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Messages - ilguercio

Nope, it didn't make a log.
It just happened again, i can't reproduce it though. It happens "randomly".
Since i don't see shutter options in the latest build for fps override i take it that you solved that problem. Good thing :)
Also, my camera showed Err80 on the first boot with the new build; it looks like you know this already too.
What is ResLock for?
Share Your Photos / Re: I love Magic Lantern!!
August 01, 2013, 03:38:45 PM
Very nice picture!
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
August 01, 2013, 03:15:04 PM
I am on 1.1.3...
You just need 1.1.2 to set the bootflag, once you've done that (one single time) there is no difference.
Speed seemed the same on my 6D, as far as i could tell.
Haven't tested it properly yet, though.
You don't get it, i asked why on earth would you want to have a straight out of camera B&W picture instead of having a RAW file to play with.
RAW is always better, if you don't mind file size.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
July 31, 2013, 03:44:07 PM
What about the LOCK slider? A few posts ago i was suggesting to use it as a custom slider for whatever, since i don't use it and i am sure many don't as well.
Why would you want to have less information in your picture?
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
July 31, 2013, 03:29:51 PM
Does the audio that we can record separately have embedded timecode?
If not, is it possible to "burn" it in the audio file?
Also, what happens to the timecode when we are using FPS override?
General Help Q&A / Re: New to ML, about to install
July 31, 2013, 03:22:56 PM
Yes, the card that you are using HAS TO be bootable and HAS TO contain all the required ML files and folders.
Yes, you can use bigger cards AFTER you have set the bootflag in camera.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 40D
July 31, 2013, 03:19:58 PM
I hope your health problems are not serious.
It's nice to see you are back to work with us!
ML does not substitute Canon stuff, it just works on TOP of it.
You always have acces to everything Canon has put into the camera right out of the factory.
Tragic Lantern / Re: Tragic Lantern for 6D
July 30, 2013, 03:16:03 AM
Why is 25600 iso rated as H in video mode and as a normal iso speed in photo?
Raw Video / Re: cannot record without cropping
July 29, 2013, 07:06:09 PM
Every camera has got a different LV resolution. If you choose a resolution that is smaller than the maximum achievable the frame will be a crop of the entire LV image, always.
Oh, the text input system looks almost seamless, you did a very good job and it works well.
Two things:
1)Why does the recording size need to be a multiple of 512 bytes?
2)If i enable small hacks with your modules i get an errore when i start recording raw, it did not happen before.
Are they useless and thus disabled in your build?
One of the simplest and maybe nicest thing to have would be to have the non recorded area blacked out, so who's recording can actually focus on what is in the frame. Maybe leave it as an option, some people might find it useful to see outside of the boundaries.
By not removing it too early, i would say.
It works, what is that you need? :)
Wait, if it's for 5DIII only it can't work, right?
Yes, it's that one.
Can i just drop the contents of in the "modules" folder?
This way i can't initialize any module.
I am on the 6D.
Feature Requests / Re: Autofocus Limits
July 26, 2013, 05:43:53 PM
It's great!

But it's not feasible.
General Chat / Re: 700d vs. 650d: what gives?
July 26, 2013, 04:42:06 AM
A camera might be discontinued on the manufacturer's side but it does NOT mean that it ceases to take pictures or that is crap.
Indeed, there is plenty of people who are still buying a 650D, maybe even a second hand one, and there is plenty on sale NEW in the box.
Discontinued just means that the camera is no longer produced, which for you does not make any difference.
General Chat / Re: 700d vs. 650d: what gives?
July 25, 2013, 04:38:35 PM