canon eos 700d RAW DETECT ERROR

Started by developerphp, July 18, 2016, 10:28:41 PM

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All kind time of day. Today, faced with the problem. when trying to use raw_rec or mlv_rec with FPS override on eos 700d crashes error DETECT RAW ERROR . eos 600d everything works fine. tried to change different USB drive, to no avail.


Modules Debug -> Show Console

Any errors there?





Upload a silent picture from LiveView, taken with the old version, at the FPS override setting that causes the error.


then better rollback to the old version )))
on everything seems to be working stably


Without the info I've asked, I'm not able to fix the new version, sorry.


sorry . I do not know much English. working with a translator. Don't quite understand what I need to do.


Load the 'silent' module, enable it (simple mode, default settings), go to LiveView, enable FPS override at the setting that causes the error, press shutter halfway to take a picture and upload the DNG.


... and take the lens cap off or turn on the lights ;)


Was this at 2.5 FPS as in your screenshot? There's nothing wrong with it...


yes, was. silent in the mode of a photo works normally.

and problems begin with raw_rec and mlv_rec together with fps.

everything works for well.


I cant repeat that RAW DETECT error on my cam, I tried with both mlv_rec and raw_rec on at same time, also tried one at a time, tried with default ML settings and also added cropmarks, just not giving error, not sure why he is getting it? I was using latest nightly.
500D/T1i  550D/T2i  600D/T3i  700D/T5i


matter in that. that there is only an error of DETECT RAW ERROR.
and in a debager in a cycle lines run
black 5/5:.................................................................
on eos 600d everything works remarkably at the last night assembly.

whether there can be it the hardware problem? or it is improbable?


though everything works at old assembly normally
Please try to update the native camera firmware and reset the loader.


I was testing with new firmware and latest nightly ML build, not old one, and am not getting any kind of Raw Detect Error.
500D/T1i  550D/T2i  600D/T3i  700D/T5i


@mk11174: can you compile a version with this enabled in raw.c?

        if (0) // change to 1
            /* for debugging: if black check fails, save the bad frame as DNG */

That way, developerphp will be able to save exactly the DNG frames that are causing trouble.


Then after work, do a hard reset, update the firmware loader re-set and accomplish your goal on the results.))


500D/T1i  550D/T2i  600D/T3i  700D/T5i


I would like to learn more. when updating nightly build to newer or vice versa if you need to update the boot loader in the camera or not?

maybe the problem is that have not updated it. Only updated files themselves.


at frame rates of 10 and above all works. but if the frame rate is below 7, the recording does not start.

no other errors.


with the assembly magiclantern-Nightly.2016Feb13.700D114 also noticed that if you set the recording speed of 2.5 frames per second, but the debugger frame rate is 11, and the error (DETECT RAW ERROR) no.

Video frame rate is also higher than for the debugger 11, to put the 10 settings.
If I correctly understood,