in a certain way: It's the table "Lenses" with the commented entry (Carl Zeiss, Nikon, Samyang...).

At the moment on each script update, the user need to insert again his lenses to the table...

It's possible to create a config from that table and add it automatically to the generated configuration file (lens.lcf), but it's a bit ugly:

return {
       [1] = {
        ["name"] = "My Lens",
        ["focal_length"] = 50,
        ["manual_aperture"] = "1.8"
       [2] = {
        ["name"] = "My Other Lens",
        ["focal_length"] = 25,
        ["manual_aperture"] = "2.8",
        ["f_values"] = {
          [1] = "2.8",
          [2] = "4",
          [3] = "5.6",
          [4] = "8"}
["Autoload Lens"] = "ON",
["Manual Lens"] = {
["Lens"] = 1,
["Aperture"] = "1.8",
["Focal Length"] = 50,

Maybe it's better to put it inside a "Lenses" block so it's a bit easier to understand what is it by looking at the config.

I was trying to add this directly to the library by adding and additional parameter to the function responsible for config creation, but got some problems and was taking too much time.

It can also be done in the script by doing something like this:

ExampleTable = {Lenses = {...}}
lenses_cfg = config.create(ExampleTable)

Quote from: aprofiti on February 08, 2019, 03:18:16 PM
Attribute added locally:
-Fmin,Fmax (from zLOST)
-lens specification (from zLOST)
Would like to calculate aperture min and max from FNumber automatically instead of adding 2 more attribute to lenses.
Quote from: zLOST on February 08, 2019, 05:07:25 PM
I've added a function set_lens_defaults(), which generates certain attributes. Including the Fmax Fmin from f_values (if available)...
Made a in a similiar way. First was added to restore_lens_values, then refactored a bit and added update_aperture_focal_range(), because it was using common code needed when switching lens and autoloading the script.

Quote from: dfort on February 06, 2019, 05:50:35 AM
The Samyang lens didn't do as well in ACR.
The profile should be included.
I'm still a little bit temped to not separate Lens name in Make + Model if possible... but these cases is what is making things hard regarding automatic profile selection...

From what i have understood by reading your posts, is that each editor may look for different attribute when selecting profile (Lens, Lens Make, Lens Model....)
Update the image's attributes by modifying exif like zLost did with exiv2 is something to keep in mind.

Updated the PR with latest tweaks (except for lensSpecification and support for multiple name for the same attribute in xmp.lua), so now it's possible to compile a non crashing build for all cameras to experiment with it.


@zLost I'm trying to understand what attribute is used on each editing software and what metadata need to be rewritten to have correct lens name embedded in the picture.

I selected "Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II" from the script and taken a CR2 picture without a lens installed, so no lens-related metadata were included.

XMP sidecar looks like this: (let's keep it simple for now, no exif:lensModel or others... is exif:lensModel to be preferred to aux:lens instead?)

<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.6-c011 79.156380, 2014/05/21-23:38:37        ">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
  <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
    aux:Lens="Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II"

Lens correction profile is applied automatically with Photoshop and probably also with Lightroom, but other software appear to skip the sidecar and try to recognise lens using metadata...

EXIF looks like this with exiv2 and exiftool:

exiv2 -g Lens -g Aperture -Pknyt IMG_2321.CR2
Exif.Photo.ApertureValue                     ApertureValue               Rational   Finf
Exif.CanonCs.LensType                        LensType                    Short      (0)
Exif.CanonCs.Lens                            Lens                        Short      0.0 mm
Exif.CanonCs.MaxAperture                     MaxAperture                 Short      65504
Exif.CanonCs.MinAperture                     MinAperture                 Short      65504
Exif.CanonCs.DisplayAperture                 DisplayAperture             Short      0
Exif.CanonSi.TargetAperture                  TargetAperture              Short      65504
Exif.CanonSi.ApertureValue                   ApertureValue               Short      65504
Exif.Canon.LensModel                         LensModel                   Ascii

Lens Type                       : Unknown (0)
Lens Model                      :
Lens                            : 0.0 mm
Lens ID                         : Unknown (0)
Lens                            : 0.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 0.0 mm)

Now let's rewrite metadata with this command line (from one of your posts):

exiv2 -k -M"set Exif.CanonCs.LensType 65535" -M "set Exif.CanonCs.MinAperture 285" -M "set Exif.Photo.ApertureValue 322363/65536" -M "set Exif.CanonCs.Lens 180 180 1" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensSpecification 180/1 180/1 56/10 56/10" -M "set Exif.Photo.MaxApertureValue 322363/65536" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensSerialNumber 1728275" -M "set Exif.CanonSi.TargetAperture 157" -M "set Exif.Canon.LensModel Telemegor 180mm f/5.5" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensModel Telemegor 180mm f/5.5" -M "set Exif.Photo.FocalLength 180/1" -M "set Exif.CanonSi.ApertureValue 157" -M "set Exif.CanonCs.MaxAperture 157" -M "set Exif.Photo.FNumber 55/10" -M "set Xmp.aux.Lens Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Telemegor 180mm f/5.5" -M "set Exif.Image.LensInfo 180/1 180/1 56/10 56/10" -M "set Exif.Photo.LensMake Meyer-Optik Gorlitz" IMG_2321_test.CR2

Exif.Photo.ApertureValue                     ApertureValue               Rational   F5.5
Exif.Photo.MaxApertureValue                  MaxApertureValue            Rational   F5.5
Exif.CanonCs.LensType                        LensType                    Short      n/a
Exif.CanonCs.Lens                            Lens                        Short      180.0 mm
Exif.CanonCs.MaxAperture                     MaxAperture                 Short      F5.5
Exif.CanonCs.MinAperture                     MinAperture                 Short      F22
Exif.CanonCs.DisplayAperture                 DisplayAperture             Short      0
Exif.CanonSi.TargetAperture                  TargetAperture              Short      F5.5
Exif.CanonSi.ApertureValue                   ApertureValue               Short      F5.5
Exif.Canon.LensModel                         LensModel                   Ascii      Telemegor 180mm f/5.5
Exif.Photo.LensSpecification                 LensSpecification           Rational   180/1 180/1 56/10 56/10
Exif.Photo.LensMake                          LensMake                    Ascii      Meyer-Optik Gorlitz
Exif.Photo.LensModel                         LensModel                   Ascii      Telemegor 180mm f/5.5
Exif.Photo.LensSerialNumber                  LensSerialNumber            Ascii      1728275
Exif.Image.LensInfo                          LensInfo                    Rational   180/1 180/1 56/10 56/10
Xmp.aux.Lens                                 Lens                        XmpText    Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Telemegor 180mm f/5.5

Lens is showed differently on each software:

Adobe Photoshop                          -> Telemegor 180mm f/5.5
DxO Optic Pro 10                          -> 180mm
Darktable                                     -> n/a                                            ---> is the same for you zLost?
RawTherapee / Preview(MacOS)     ->  Canon Telemegor 180mm f/5.5   ---> what is causing the prefix?

Let's try compare with a picture taken with an automatic lens: (Tamron SP AF 17-50mm F/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical [IF])

exiv2 -g Lens -g Aperture -Pknyt IMG_1874.CR2
Exif.Photo.ApertureValue                     ApertureValue               Rational   F3.5
Exif.CanonCs.LensType                        LensType                    Short      Tamron AF 17-50mm f/2.8 Di-II LD Aspherical
Exif.CanonCs.Lens                            Lens                        Short      17.0 - 50.0 mm
Exif.CanonCs.MaxAperture                     MaxAperture                 Short      F2.8
Exif.CanonCs.MinAperture                     MinAperture                 Short      F32
Exif.CanonCs.DisplayAperture                 DisplayAperture             Short      0
Exif.CanonSi.TargetAperture                  TargetAperture              Short      F3.6
Exif.CanonSi.ApertureValue                   ApertureValue               Short      F3.6
Exif.Canon.LensModel                         LensModel                   Ascii      17-50mm

Lens Type                       : Canon EF 28-70mm f/2.8L USM or Sigma or Tamron Lens
Lens Model                      : 17-50mm
Lens                            : 17.0 - 50.0 mm
Lens ID                         : Tamron AF 17-50mm f/2.8 Di-II LD Aspherical
Lens                            : 17.0 - 50.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 26.9 - 79.2 mm)

This is what I have observed:

Adobe Photoshop             -> 17-50mm                                                                     ----> is using "Exif.Canon.LensModel" (NO Automatic lens corretion!)
DxO Optic Pro 10             -> Tamron SP AF17-50mm f/2.8 XR DI ii LD Aspherical (IF)
                                           looks like is comparing "Exif.CanonCs.LensType" with an internal lenses database (prompt for downloading correct module)
Darktable                        -> Tamron AF 17-50mm f/2.8 Di-II LD Aspherical                ----> is using "Exif.CanonCs.LensType" straight off exiv2
RawTherapee                   -> Canon 17-50mm                                                          ----> looks like is using "Exif.Canon.LensModel" with "Canon" as prefix (still Bad...)
Preview(MacOS)              -> Tamron AF 17-50mm f/2.8 Di-II LD Aspherical                ----> looks better now... is "Exif.CanonCs.LensType"

So, it's important to override Exif.Canon.LensModel with correct lens name (maker + model), find a way to handle "Exif.CanonCs.LensType" (Lens ID database) plus additional infos about focal length and aperture to make software heuristic happy?

Can someone try to replicate this experiment with your lenses (both Canon and Third Party if possible) and editing software?


Sorry for being a bit quiet. In the meantime i've played with the script, moved the format submenu to the one with general script settings (autoload_menu) and made up this page, where i've summarized current state:

There is a LensName issue with Samyang 85/1.4, but otherwise we should be pretty much set ;)

Lars Steenhoff


Quote from: aprofiti on February 23, 2019, 07:23:49 PM
From what i have understood by reading your posts, is that each editor may look for different attribute when selecting profile (Lens, Lens Make, Lens Model....)
Update the image's attributes by modifying exif like zLost did with exiv2 is something to keep in mind.

LensFun library, which is used by DarkTable, Gimp and RawTherapee, is trying to do some "intelligent" guessing and matching of exif data with existing lens profiles. They may use the LensType ID as well because what for example my Sigma 150-500 is reporting as LensModel (just "150-500mm") is pretty much useless. I haven't checked lensfun sources, but they seem to be combining LensMake (when available) with LensModel and some variations of LensModel ("EF 70-200" versus "EF70-200" and so on).



Quote from: zLOST on March 29, 2019, 11:42:35 PM
Sorry for being a bit quiet. In the meantime i've played with the script, moved the format submenu to the one with general script settings (autoload_menu) and made up this page, where i've summarized current state:
Thank you for the sample image, I'll take a look at metadata as soon as possibile.

Was working on a refactor of your addition for format selection last couple of days.
I'm trying to find a way to don't mess code too much and avoid the current limitation to allow user to use custom tags also for exiv2,

Quote from: zLOST on March 29, 2019, 11:42:35 PM
There is a LensName issue with Samyang 85/1.4, but otherwise we should be pretty much set ;)
Can you try with the scripts version from the pending PR?

Quote from: zLOST on March 29, 2019, 11:49:24 PM
LensFun library, which is used by DarkTable, Gimp and RawTherapee, is trying to do some "intelligent" guessing and matching of exif data with existing lens profiles. They may use the LensType ID as well because what for example my Sigma 150-500 is reporting as LensModel (just "150-500mm") is pretty much useless. I haven't checked lensfun sources, but they seem to be combining LensMake (when available) with LensModel and some variations of LensModel ("EF 70-200" versus "EF70-200" and so on).
I also think each software is guessing using some heuristics from focal length, lens ID an maybe others... camparing with an internal database to choose from.

Maybe just override metadatas in Exif and Canon Makernotes, may be sufficient. Avoiding inserting redundant info like Photo.LensMake (which will also avoid necessity to handle and save other field in script)


Damned, it's been over a year already..

In the meantime i did couple changes in my code, fixed some stuff, implemented other and changed one exif field.

I've also replaced the dummy sample images at with real ones i took few weeks ago to compare all my manual lenses. All those jpegs with apricot tree have exif data updated by my script, so feel free to grab them and test in your favorite editor. So far the only lenses with lensfun profiles in my case are zenitar 16/2.8, samyang 85/1.4 and industar-50-2 50/3.5..

What i've found out is, that darktable is using Exif.CanonCs.LensType to search for the correction profile. I've been setting it to 65536 == "not available", which made DT to ignore all Lens* fields. So in current version of the script i'm completely dropping this field and voila - detection works :)



Quote from: aprofiti on March 30, 2019, 12:32:32 AM
Thank you for the sample image, I'll take a look at metadata as soon as possibile.

Was working on a refactor of your addition for format selection last couple of days.
I'm trying to find a way to don't mess code too much and avoid the current limitation to allow user to use custom tags also for exiv2,
Can you try with the scripts version from the pending PR?
I also think each software is guessing using some heuristics from focal length, lens ID an maybe others... camparing with an internal database to choose from.

Maybe just override metadatas in Exif and Canon Makernotes, may be sufficient. Avoiding inserting redundant info like Photo.LensMake (which will also avoid necessity to handle and save other field in script)


zLOST Thanks for your update! :)
I try with a EOS 700D and as stated in a previous post the experimental build do not works.
I download the Aprofiti build and after add your last it works!

I prefer the exiv2 mode that build the script

I download also the exiv2 binary for windows and after unzip and add to the PATH i'm able to run it directly from Win10 command prompt (I open the in Notepad++ and save as manual.bat)

EOS 700D 1.1.5, EOS 500D


You're welcome.
You can easily change the filename in lib/xmp.lua at line 54:

        exiv2           = {
                filepath        = function() return dryos.shooting_card.dcim_dir.path .. "" end,

Just replace with manual.bat to save you a bit of work.. I haven't tried it with windows, so you are probably my first tester :)

Quote from: IBIRRU on April 23, 2020, 11:54:12 AM
zLOST Thanks for your update! :)
I try with a EOS 700D and as stated in a previous post the experimental build do not works.
I download the Aprofiti build and after add your last it works!

I prefer the exiv2 mode that build the script

I download also the exiv2 binary for windows and after unzip and add to the PATH i'm able to run it directly from Win10 command prompt (I open the in Notepad++ and save as manual.bat)


zLOST, thanks again.
Just replaced to manual.bat.

Shots some pictures and verified.

Double click on manual.bat and it run flawlessly. No needs to open the Command prompt window.
EOS 700D 1.1.5, EOS 500D


And photoshop or whichever editor/viewer you use is showing the right exif values now?

I'm really glad to hear that.

Quote from: IBIRRU on April 27, 2020, 02:09:23 PM
zLOST, thanks again.
Just replaced to manual.bat.

Shots some pictures and verified.

Double click on manual.bat and it run flawlessly. No needs to open the Command prompt window.


Quote from: zLOST on April 27, 2020, 08:47:04 PM
And photoshop or whichever editor/viewer you use is showing the right exif values now?

I'm really glad to hear that.

Yes PS2020 and Rawtherapee show the correct value. I need to try with Samyang 14 mm if they detect the right lens profile.

I'll update soon about this

EOS 700D 1.1.5, EOS 500D


Lensfun expects the lens model to be "Samyang 14mm f/2.8 AE ED AS IF UMC", so this line should do the trick:

{ make = "Samyang", name = "14mm f/2.8 AE ED AS IF UMC",  focal_length = 14, manual_aperture = 2.8,  serialN = "123456",  aperture_max = 2.8, aperture_min = 22, f_values = {"2.8","4","5.6","8","11","16","22"} },

Quote from: IBIRRU on April 28, 2020, 01:39:23 PM
Yes PS2020 and Rawtherapee show the correct value. I need to try with Samyang 14 mm if they detect the right lens profile.

I'll update soon about this

Milk and Coffee

Can this module be used to program EMF/Focus Confirm chips on adapted manual lenses?
Canon 5D Mark II, Mac/OSX


no idea, to be honest. after couple failed attempts to find one with chip, which actually worked with my digic and/or how to program that damned thing, i've abandoned these "smarter" adapters and am using only the "dumb" ones.
i assume, that the chip would have to be much much smarter to fully fake the modern lens behavior.

Quote from: Milk and Coffee on June 22, 2020, 07:40:30 PM
Can this module be used to program EMF/Focus Confirm chips on adapted manual lenses?



I recently tried to get this working on my EOS Rebel T4i (650D) and ran into some strange problems that caused core dumps relating to malloc.

To absolve any doubt, I tried this on a fresh ML install from the 'Non-CPU lens info' build, (download page is Link1, link to 650D build is Link2).
I'm not using a chipped lens.
The menu for zLOST's lens2.lua script actually pops up. The error only happens when you try to take a photo. Then the script, I guess, crashes and the camera logs that ASSERT.LOG error file.

I tried this two ways, once using the stock lens.lua script that came with the nightly build, and another time using the lens2.lua script that zLOST wrote and publishes at Link3.

What could be the cause of this error? I would expect other scripts to fail as well like Calculator or Hello World.. Pong... Surely they use Malloc as well. But this fails just here when trying to write lens info to a file.

Any help at all would be appreciated :) Thanks!

This is the ASSERT00.LOG generated trying to use the lens.lua script that comes with the nightly build.
at ../../src/mem.c:799 (__mem_malloc), task PropMgr
lv:0 mode:2

PropMgr stack: 14cdc0 [14cf68-14bf68]
0xUNKNOWN  @ 9b5e8:14ce70
0x00ACEB5C @ aca29c:14ce50
0x00ACE398 @ aceb94:14ce40
0x00081480 @ ace3b8:14ce30
0x0007EB8C @ 814bc:14cdf0
0x0007E478 @ 7ebe8:14cdc0

Magic Lantern version : manual_lens_info.2018Dec23.650D104
Mercurial changeset   : 0de7b671c52c (manual_lens_info) tip
Built on 2018-12-23 22:38:34 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 150K + 3092K

This is the ASSERT00.LOG generated trying to use the lens2.lua script that zLOST wrote here
at ../../src/mem.c:799 (__mem_malloc), task PropMgr
lv:0 mode:2

PropMgr stack: 14c380 [14cf68-14bf68]
0x00AA8E54 @ ab4170:14cd00
0xUNKNOWN  @ aa8f38:14cce0
0x00AB55E8 @ abafd0:14c478
0x00AA4F8C @ ab5604:14c468
0x00AB09A8 @ aa4fbc:14c458
0x00AAACEC @ ab0ae8:14c430
0x00AACC04 @ aaad04:14c420
0xUNKNOWN  @ aacc2c:14c400
0x00081480 @ 8c080:14c3f0
0x0007EB8C @ 814bc:14c3b0
0x0007E478 @ 7ebe8:14c380

Magic Lantern version : manual_lens_info.2018Dec23.650D104
Mercurial changeset   : 0de7b671c52c (manual_lens_info) tip
Built on 2018-12-23 22:38:34 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 150K + 3092K


Quote from: InACanoe on September 05, 2021, 08:57:25 PM

I recently tried to get this working on my EOS Rebel T4i (650D) and ran into some strange problems that caused core dumps relating to malloc.

To absolve any doubt, I tried this on a fresh ML install from the 'Non-CPU lens info' build, (download page is Link1, link to 650D build is Link2).
I'm not using a chipped lens.
The menu for zLOST's lens2.lua script actually pops up. The error only happens when you try to take a photo. Then the script, I guess, crashes and the camera logs that ASSERT.LOG error file.

I tried this two ways, once using the stock lens.lua script that came with the nightly build, and another time using the lens2.lua script that zLOST wrote and publishes at Link3.


I'm sorry, but i've missed your post (and since i've switched to EOS R in February 2020, i can't even enjoy ML on my camera :( ).
But i'll borrow my old 650D from my son and give it a shot. The fact is, that i've only been using the lens2.lua with my 6D, but if i remember correctly, some failed assertions bit my ass as well..




Quote from: zLOST on January 06, 2022, 11:59:02 PM

I'm sorry, but i've missed your post (and since i've switched to EOS R in February 2020, i can't even enjoy ML on my camera :( ).
But i'll borrow my old 650D from my son and give it a shot. The fact is, that i've only been using the lens2.lua with my 6D, but if i remember correctly, some failed assertions bit my ass as well..



Haha, no problem at all!
I have no idea where to start with debugging this sort of thing. Are there any articles or guides for programming and avoiding quirks on certain cameras?


Well, i've only been playing with these lua scripts and i assume, that these assertion fckups come from the underlying part of ML, which is completely out of my league :(




So, i was able to replicate the assertion error by using unmodified latest build from

at ../../src/mem.c:799 (__mem_malloc), task PropMgr
lv:0 mode:3

PropMgr stack: 170dc0 [170f68-16ff68]
0xUNKNOWN  @ 468a88:170e70
0x00BFD69C @ bf8ddc:170e50
0x00BFCED8 @ bfd6d4:170e40
0x0044F5E0 @ bfcef8:170e30
0x0044C9F4 @ 44f61c:170df0
0x0044C478 @ 44ca50:170dc0

Magic Lantern version : manual_lens_info.2018Dec23.6D116
Mercurial changeset   : 0de7b671c52c (manual_lens_info) tip
Built on 2018-12-23 22:39:23 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 383K + 1930K

Problem is, that you can't use the "Latest Lua updates + fixes" build, because the in this one does not export info about the lens, which we need and the latest manual_lens_info available at seems to be broken.

@aprofiti may be able to cast some light on this as my working 6D build seems to be even newer than builds from :)
Magic Lantern Nightly.2019Jan21.6D116
Camera   : 6D
Firmware : 116
Changeset: b1818aa3ae43+ (manual_lens_info) tip
Built on : 2019-01-21 13:20:45 by [email protected]

It would be great if we could rebranch the manual_lens_info from latest lua_fix or push the lens-info part to the lua_fix branch, so we can focus on lua scripts..




btw: there is some memory-related assertion fckup, but otherwise the pic is taken, script seems to be run and xmp file (with the original) or custom formatted xml/exiv2 script is generated. So the assertion error is just a minor annoyance after taking a pic :)

i'm currently polishing and tweaking my version of the script and updating accordingly


Looks like i was able to make it all work with the latest 650D build from (

All you gotta do is to install this build, grab and unpack its contents to ML/Scripts/ folder, overwritting everything what's conflicting (i've touched logger.lua, xmp.lua in libs, there is new lib/lens.lua, which holds the info about your lenses).

I've moved the array with lenses to a separate file (lenses.lua) in "Scripts/libs/" and made a lensfun-based generator at

I've just noticed one thing - although the script creates the exiv2/darktable files correctly, in my case it refers to IMG_xxxx.CR2, but the image on the card is called _MG_xxxx.CR2, which is weird and i have no idea why is it happening and how i could have the correct filename in the output.

This goes to XMP.LOG:
2022-01-17 17:02:59 - Writing XMP file B:/DCIM/104CANON/IMG_9476.XMP in darktable format for IMG_9476.CR2
2022-01-17 17:04:05 - Writing XMP file B:/DCIM/104CANON/IMG_9477.XMP in darktable format for IMG_9477.CR2

Whenever new lens is chosen, such line ends up in LENS.LOG:
2022-01-17 17:02:48 - Selected lens: Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Trioplan 1:2.9/50 V
2022-01-17 17:03:40 - Selected lens: Revuenon Auto Revuenon 1:1.2 f=55mm (Tomioka)