Shooting raw video with 5d mkiii and everything is red

Started by wcmary, February 05, 2016, 07:51:00 AM

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Hi there - I'm a newbie and am hoping the answer is simple...brand new mkiii. I downgraded my firmware to 1.2.3, installed the latest nightly build, and successfully shot mlv video with sound! Yay for me!
Except that the footage doesn't look like the bland raw footage I'm use to seeing in the demo vids, and doesn't correct like anything I've ever seen. It's just... Red. And when I apply a lut in Resove - ANY lut - it just makes t completely red, as in no other color. I am sure I'm missing a setting somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone know where I messed up?
Oh yeah, and why can't I change the frame rate to 24p? Scratching my head on that one, too...
Thanks for the help and ML RULES!!!
