Is this it?

Started by itsDPmikey, May 16, 2016, 09:17:31 AM

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For almost 3 years now I have been part of the Magic Lantern community and I have loved every min of it. I think what has been accomplished is amazing. I am tremendously thankful for everyone who has put some much time and hard work into making what Magic Lantern is today. Giving so many people the ability to be creative and bring their stories and imaginations to life. That being said something is missing with the ML users(community) Which brings me to he point why I titled this subject "Is this it?".

In these 3 years for the majority of the part(not all just majority) from what I have seen from ML users, of course me included, have been mostly travel videos and random test videos which don't get me wrong are fantastic but, well i.g. just type in MAGIC LANTERN in YouTube or Vimeo or just in the google videos section, what you will find is that there isn't a lot of people pushing Magic Lantern to what its capable of in actual entertainment. Although some of these videos are very beautiful, inspirational, and creative.. watching someone test magic lantern software gets kind of old, and kind of boring when it's done too much :-[.

So although there are or might be some, but when are we going to start seeing some true "film like" movies, high quality "movie like" Entertainment that you would normally see in your local theater(no over exaggerations) Shot all on ML. Because the truth is that YOU CAN! get very amazing looking videos out of ML, with 5D MIII DCI 2.5k DCI and DCI 2K MIII & MII which is theatre standards. All of these test videos and other ML materials have proven that to be true.

Even here on ML site, When you click the "share your videos" in the ML forum section, again, most of what you'll see are travel videos and test videos and a few other type of content like documentaries. But again not saying they aren't important or that they are useless, not at all just would love to see some high quality content that have been pushed to the limits of ML. Hollywood used the Canon 5D for Captain America , Iron Man, Black Swan, shows like 24 and House and many many more like 2015 Mad Max which I'm pretty sure MagicLanter was installed on. Now obviously 5D isn't their "primary" camera I'm sure but think about it the camera you hold have been used in some huge features and we got MagicLanter on our side with unlocked capabilities.

So I was thinking about this.. :D
Why not start a project of some kind, it will be "The Magic Lantern Project".

Basically people from all over the world join together with other Magic Lantern users, IN THEIR CITY. Each city or location in partnership with other ML users, to write and shoot at least a 15min to 1hr movie(no documentary like stuff). All up to YOU GUYS! No rules, just be professionals.

Each City(group) writes their own material and shoots it. This means we should have ENOUGH TALENT, ENOUGH CAMERAS, ENOUGH LENSES, and I'm sure enough necessary production equipment like tripods, dollies, lights, etc.. because for the majority of "camera users" we have those equipments. (ONLY CAMERAS THAT CAN BE USED ARE CAMERAS THAT USE MAGIC LANTERN) because of Camera Workflow, Camera Accessibility, Editing and Grading Workflow like Color Space, File format, and of course ML Community

Maybe our work could even be entered in competition events like film festivals for recognition but optional. W.e we want.

It's time to create and put out some real story content and be taken seriously! [/b][/size][/color]

Anyway, this was just a thought and I'm curious to know what you all think. Suggestions? Improvements? Ideas? comment PLEASE!(please keep your comments clean and respectful)
I love this &^*$ MAN!


sounds pretty epic and amazing. this requires someone to administer it all. it also reruires cooperation.
how will it work practically?

maby we in that case need a separate forum genre "share your videos - with narrative - . ?


You've made some really good points. Let me see if I can address them.

Well practically we start talking about it, start brainstorming ideas, find ways to make it happen. Because this is NOT IMPOSSIBLE.

One issue is, how do I get a hold of ML users in my community? In other words there has to be some kind of a "medium" for us to be able to find other ML users in our Cities.

MagicLantern website is a big one and probably the best medium because every ML user comes here, well pretty much has to for news and firmware updates. So how do we use this method?

You also made another great point which is "COOPERATION". Now I know that we're not going to immediately get the whole international ML community to start doing this, but we can start pushing this, and if even one JUST ONE city(group) attempts this and is successful at it then that'll be the spark that lights up a forest.

So that being said the need for an "administrator" to be in charge of a giant event isn't really necessary in the beginning (UNLESS THIS ACTUALLY STARTS TO BECOME A GIANT EVENT IMMEDIATELY) so but there will be an administrator for each group yes but not in the form of a boss or anything like that. More like someone who keeps everything in order, has a schedule of everything like who's available on what day etc. Once we are able to actually get together and start communicating I think things will start to come together. We will discuss and list down WHAT EQUIPMENTS we are able to use, from there we can get a clear idea what type of a story we can create and shoot for the project. If we are passionate filmmakers then we will find ways to work together peacefully and respectfully.

Look for the most part we have to be adults about it all and not quarrel about silly things. We would need to work and behave as professionals because if we put in honest hard work with our hearts into it, be creative, and it comes out as awesome as we make it out to be then you never know where that will take us. One of my points is that we don't need money, we need each other. Because we pretty much have all that we need. The talent, the equipment, and the STORY!

I love this &^*$ MAN!


I think it's a great idea - the Magic Lantern community is so diverse, and to really take advantage of that diversity we should tackle creative projects!  The real answer to your question about seeing finished entertainment is: It's hard.  You need GREAT writers in addition to great engineers, DP's, Directors, Grips, Actors.  It isn't easy.

That said, the first step is TRYING.  We have to TRY!  Try new things!  I think a new subforum for creative projects would be an excellent start.


Quote from: jpegmasterjesse on May 17, 2016, 12:10:54 AM
I think it's a great idea - the Magic Lantern community is so diverse, and to really take advantage of that diversity we should tackle creative projects!  The real answer to your question about seeing finished entertainment is: It's hard.  You need GREAT writers in addition to great engineers, DP's, Directors, Grips, Actors.  It isn't easy.

That said, the first step is TRYING.  We have to TRY!  Try new things!  I think a new subforum for creative projects would be an excellent start.

FIRST OF ALL! THANK YOU for reading and commenting, I so appreciate it.

My point EXACTLY. Just try, start trying because we'll never know unless we try.

Another thing, yes you are right that such talents like "writers, grips, gaffers, actors, directors, etc. While these are all great and in a big way essential, doesn't mean we need to stress over it too much.
How often have you seen something like a short film on YouTube and even more on Vimeo that someone made with little to no financing, equipment, gaffers, engineers etc. and it was AWESOME! Just friends family participating in acting, helping in other ways etc.. I've seen quite a few and some have blown me away!
So then the question is WHY CANT WE?
If our hearts are completely into it, what can't we accomplish?

The developers behind ML have given us the opportunity to get AMAZING! FILM LIKE, HIGH QUALITY videos out of our cameras. Cameras that are super portable, easy to use, and super affordable. This to me is huge and gives us huge latitude.

STORY. Oh yes the STORY of course.
I think that this even tho being THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, is the least to stress about and here's why. I personally believe that "we" as humans are all story tellers. We all have stories to tell and everyday is a new story to tell. The goal is try not to overkill. Simple but powerful. Put 10 people together and you'll be amazed with the kind of stories that will come out enough to fill a season of shows. So you've all probably heard from all of your "role models" or "mentors" in the film industry something like "all you need is a camera, if you got a camera then go and shoot" you guys know what I'm talking about. So why not follow that very simple but powerful and OH SO TRUE principle.
..I'm not saying let's pretend that we have a Hollywood like budget and financing and although that would be nice, it's not really necessary I think.

i.g. I have a 5Dm3, a few lights, 1 monopod, 1, large tripod, 1 high hat tripod, zoomH6 pro kit, 1 C-Stand, and I think you gets get the point. So that's just one person imagine we all come together I believe we will have what we need to shoot a decent if not amazing quality project.

I think that whatever obstacle comes ahead we can overcome it work around it and eventually successfully execute it.

I love this &^*$ MAN!


I am in, I am looking for projects to do. Preferrably short films.

I am based for the most part in Austria (Western part) to the border of Swiss and Germany, so I am pretty flexible in that area. And I spend some months of the year in Scandinavia.

I got lots of ideas for some shorts.

The biggest obstacle to overcome is just going out and doing it! Just DO IT! not tomorrow, but now!

So hook me up if you got something in my area!
once you go raw you never go back


Quote from: Kharak on May 17, 2016, 02:23:10 AM
I am in, I am looking for projects to do. Preferrably short films.

I am based for the most part in Austria (Western part) to the border of Swiss and Germany, so I am pretty flexible in that area. And I spend some months of the year in Scandinavia.

I got lots of ideas for some shorts.

The biggest obstacle to overcome is just going out and doing it! Just DO IT! not tomorrow, but now!

So hook me up if you got something in my area!

Kharak you just became one of my HEROS

This is what I'm talking about. This is the next step how to get ML users for locals to find each other. I'm from Sacramento, CA. I know someone who I've made a short with here in Sac, that also uses ML on his 5Dm2.

So here is the obstacle, how do we overcome this? Do we make a Promo video for this for people to start getting involved? What are some ideas SPECIFICALLY targeting this obstacle. Ideally at least 10 people would be great! but no rules to how many people can be involved the more the merrier.
i.g. Me, My friend + 8 more people in my area, How do I find 8 more ML users In my area?

I can already imagine an awesome movie with the credits running at the end of bunch of names AWESOME!!!

____________________PROJECT MEMBER LIST__________________

CITY(Location)                       Members(ML Users)
Sacramento, CA USA                 1) ItsDPmikey(Mikey)
                                                 2) David

CITY(Location)                       Members(ML Users)
West Austria                            1) Kharak(Kharak)
I love this &^*$ MAN!


Count me in @itsDPmikey by all means.

However, keep in mind that if it weren't for the countless hours of videos that may seem "boring" because either they were tests videos or just simply trying to gain criticism in order to better themselves. I happen to be one of them and sorry for wasting your time.

Just because we may seem nonsense or a bit pointless when it is actually quite the opposite ... It moves this ML community forward at a pace that's undeniably slow (but for good reasons) probably in order to allow all of us to catch up on new features, troubleshooting bugs down and whatnot.

All of this may seem boring (understandably) but perhaps to me and many of us on this Forum actually find them useful as they help us solve issues such as unreported bugs that otherwise wouldn't have known sooner if it weren't for us lame people posting lame videos to try and better ourselves for this community together as a whole.

Even for me, as of today, I still feel that I haven't contributed enough towards this project of ML so I'm not quite sure how else to make time for the so called "Magic Lantern Project" and with that being said ... Not trying to stall this as I am actually intrigued with this idea of yours since I think it's an excellent idea for a Project but the question is ... Is it even feasible and rather have be a contest why not just make into some kind of an international friendly type of a doc of how/why we are here and do what we love?

Like I said, count me in by all means and also will be aware of our limited resources/gears/time due to the busy lives that we all live in.

Nothing is impossible and ML just simply makes it easier for us all, right? [emoji6]

Thanks for starting this thread, Mikey!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Hey DpMikey, if you go through the video section of the ML Forum, you will find out that there are actually quite a lot of people who are doing narratives/shorts with Magic Lantern :)
Music videos, commercial, you name it, there's somebody probably doing it with Magic Lantern already! :D
If i remember, one guy in Brasil did an hilarious sit-com with it, and it even won an award.. (If only I could find the video..)

Regarding your idea, I have been thinking for quite a while to start a thread and see if other people using Magic Lantern (In London, UK) would like to join this project I have been working on for ages.
What I do not really understand, is why make it out as a contest?
Theoretically, if all the people using magic lantern would pull together to make a movie there would be enough capital an manpower to do anything! :D


im in, city of lund sweden. :)

collabs sounds nice.

Roberto Mena

Im in. I live in California, the Bay Area, San Jose.


Count me out. No offence but it sounds like a stupid idea. Surely limiting your creative input to only people who own a Canon camera and use Magic Lantern is, frankly, bonkers?

Now don't get me wrong, I love Magic Lantern and am on here most days to try and help the community in any way I can, if only in a small way, but if I was going to make a new film, top of my list wouldn't be to find other people with Canon + ML cameras.

If you really want to collaborate and genuinely want to make a short or a feature, make a list of the things you need, such as:

1. A good script

Don't move onto step 2 until step 1 is fulfilled.

So, if you're stuck on step 1 then perhaps look for writing classes in your area and ask the students if they'd be interested in collaborating.

Now, assuming you have a writer on board and the script is taking shape you can then look for other people to collaborate with, such as:

2. Actors.

If you haven't got a script and talent involved then all the ML cameras in the world will mean nothing. So, don't move onto step 3 until step 2 is fulfilled. Again, approach local acting classes / put out adverts etc, then move onto looking for crew.

3. Crew: Lights / DP / Director / Sound / Grips / Continuity / Makeup etc etc.

Unless I've completely misread your post, that's why I think it's crazy to limit your collaborations with people who only own Canon cameras running Magic Lantern.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


____________________PROJECT MEMBER LIST__________________

CITY(Location)                                      Members(ML Users)
Sacramento,SF,San Jose, CA                  1) ItsDPmikey
                                                   2) David
                                                          3) Roberto Mena

CITY(Location)                                        Members(ML Users)
West Austria                                          1) Kharak

CITY(Location)                                       Members(ML Users)
Lund, Sweden                                        1) favvomannen

CITY(Location)                                       Members(ML Users)
        London, UK                                  1) extremelypoorfilmaker

CITY(Location)                                       Members(ML Users)
  Unknown                                           1) DeafEyeJedi

markodarko - first of all, If I had a "better" or "more capable" camera than the one I have(5d) then obviously I would use it but I don't. This isn't like lets make a feature movie with 5D(or other ML compatible cameras) EVEN THO we have the resources to shoot with "Higher Quality" cameras. This is for people like me who ONLY have ML capable cameras and want to collaborate on a serious professional level "short". You seem to be limiting yourself by getting caught up in this crazy Hollywood budget, well financed production rules, or something like that, but that's not even the goal here, but I will say that IN FACT more and more big Hollywood productions are starting to use consumer grade cameras these days IN THEIR FEATURES(5d Is the most common one). However as I said its Not what I was aiming at. THE REASON I said magic lantern cameras only is to show what we can do with ML AND because that's how the whole collaboration would work is that we are all working with the same format cameras the major benefit is the ML COMMUNITY, and THE SIMILARITIES of the camera workflow.

Also, I just wanted to just say MARKODARKO THANK YOU for you thoughts I truly appreciate it and I don't think that for one sec this "idea" was "perfect" by any stretch of the imagination but I wanted to see if others feel the same way as I do that this could be something great and possible.

Roberto Mena and favvomannen - YOU'RE AWESOME GUYS! I THANK YOU and APPRECIATE your support and participation. If you have any thoughts or ideas please share with us how to get this going!

DeafEyeJedi - THANK YOU for your participation and even more, for your thoughts and ideas.
To address some of your points. Yes you are right there are some amazing high quality content that have been made with ML and I am totally inspired by those, and this in a way came from that inspiration, so no you weren't wasting my time or boring me. A lot of those videos have been TREMENDOUSLY HELPFUL to me. So what I meant was there has to be some kind of "growth" something new and fresh. Don't get me wrong, I do value and appreciate all the time and effort the people in the ML community put in to share their craft, work, art etc. AND its because of that, that I BELIEVE that we are all very capable of doing something bigger and even more powerful. I don't want this to be a judgmental thing or w.e but rather how we can help each other to push each other and create something together something AWESOME, something POSITIVE. 

About the "CONTEST" thing. This does not have to be a contest, I only said that for motivational reasons. To get others going and have them participate because contests have the ability to do that but again by no means is that a rule or something.

Look, this is just an idea, a thought born from inspiration from those very test and other VIDEOS. I have seen over and over what we are capable of. Bringing our imaginations to life creating amazing content, and so why sell ourselves short. You mentioned "international friendly type thing" and I think that's BRILLIANT. You shared a thought and I found it brilliant please share more.

As for our busy lives, trying to find time for this. No one should get into something that they KNOW for a fact they can't finish or w.e especially when other people will be counting on them. BUT! I do think that if someone has passion and love for something(in this case filmmaking) they will DO ANYTHING to make it work. Success does not easy, and I wouldn't want it to because the reward is great when you know you've earned it. I'm sure some things could be worked out to work with each other with our schedules.

THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, FRESH, GREAT STORY AND CONENT WORTH WATCHING (I'm sure this didnt take a huge budget or huge hollywood crew to create)
RANDOM FIND: Total War by Blue Rig Media
I love this &^*$ MAN!


Quote from: itsDPmikey on May 26, 2016, 08:22:13 AM
markodarko - first of all, If I had a "better" or "more capable" camera than the one I have(5d) then obviously I would use it but I don't.

I can't help but feel that you missed my point. It's not that you'd be shooting on a 5D. I'd have no problem making a feature on my 5D III using ML at all. My point was, and still is, that you are trying to create a collaboration to make a short by including only those who own Canon cameras running Magic Lantern as the requirement.

The equivalent would be for someone who uses Final Draft to try and create a collaboration for a short with only people who use Final Draft, or, for an audio guy on the Zoom forum to try and create a short by using only people who record with a Zoom H6.

Just because people on here have a Canon camera running ML doesn't mean they have any skill or desire to be a boom operator or a sound guy or a makeup artist or a script consultant or a director or a focus puller or an actor or a location scout or a screenwriter or a grip, or a lighting guy etc. etc.  Hence why it's a backwards idea in trying to go forwards. You need to collaborate with people who already do and want to do those things, not with people who JUST own canon cameras.

As for not wanting to do a "Hollywood" project, I never mentioned such a thing, but all those roles I mentioned are needed for ANY scale of project - even if some roles are done by the same person.

More than likely, if / when you come to shoot it you'll need one camera for the majority of your shots and one camera operator / DP and one director. So what will the other people (who have turned up with their ML equipped cameras) be doing when this one person is shooting?

Start with a script. Do you have a script?


Quote from: markodarko on May 26, 2016, 04:42:36 PM
I can't help but feel that you missed my point.
..... ??? how ironic.

Quote from: markodarko on May 26, 2016, 04:42:36 PM
The equivalent would be for someone who uses Final Draft to try and create a collaboration for a short with only people who use Final Draft, or, for an audio guy on the Zoom forum to try and create a short by using only people who record with a Zoom H6.
:( Absolutely stupid metaphors.

Quote from: markodarko on May 26, 2016, 04:42:36 PM
Just because people on here have a Canon camera running ML doesn't mean they have any skill or desire to be a boom operator...
I don't even know where to begin with this one, I mean I feel like I made it very clear already but ok... ITS ABOUT THE ML COMMUNITY, CAMERA WORKFLOW SIMILARITIES AND CAMERA FORMAT SIMILARITIES, WORKING IN THE SAME COLOR SPACE VERY HELPFUL for color correction and editing since they are all Canon EOS cameras. ALSO No one is forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to. It's not like one person is going to be "locked in" as the DP for the whole project. I'm pretty sure everyone has more than one skill, we all have many skills its about utilizing them the best and most time efficient way. I myself can light, DP, Write, Color Correct, Edit, VFX, handle audio..etc. I can utilize my skills where they are needed. Sounds like you are stuck in amateur hour. This isn't about being selfish and just wanting to hold the longer stick its about coming together and focusing on the end goal the project and executing it successfully. No matter what anyone does we all get equal credit for it. TEAM WORK FOO!

Quote from: markodarko on May 26, 2016, 04:42:36 PM
More than likely, if / when you come to shoot it you'll need one camera for the majority of your shots and one camera operator / DP and one director. So what will the other people (who have turned up with their ML equipped cameras) be doing when this one person is shooting?
Man you clearly haven't read or understood anything if you have read. Its not just cameras, more than likely we all have more than just a camera. More than likely we have gear that we can use like tripods, dollies, lights, sliders, stabilizers, etc.. And another thing its always good to have backup cameras many times B cameras, C cameras are used for necessary scenes. You clearly lack in being a visionary which makes me question why you even bother with cameras and filmmaking. I'd suggest you do a whole reset in your thinking.

AGAIN this isn't going to be amateur hour, its not like we would just randomly meet and start scratching our heads like "what do we do now". OF COURSE we would have meets to have important discussions on what we are going to create, how we are going to create it, what we are going to need etc.. We would sit down and go over the scripts we would go over which one would be best for us considering time, and resources and how realistic it would be in executing it successfully. Then we would start with the schedule and discuss what SKILLS EVERYONE HAS to break down how we can utilize our skills the best way. Maybe I'm a gaffer one day and the other day a dp, TEAM WORK FOO!

Quote from: markodarko on May 26, 2016, 04:42:36 PM
Start with a script. Do you have a script?

yeah dude I got scriptS 3 finished and 2 more being worked on.

What I'd bring to the table personally: my cousin is a professional gaffer and electrician, my sister is a professional makeup artist, I also have 13 friends who have volunteered as talents anytime as long as I give them a heads up ahead of time. Not to mention rest of my gear (not counting camera).. And I'm just one person.

So yeah I do see this being very much possible and not as difficult as your making it out to be.

markodarko So at this point I've been respectful and I think reasonable AND I believe I've done a good job "explaining" the areas you've had trouble understanding and you said "you're out" (even tho you weren't necessarily in) I think you have been a tremendous benefit to this post because you've made some really good and important points and I respectfully thank you for that and hope you have a change of heart, but either way God-SPEED friend.
I love this &^*$ MAN!


At first , I thought what the end game here , sound kind of fishy  ::) etc... but I kept reading the post just to see where it goes .
Then I saw a few member's quickly jump on board , some with reservation  I thought will maybe there's something going on here I should  pay attention to.
Will when the negative comments started to flow in I was thinking that a little too harsh ! And Yea It should Only Be Canon EOS Cameras because that's why we are
all here in the first place . This is a Canon forum so it's only right to only use Magic Lantern Raw enabled Cameras !

So after reading @itsDPmikey responds post it was very clear to me that this would be a passionate project with mix favors for around the world and how can that Fail.

Ok I'm in  :D

5D Mark ii , can shot @ 2048x930 24p continuous 3x crop or 1:1 @ 1880x1058 24p
EF 24-70L f2.8, EF 100L f2.8, EF 70-200L f2.8 , 2X extender for 70-200 , 50mm Sigma f1.4
I have my own FTP Site for large file transfers & HD web video streaming servers (I host my own site ).
Plus I have full 12bit grading suit , with lots of Hardware to process (3 MacPro , 1 Killer Hackintoss+6TBRaid5 , 1PC WorkStation Dual GPU's +8TB Raid0) .

So just like everyone else my time is limited ,  but if I can help either filming or post work (grading  , editing etc...)  I will gladly donate my time/hardware usage.
Oh yea I'm from Western Canada , "Red Deer, Alberta"



____________________PROJECT MEMBER LIST__________________

CITY(Location)                                      Members(ML Users)
Sacramento,SF,San Jose, CA                  1) ItsDPmikey
                                                   2) David
                                                             3) Roberto Mena

CITY(Location)                                        Members(ML Users)
West Austria                                          1) Kharak

CITY(Location)                                       Members(ML Users)
Lund, Sweden                                        1) favvomannen

CITY(Location)                                       Members(ML Users)
  London, UK                                         1) extremelypoorfilmaker

CITY(Location)                                       Members(ML Users)
Unknown                                             1) DeafEyeJedi

CITY(Location)                                       Members(ML Users)
Red Deer City Alberta, Canada                1) reddeercity

Quote from: reddeercity on May 28, 2016, 07:22:43 AM
At first , I thought what the end game here , sound kind of fishy  ::) etc... but I kept reading the post just to see where it goes .
Then I saw a few member's quickly jump on board , some with reservation  I thought will maybe there's something going on here I should  pay attention to.
Will when the negative comments started to flow in I was thinking that a little too harsh ! And Yea It should Only Be Canon EOS Cameras because that's why we are
all here in the first place . This is a Canon forum so it's only right to only use Magic Lantern Raw enabled Cameras !

So after reading @itsDPmikey responds post it was very clear to me that this would be a passionate project with mix favors for around the world and how can that Fail.

Ok I'm in  :D

5D Mark ii , can shot @ 2048x930 24p continuous 3x crop or 1:1 @ 1880x1058 24p
EF 24-70L f2.8, EF 100L f2.8, EF 70-200L f2.8 , 2X extender for 70-200 , 50mm Sigma f1.4
I have my own FTP Site for large file transfers & HD web video streaming servers (I host my own site ).
Plus I have full 12bit grading suit , with lots of Hardware to process (3 MacPro , 1 Killer Hackintoss+6TBRaid5 , 1PC WorkStation Dual GPU's +8TB Raid0) .

So just like everyone else my time is limited ,  but if I can help either filming or post work (grading  , editing etc...)  I will gladly donate my time/hardware usage.
Oh yea I'm from Western Canada , "Red Deer, Alberta"


reddeercity - YES! Thank you sir, I greatly appreciate and value your participation and time. If you have any ideas for improvement or add anything else please feel free. I'm trying to find ways to spread the word. Also I'm not sure if you are close to the region of the fires, but I wanted to say our thoughts and prayers are with the with people of Alberta.

Those are some mighty fine editing workstations you got there LOVE IT!
I got a HP Z820 dual core giving me 32 cores, NVIDIA QUADRO K6000
And I just got my new i7 4.0 GHz iMac this week, I'll be getting 2017 MacPro or whenever it comes out. My problem is storage! I don't have much of it.

I love this &^*$ MAN!


Quote from: itsDPmikey on May 28, 2016, 03:03:56 AM
Sounds like you are stuck in amateur hour. <snip> You clearly lack in being a visionary which makes me question why you even bother with cameras and filmmaking. I'd suggest you do a whole reset in your thinking.

I won't tolerate personal attacks on forums. Period.

If you think that my POV was skewed then put my argument straight - I'm more than willing to listen and rethink my stance (for example, in your last post you mention that you DO have a script and talent at your disposal and a makeup artist. Great! That's fresh information) - but don't think for one second that you somehow have the right to attack me as a person (when you don't know me from Adam) just because you think I don't like your idea or because it's "just the Internet" or because you end your post with a pseudo-goodwill gesture. It's unbecoming.

You know nothing about me and I know nothing about you. I offered my opinion about your suggestion (not about you as a person) because you requested it:

Quote from: itsDPmikey on May 16, 2016, 09:17:31 AM
Anyway, this was just a thought and I'm curious to know what you all think. Suggestions? Improvements? Ideas? comment PLEASE!

So let's keep things amicable around here and not resort to playground attacks, shall we?



Quote from: markodarko on May 28, 2016, 02:01:17 PM
I won't tolerate personal attacks on forums. Period.


You won't tolerate? What does that even mean exactly? I don't make personal attacks lol trust me that was intended to be an "attack". Learn to accept what might be the truth even though you might not like it.

Quote from: markodarko on May 28, 2016, 02:01:17 PM
Count me out. No offence but it sounds like a stupid idea.....frankly bonkers

Again how ironic of you "mr. Nice and Respectful" you think just because YOU put something like "no offense" that what you said can't be taken offensively or be disrespectful?

You've just been negative this whole time some would even consider you as a troll.
It may be fresh information to you but you could of just asked what resources I or anyone else have instead the first thing you say is "count me out your idea is STUPID"

And don't think for one second that I wouldn't say any of this and if needed more to your face. Don't be a hypocrite, I'd suggest you grow up take your own advice because there's a lot you don't know about me but you've made a lot of assumptions. You've read a few articles and watched a few YouTube videos and assume you know the structure of film productions and we don't. Making me laugh.

I think we can all agree that you "don't like the idea" it's your God given right to do so if that's what you choose to I respect your decision, but unless you have any way of contributing in a positive way I'd suggest you be on your little way so the rest of us can have positive and respectful discussions on what we love to do as filmmakers. Your negativity is neither needed or wanted here.
I love this &^*$ MAN!


Quote from: itsDPmikey on May 28, 2016, 02:52:18 PM
You won't tolerate? What does that even mean exactly? I don't make personal attacks lol trust me that was intended to be an "attack". Learn to accept what might be the truth even though you might not like it.
Again how ironic of you "mr. Nice and Respectful" you think just because YOU put something like "no offense" that what you said can't be taken offensively or be disrespectful?

You've just been negative this whole time some would even consider you as a troll.
It may be fresh information to you but you could of just asked what resources I or anyone else have instead the first thing you say is "count me out your idea is STUPID"

And don't think for one second that I wouldn't say any of this and if needed more to your face. Don't be a hypocrite, I'd suggest you grow up take your own advice because there's a lot you don't know about me but you've made a lot of assumptions. You've read a few articles and watched a few YouTube videos and assume you know the structure of film productions and we don't. Making me laugh.

I think we can all agree that you "don't like the idea" it's your God given right to do so if that's what you choose to I respect your decision, but unless you have any way of contributing in a positive way I'd suggest you be on your little way so the rest of us can have positive and respectful discussions on what we love to do as filmmakers. Your negativity is needed or wanted here.

Wow. Just... Wow.

Before I leave this discussion (although I thought there were two sides to a discussion? Hmm.) I'd just like to set the record straight...

1. Yes, I thought (and still do) that the IDEA is bonkers and I then went on to explain WHY I thought that the IDEA was stupid in what I believe was a concise, rational and logical way. At NO POINT did I say that YOU were stupid. Not once. Nor did I make any assumptions about YOU as a person in either your skill or personality. Unlike yourself with me.

2.  You asked for an opinion on your IDEA and I gave one - albeit, a negative one - which started an avalanche of personal attacks from you and many assumptions about MY skill and/or personality. Clearly the fault is mine here as I didn't know that you were just looking for positive opinions. Perhaps next time you should specify that.

3. "You've read a few articles and watched a few YouTube videos and assume you know the structure of film productions and we don't. Making me laugh." Actually I've worked in the TV industry (on programmes that actually got, you know - broadcast) as an Editor, DP and a Director in my day so again, please stop with the personal attacks and assumptions. I've made none about you.

4. "Your negativity is needed or wanted here." Holy moly, this is the icing on the cake (although I assume you mean that it's NOT wanted). To give a negative opinion about an IDEA is a natural part of debating. If you've ever worked in TV (and I don't know if you have) you'll know that what you consider to be your best IDEAS are frequently shot down and binned. But, when they are, the director will usually (although not always) give his/her reason why. Of course, you don't have to agree with their decision or their opinion but you certainly don't start calling them all the names under the sun and slandering their character. As I said before, it's unbecoming.

So now the record is straight (as far as I'm concerned, at least) I clearly have nothing to offer this thread and clearly I am not welcome, so I'll get my coat.

Best of luck with your projects - and incidentally that is not said with any sarcasm. I genuinely mean it. Just because I personally think it's a crazy idea doesn't mean it won't work. I hope it does! I shall be more than happy to eat humble pie in that instance.




Quote from: markodarko on May 29, 2016, 03:01:44 AM
Clearly the fault is mine here as I didn't know that you were just looking for positive opinions. Perhaps next time you should specify that.....

....Best of luck with your projects - and incidentally that is not said with any sarcasm. I genuinely mean it. Just because I personally think it's a crazy idea doesn't mean it won't work. I hope it does! I shall be more than happy to eat humble pie in that instance.



Thank you, take care Mark.
I love this &^*$ MAN!


couldnt we make a film about a standard green tennis ball, (or any other standard object) rolliing through the best locations of each country?
that way we could have the best scenes from each location?

that way we could at least try out how the collab would work. ie everyone does two 5-10 second shots?


Quote from: favvomannen on June 02, 2016, 07:29:55 AM
couldnt we make a film about a standard green tennis ball, (or any other standard object) rolliing through the best locations of each country?
that way we could have the best scenes from each location?

that way we could at least try out how the collab would work. ie everyone does two 5-10 second shots?

In other words, another travel "type" video. AWESOME idea, but I am not aiming for that. I'm aiming for a fiction/non-fiction scripted film. But i'm down to try your idea as a side project.
I love this &^*$ MAN!