550D/T2i problems with shooting RAW

Started by radomjake, March 11, 2014, 10:20:39 PM

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hello all! Would just like to thank everyone for taking time to read this post.
I'm shooting on my 550D/T2i in raw with a res of 1280x528 @23.976 fps. This seems to be alright until i hit the 10 second mark and drop a frame or 2. Then when i hit the 15 seconds mark then it drops frames like there's no tomorrow. (I'm okay with this since i just wanted to get a few shots and test out raw)

Anyway when i try and convert the .raw files some of them don't convert. I'm using raw2dng.exe, when i get a file that dosnt want to be converted i get a message that says "Error: This ain't a lv_rec RAW file" I have also tried using raw2cdng. to convert them but still no luck. Does anyone have a solution for this thanks?

Next problem: The files that do convert, i open up Ae and import an image sequence, play around with the colours ect, ect. Once im happy i change the FPS to 23.976 and hit ram render wait a few seconds till its done. Previewing my footage and it looks great but after about 10 seconds the footage is spet up like it was shot @15fps or so and I'm playing it back quicker. Does anyone have a solution for this also?

Thanks in advances.


try using RAWmagic a free download......?? don't know if that will help its just what i am using atm....i have a 550d and didn't even know it was capable of doing raw so i will be looking to do some testing soon so could get back to you maybe next week if i discover a decent workflow.....

still think that video was awesome btw........




Check out the raw2cdng forum here:

I recently went through the same problem you did. I ended up shooting at a lower rez and upscaling to 1280x528 in post. You can see some examples of it here: