Multi install on one card

Started by IMEJIsan, April 03, 2015, 11:52:30 AM

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Hi everyone,

My name is Olivier and this is my first post on this forum.
I'm a fresh new user of that incredible firmeware and I'm wondering if it's possible to install 2 versions of ML on one CPFlash card.
Indeed, I possess 2 cameras, one 5D MK II and one 7D. As you all know good memory cards are expensive so I don't have a lot of them.
I'd like to know if I can install ML for 7D and ML for 5DMKII on the same card. This way I could use all my memroy cards with my two cameras and load ML everytime.
Is such a thing possible? :)

One more thing.
Maybe I'm not very talented to search information on such a large forum like this one, anyway, is there any topic where I could find a list of each available features for each camera please ?

Thanks a lot. :)

Walter Schulz

Not recommended to do so. Autoexec.bin differs and settings stored in ML\Settings will affect both cams and most likely causing troubles.

But if you know how to batch ... why not?
EDIT: I can do that for Windows. Doesn't make sense to use a cam based script/module because cam won't start ML files mismatching. Not a prob if you have both cams with you all the time.

One more thing -> Top of page -> Downloads -> Browse Nightly Builds -> Features


Thanks for your answer.
It was just a (noob) thought but if it's not recommended I won't take the risk to try.