Dropping Frames - Clean install 5d mk3

Started by thomaz, February 25, 2014, 05:19:53 AM

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I just got a new 5d mk3 and have installed ML with the Daily Build 2014-02-24

Using mlv_rec 2.0  (or even raw_rec v1.0)  with any resolution I get an instant dropped frame and then recording stops (kinda locks up for a few minutes).  I then have to turn off the camera and back on and typically after the second time I can't access the CF card or even format it in camera. I have to format it first on my Mac and then back in the camera to be able to use it again.

I have a Lexar Pro 1000x 64GB CF card.

is there a setting I'm missing?  I can't seem to find a post in the forum regarding optimal ML settings for 5d mkiii Raw. (would really like to verify if it's user error or by bad luck I just got a brand new bad card).

really appreciate any help in this...  thanks!!

------ 5d3, Komputerbay 1000x 63GB Cards, Zeiss 28mm, 50mm, 100mm



do I need to have all of these turned on to use RAW?

or was I correct in thinking that raw_rec is the older mod (v.1.0) and mlv_rec is the new one to use.


------ 5d3, Komputerbay 1000x 63GB Cards, Zeiss 28mm, 50mm, 100mm

ted ramasola

dont turn raw_rec and mlv_rec at same time.
5DmkII  / 7D


that's what I did.
my first test was with the raw 2.0
and then I turned it off when that didn't work and tried the 1.0.

both I have an immediate red Skipped Frame at the top right of the screen in any resolution.
------ 5d3, Komputerbay 1000x 63GB Cards, Zeiss 28mm, 50mm, 100mm

ted ramasola

are you sure its recording to the cf and not sd?

what resolution you using?

5DmkII  / 7D


tried all resolutions..  nothing works...
and as far as I know it's using th CF card.  I set it as default in the settings and it shows at the top right of the screen the right size.
------ 5d3, Komputerbay 1000x 63GB Cards, Zeiss 28mm, 50mm, 100mm


Thomaz, I replied to this in the other post you have already made.
Also if you search the forum you will find this issue has been opened before.

ted ramasola

5DmkII  / 7D