movie file lost. 5D3 with 1.2.3

Started by satotmp, July 11, 2014, 04:15:13 PM

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Hi, Please help

After I shoot some movie in .mov mode with komputerbay 64GB(exFAT),
I shoot raw movies .
the error occured "recordign stoped, the card really exFAT?"
and,"File system error"
I resterted camera and, shooted some raw movie.

At home, I noticed that all .mov files  vanished. I use some recovery software, Disk Drill and Photrec.
but, I cant recover the .mov files.

Anyone knows how revcover files?


If you used a good file recovery app and didn't see your '.mov' files, then most likely you wrote over them with new files.


Raw files shouldn't be .mov files. The should be either .mlv or .raw.


FYI - the OP originally shot some h.264 footage, then ML raw :)


Oh I see.

I wonder if he re-formatted the card in camera without really thinking that it would turn the card back into a regular FAT format, but still left the ExFAT option on in ML?


I got the same error yesterday while shooting. My card was 100% formatted doubt.

Weird as I have never encountered it before. This was on a 5D3 running 1.1.3 and a May 16th build. Global Draw was On and I was shooting 1920x1080 at 24.