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Messages - Pidji

Share Your Videos / A RAW Haïku shot RAW on 5DMarkIII
December 25, 2013, 05:18:30 PM
Hello and merry christmas for all of you.
As a gift, i humbly share this link :

Enjoy !  :)
Thanks. Most of the shots were made before The RAW modules, in April and May. So I used the "small" ML that does'nt need to be installed. In July, I follow the steps to install it. I use the July build form a few shots of this clip. I follow the nightly build updates.  I use the 21th August one (the last ?). I can't tell you if it's better or not, I did'nt have the opportunity to use them a lot and compare...
The workflow is in two step, on final Cut Pro 7.
- the first step, Cinegrain film scratch and flash frames stock were added in compositing mode, and Red Giant Looks (contrast, saturation with fill light tools)
- the second step : looks again, to warm a lilltle bit the frames and I used Crumple Pop Lumineux light effects stock for the flicking effect in order to soften the "blacks".

I'm proud to present a video clip, shot on 5D markIII, using tools like cropmarks, waveform, focus peaking... and a few last shot in RAW. The band : Quartier Français., The director : me.

User Introduction / Re: Another frenchy is here :)
July 30, 2012, 01:34:33 PM
How confident I am ?  :)
User Introduction / Another frenchy is here :)
July 29, 2012, 10:06:53 PM
Hi everybody, as i could see, I'm not the only french user. I enjoy joining this group,
I donate because you guys making an awesome work that I intend to use for my movies...
How frustrate I was with my 7D, how raring am I for a mark III version  :D