Corrupt CR2s

Started by engardeknave, March 01, 2014, 02:50:34 AM

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I don't know if ML is the problem, but today I got two corrupt .CR2 files (5D2). They won't open in Photoshop. The error suggests that ACR doesn't know how to handle files from the camera that took the photo.

These two files were taken as part of bracket sets. Yesterday I shot maybe 400 frames and didn't have this problem. Today I only shot 160. Both shoots with the same nightly version. Actually, this happened once a few weeks ago too, with a different nightly.

Exiftool reveals:

Custom Picture Style File Name  : .╫█S!√⌐ε.▄úw╡µòzµΘk║.╨{╔l_¼░.┐¥w
Warning                         : Invalid AFMicroAdj data
User Comment                    : ╤ú≡φ .┐╦/ⁿ⌠ ô.₧vú┌[√w²■π.╙'÷g q/┘}²..ó.Vé╡Mⁿ▀:k~X σƒ∙ÿ4εß√l≈î▄ç{¥╙w÷<■p ╬ƒ≤..$»ß.ⁿ╒┐ïoW.ôö3T#╪%oGkç@î÷╤╢nyΩ²d⌡▀.2µ.├╥:c-_Uπd5f╝┌£1µ╞\Qs.j╠vÖq«¥φ╕â▐Xv╠╔¢+δç»═t╔n)╒Z.╓┼Y╔ΩΦö╞Tåzß&├α-F²óµàáì|▌è^√â.σ┌dlà⌐QM░X[.ì░■¥üòc¿· @åVü╒.@.ü┘¡╒░¢«ÿ⌡Gf╕å.Çⁿ.█▌0n.¥5C▀╢U¿ε¡ü&¿

The other data looks ok. I'm not using AF micro adjust, although I just realized I am using a custom picture style. Maybe that's it?

Here's one of them:


Custom picture styles are fine here, on my 5D3.  Of course that doesn't rule out the possibility, just mentioning it.

I'm sure you would have mentioned it, but there were no noticeable issues with camera functionality around the time the images were taken?



I'm sure custom picture styles work normally, I'm just thinking that whatever is malfunctioning in my camera might be avoided if I don't use a custom picture style. It's not like I need that functionality anyway. Going to disable that and see if it goes away.

The first time this happened a few weeks ago I noticed that it consistently took two clicks on the front wheel to navigate to the next photo. It would just ignore the first click. That was weird.

I don't have a problem locating another photo editor to open my images. The problem is it really slows down the processing of hundreds of brackets when scripts crash and I have to manually process a set and then start over. I'd like to determine what the source of the problem is if possible.