MLVProducer: [v3200]

Started by AWPStar, May 29, 2015, 10:44:45 PM

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Quote from: AWPStar on May 07, 2017, 09:43:59 PM
Still not sure how to decompress cr2.

May be on a base of available solutions (mlv_dump, RawFlow, cr2hdr, Dual ISO Processor)?


Is it possible to add at least DNG sequence support for import? That way people could be able to process Dual ISO DNG to normal DNG. RawFlow software that decode crop_mode MLVs to DNGs sometimes seems randomly produce corrupt frames (on Dual ISO mode) so now for Win users it impossible to shoot Dual ISO footage in crop_mode because of insufficient postprocessing.



I have been trying out different MLV Converters for about two weeks now. I've been using your software now for about a week and I am really liking it. There are a few things I find quite "fiddly" though, I don't understand which Dials or filters actually affect the CinemaDNG output, seems as though most settings don't affect the CinemaDNG output, which is good, I prefer a clean output, but would be nice with some highlighting or some notice of what affects the selected output.

The colour space also does nothing to the CinemaDNG output? Or does it? I usually go by None/linear and increase the gamma to 0.30. There is also two Log-C Colour spaces, one with capital letter and one without. Any difference ?

3x5 scaling is nice, but is it only for display purposes, it does not affect the CinemaDNG? Is the scaling not good enough? and or would it be better to let After Effects or Resolve handle the Stretch ?

How do I best do FPN Profiles? I took seperate shots at all the base ISO's with the lens cap on. The Vertical Stripe fix does not seem to work too good. I still see Vertical stripes under heavy grade.

Also many of the windows like Timeline, RGB Parade and so on are stuck on the front, if I alt+tab to Desktop or whatever, they are still visible and clicking them takes me back to MLVProducer.

once you go raw you never go back


I have a problem in my RAW video.
When I shoot some scenes, there is an unpleasant pixel color defect, usually it is visible in the openings of the foliage of trees, and also on small white objects.
Does anyone know this problem? Thanx.
Canon 5d Mark 2.


Its the 5D2 Sensor reacting to the high contrast
once you go raw you never go back


Hi all! Just crossing this thread and just tried MLVProducer.
It really clicks on me, very cool tool!
I'm wondering if it can be used or extended to digitally smooth ISO jumps, like i was asking in the following thread:



QuoteIs it possible to add at least DNG sequence support for import?
Cannot decode all DNG-codecs.

QuoteThe colour space also does nothing to the CinemaDNG output? Or does it?
dng contains pure raw. You can romne vertical stripes, focus pixels and hox pixels. Also, scaling cannot be applied.
QuoteHow do I best do FPN Profiles?
You'r doing right.

Aliasing. Try false color reduction(filters tab).

I can add deflicker filter.
Can you upload some mlv-example?
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


@AWPStar: It is more a digital ISO ramping between steps induced by letting the camera handle the ISO adjustments than a deflicker. I will be able to upload something next Monday. Thanks!


MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.

andy kh

Quote from: YaDeniska on May 31, 2017, 08:49:38 PM
I have a problem in my RAW video.
When I shoot some scenes, there is an unpleasant pixel color defect, usually it is visible in the openings of the foliage of trees, and also on small white objects.
Does anyone know this problem? Thanx.
Canon 5d Mark 2.

im also facing this problem with my canon 70D so i have stoped shooting in raw after upgrading to 70D. never had this problem with my previous 650D and 550D camera
5D Mark III - 70D


some changes for new version.

  • More accurate white balance. applies before color space. achieved by new render order.
  • Exposure and Saturation matching with other editors.(Settings->Image->Match...)
  • Application settings can be stored in system directories and registry. (Settings->General->Store...)
  • New interface features and fixes.
  • DNG White balance now related to mlvp scrollers.
  • Support for 3DLutCreator.
  • Custom workspace
  • ...(will update)


  • Header editor
  • cr2 decompression support
  • Filters layers/plugin system
  • Update checker

SDK for plugins.
for Freebasic. I will translate it to C later.
It's in developing. If you have any ideas I will review them.

MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.

andy kh

5D Mark III - 70D


Will new version support crop_mode MLV files decoding?


What do you mean? Crop mode? It was always supported by the program.
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


Quote from: AWPStar on June 05, 2017, 03:49:31 PM
What do you mean? Crop mode? It was always supported by the program.

I'm afraid it's not. The program does show colored noise pic
And on DNG sequence it shows pink noise in all of sequence's pictures


looks like a great update...thx alot and cant wait to try this too :)


Quote from: AWPStar on June 05, 2017, 03:49:31 PM
What do you mean? Crop mode? It was always supported by the program.

No it is not, noisely screen


eraizgn, Savely
Probably you mean compressed mode(cr2)?
In that case... i'm not sure about its support.
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


Quote from: AWPStar on June 06, 2017, 10:09:16 PM
eraizgn, Savely
Probably you mean compressed mode(cr2)?
In that case... i'm not sure about its support.

I'm not sure what you mean under compressed mode(cr2) but I mean new crop mode 4k and MLVs that has been shot in this mode. One of these MLVs I've send you by mail couple of days ago. It's support under big question?


it need to be updated to work for rec_crop4k exp built. so waiting :)


can't wait to try the new release! thx!!!!


Hey, thanks @AWPStar ! You did the best software to decode MLV (I've tried many), although I don't like it being just for windows.
Would be really cool if someone ported it to gnu/linux... or rewrite it on Go and then port to linux  (just dreamming... let me be an idealist, please).

A suggestion: add a second tab for 3D LUT. Would be good for using ImpulZ, for example, that needs cineon conversion...

Another suggestion: there's a software called "File Optimizer" (shitty name), that uses latest advancements on data compression to optimized some types of file. Their code is open source (uses Visual C++ though):

The name is bad and the website too, but it's really on the edge of data compression optimization:


QuoteWould be really cool if someone ported it to gnu/linux
I can port all processing libs easily, but its impossible to do it with interface.

QuoteA suggestion: add a second tab for 3D LUT
Can be done.

MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


Quote from: AWPStar on June 15, 2017, 02:15:23 PM
@bpv5PI can port all processing libs easily, but its impossible to do it with interface.
Can be done.

Well, that's cool. Could be a CLI tool, for example (man page file):

$ man mlvp

            mlvp - Magic Lantern Video Producer

           mlvp [ -i input ] [ -e exposure ] [ -b black level ] [ -d demosaicing ] [ -r reconstruct ] [ -c colorspace ]
                [ -wb white balance ] [ -fd | -hp | -vs | -s ] [ -fpn fixed noise pattern ] [ -fdots ]  [ -dualiso ]
                [ -lut 3D LUT ] [ -cont | -shw | -hlt | -sat | -vib | -us | -ss from 0 to 100 ] [-o output ]


         Magic Lantern Video Producer (mlvp) is a tool to decode and re-encode MLV files.
          The mode of operation is selected with the following options:

          -e                Set Exposure. Default is 0.
          -b                Set black level. Default is auto.
          -d                Set demosaicing algorithm. Default is MLVPDM
          -r                 Set reconstruction (Default)
          -c                 Select Color space, such as AdobeRGB, AlexaLOG and many others. Default is AdobeRGB
         -wb                White Balance, values in Kelvin. Default is auto.
          -fd                 Enable to remove focus dots
          -hp               Enable to remove hot pixels
          -vs                Enable to remove vertical stripes
          -s                  Scale to 3x5
          -fpn              Choose a fixed noise pattern file
         -dualiso        Enable to process dual_iso. Modes are: high, low, noise and resolution
         -cont              Contrast level (0-100). Default is 0.
         -shw              Shadow level (0-100). Default is 0.
         -hlt                 Highlight level (0-100). Default is 0.
         -sat                Saturation level (0-100). Default is 0.
         -vib                Vibrance level (0-100). Default is 0.
        -us                  Sharpen (0-100). Default is 0.
        - ss                 Smart Sharpen (0-100). Default is 0.
       -lut                  Choose 3D LUT file
        .    [forgot other options]
        -c               Output Codec, (see Output Options)
        -o               Output


          | prores444 | prores422 | png 8-bit | h264 | cineform |

         Note: for png output, select the folder using -fo option.


          Simple processing:
              $ mlvp -i foo.mlv -c h264 -o bar.mp4

          Process dual_iso files with AlexaLog:
              $ mlvp -i foo.mlv -c alexalog -dualiso resolution -c prores444 -o

It could also read a config file (such as .mlvprc) that can be located on ~/.mlvprc (for local config) or on /etc/.mlvprc (global config).
Maybe the file preview could be integrated with mpv player or mplayer, for example:

$ mlvp foo.mlv | mpv

If you host on github I can help with documentation (using mandoc), although I'm not good with code...


I like your idea.

QuoteMaybe the file preview could be integrated with mpv player or mplayer
Well... i can develop GUI for this. but i cannot use gtk, qt. so it would be a fullscreen gui.
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.