HowTo? Workflow for "Unreliable renaming of Dual_ISO"?

Started by l_d_allan, January 21, 2014, 03:43:09 AM

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On my 5d2, 6d, and 600d, there is a warning in the ML/TL menu about "File renaming may be unreliable". I haven't encountered any problems on my 5d2 and 600d. I use the setting "Adobe-98 Workspace", so I have files like:
* non-Dual-ISO ... _MG_####.cr2
* Dual-ISO  ... _UAL####.cr2

However, on the 6d, there will be three "flavors" of file-renaming:
* _MG_####.cr2 (seem to all be non-Dual-ISO)
* _UAL####.cr2 (seem to all be Dual-ISO)
* _0#_####.cr2 (may or may not be Dual-ISO) ... the "prefix number" have ranged from 01 to 04. They seem similar to "Folder Numbering" except there is only one folder, and there isn't a "roll-over" from 9999 to 0001

This makes it difficult to decide which images to process with cr2hdr, and which not. I suppose I could look closely at each _0#_####.cr2 image to guess if it is Dual-ISO number. But that is tedious and error-prone.

My thinking is that I should process all 6d files that have the prefix _UAL and _0#_ with cr2hdr.exe ... not just the _UAL#### ones. My observation is that if cr2hdr.exe attempts to process a non-Dual-ISO file, it short-cuts the processing, writes a printf-like message to the console and continues .cr2. I guess this doesn't cost much "wall clock time". I think previous versions would halt, so subsequent files in the "batch" would be unprocessed.

Are there flaws with this? Is it ok to use cr2hdr.exe on a non-Dual-ISO file? Am I missing a way to tell which files are and are not Dual-ISO? The "Keyword" doesn't show up until the .dng has been generated by cr2hdr

Is there a better work-flow that just having cr2hdr.exe process all _UAL and _0#_ files?

BTW: I haven't tried using the .vbs approach to processing Dual-ISO .cr2 files. Can this utility tell the difference between Dual-ISO and non-Dual-ISO?


Send them all to cr2hdr. It'll ignore the non-dual iso shots.

edit: Sorry I didn't read that whole thing. No, there's no way of telling the difference between two types. No, it doesn't cost anything in processing time, as you observed. What a weird thing to concern yourself about.

Actually, I don't know, maybe it does take a second or two when you're not using the vbscript I made. When you are using the vbsript, though, many instances fire off at once, so you don't notice this.

I haven't updated it in a while, but I will if anyone wants me to.


Quote from: engardeknave on January 21, 2014, 04:07:46 AM
Send them all to cr2hdr. It'll ignore the non-dual iso shots.

It appears that your .vbs script for multi-threading now has compelling advantages with the 6d situation of unreliable renaming. I'm trying to figure out how to use it.

In the situation above with _0# files being either Dual-ISO or non-Dual-ISO, it appears I'd just use a line in the .vbs script of:

and let all .cr2 be processed. I'll then see if it works ok to resolve my situation from the appropriately merged contents of created subdirectories:
.\compressed dng
.\Dual ISO CR2s
.\Regular CR2s

And thanks for putting together the .vbs script. I have some .jsx experience, but not .vbs