Does the Dual ISO module work with MLV_RAW?

Started by camadair, July 07, 2014, 02:21:47 AM

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Canon 5D II, Lexar 1000x.
Have been shooting in ML for a couple of weeks.
I was going to check out the Dual ISO at 100/1600 and realized it only works with RAW and not MLV.
I use MLV to sync my scratch audio.
Is this correct that it doesnt work in MLV or am I missing something?

Thank You


It might depend upon the ML build you are using, but Dual ISO works for me with MLV on 5DM2 with July 2 2014 ML build.



This might be an obvious question but where do you get the new builds?

I installed ML via this address:
with the latest build 63b2f145cb3b installed on top of the 5D2_Alpha_One
but it has not been updated since 2014-02-14.

I have yet to try a 'nightly' build due to the danger of screwing something up.
Is there an official page showing the stable builds other than this link I use above? 


If I venture into Nightly Build territory and get
Changeset: b44b321
is this smart decision or dumb? 

Do a lot of people use the nightlys without problems?
I see
Changeset: c62e719
has nearly 10k downloads.


Latest builds are under the nightlies section. At this point the nightlies are very stable, but not as much as the official stable release and alpha versions. I use nightlies all the time as do many others, once in a while there's a minor problem with a nightly, but nothing so severe as to brick your camera :)