A reworded request about mechanisms inside DSLRs

Started by ZachGoodwin, February 03, 2016, 01:29:13 AM

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So far lately DSLRs have been giving us trouble in terms of faulty errors when it comes to the mechanisms inside the camera. To prevent perhaps having to spend a lot of money. Is it alright that the magiclantern team make a new file for the DSLR to not care about the mechanisms going inside it. I knew what caused the shutter error for the VAF-TXi, once the shutter started getting faulty the entire camera started to care about what was going inside it. So if it is possible could there be a file for the camera to not care about the mechanisms inside it? Now not only is one problem but it also invites a slew of problems that could be fixed if this gets fixed. It is not so much a mechanical problem, I feel as if Canon is cheating people when it comes to some of these errors.

I think it may have to do with the camera's desire for shutter count. Anybody here would like to comment on that?

Hey guys if you remove the screw on the left side of the strap attachment it'll remove the problem completely.


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Oops--another issue, now your camera is missing a screw.


Don't talk like that you would have never even approached it.