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Post-processing Workflow / Re: fastcinemadng
July 23, 2018, 11:11:10 PM
QuoteHave you tried to zoom the picture? Could I have a look at screenshot?
Sent you link by PM. The picture's frame didn't scale, but the picture scaled up inside original small frame.

QuoteCould you please send me your set of spanned files for testing? We tested such files and there were no problems with them.
Sent you link by PM. Not ordinary mlv video, but Full res Silent Pic.
Post-processing Workflow / Re: fastcinemadng
July 23, 2018, 07:04:24 PM
Thanks! Downloaded and installed. Most of the GUI scales a lot better on my 3840x2160 sceen, but the picture is very small now.
Don't seem to import more than the first mlv file. DNG's from M00, M01 etc. don't appear (only 102 dng's from MLV + M00...M21). That was also a issue for me on the latest version. I'm happy to test more  :)
Post-processing Workflow / Re: fastcinemadng
July 22, 2018, 07:38:31 PM
Thanks for quick reply! I did not use any compression, but the strange thing is that I got it working after you replied, but then I had the files on a local SSD-disk. At earlier tries I had the files on a network disk, could that be a reason?
Post-processing Workflow / Re: fastcinemadng
July 21, 2018, 02:53:02 PM
I have tried hard to export MLV files as DNG files. But all i can export is MP4.
Tried to change Default Output format to DNG in Options. Tried to choose DNG instead of ffmpeg in Render dialog... and a lot of other stuff.
The .dng files seem to be ready in the project explorer window to th left. But I want them exported as separate files.
I'm using lastest version.
Raw Video / Re: canon eos 700d RAW DETECT ERROR
November 12, 2017, 07:39:51 PM
Hi! Have anyone with acknowledge had the chance to look into this issue?

If there is anything i can test and/or upload just let me know :)
One white and one black picture - Don't know what's best :)!AoqojSQR7nORjmAwLqgQp3NIwj7O
Hi! My 5D3 with fw 1.1.3  /latest nightly keep failing on raw when making Silent pictures with lenght more than approx 1,5 -> 16 seconds (varies a bit). Message is "Raw error, falling back to YUV overlays". Bug or me?  ;) 
Quote from: Walter Schulz on April 14, 2016, 11:39:11 AM
I will try to reproduce your issue (Win7/8.1 and LR 2015 CC) but it will take some time.

Tried the Plugin for Lightroom. LR CC 2015.5.1 running on Windows 10. Same problem here (Unsupported PPM format). The picture stored in the plugin diectory (temp.jpg) is also corrupted in some way. Can't be opened in PS, but Microsoft Pictures opens it, but there is a lot of horisontal lines:

img host

I appreciate all the work you all do for us!  :)
Modules Development / Re: Full-resolution silent pictures
December 06, 2015, 11:07:16 PM
Thats great! Did santa tell you if there was any hope to break the 15 sec limit on other cameras too?  ;)
Its on my 7d's wishlist  8)
Raw Video Postprocessing / Re: MLVProducer for Windows
December 06, 2015, 08:06:15 PM
Thanks a lot AWPStar - This is an awesome software that really makes the processing of mlv's really easy. :)

I have some suggestions for future development, but I will keep it to myself for now as a know you first want to make it stable with current features.

One feature that I cant see is working properly is "Remove Vertical Stripes", at least not om my clips taken with 7d. Here is a short clip of a white wall taken with iso 6400 while dimming the light  :
The stripes you see when the light is dark isn't removed with MLVProducer. If you want any other test clips with different settings please let me know!
Share Your Videos / Re: Aurora timelapse with FRSP
April 20, 2015, 08:33:14 PM
Thanks @DeafEyeJedi  :) I used the Canon EF-S 15-85 at widest angle and lowest aperture (3.5). If I knew it was gonna be this nice Aurora I should have found a better spot for the shot  ;)
Amazing! I have to say at first i was thinking that your image was Photoshopped, but I'm happy that i was wrong ;-)

You have to be talented to have so much luck!  :)
Share Your Videos / Aurora timelapse with FRSP
April 18, 2015, 10:50:35 PM
Hi! Had my 7d running on a Dynamic Perception slider during the night a few days ago. Was hoping to get a nice timelapse of stars and galaxy, but i was surprised when i saw the greatest Aurora!  :o
I used "Full Resolution Silent Pics" and ETTR.

Quote from: andrushkaus on April 10, 2015, 03:03:30 PM
Probably I was more wondering about re-inforcing the ISO. Yes, I read about the longest shutter speed, I understand that I may not get a night-lapse after all, but... I thought if I set ISO to 800, it wouldn't go up without me specifically telling it to.

You better read this, and other ETTR  related threads. Shutter and ISO is what ETTR manipulate. If you don't want ISO to change you'll better stay with AV  ;) I also recommend you to do the testing with normal noisy pics, then you don't get restricted by the Silent's limitations.
Quote from: andrushkaus on April 09, 2015, 08:32:47 PM
ISO, it keeps jumping to the highest 3200 once the longest allowed shutter speed is reached. So if I start at 800 1/25th, it'll eventually roll over to 3200 3". Is it expected behavior? Or should I set the max shutter speed to 10sec? Other ideas?

I see all these wonderful stary nightlapses, but I also want to blend in some of the sunset.

But it's not overexposed is it? You got to give it longer exposure time to bring in enough light at a dark night. Normally 15 to 30 seconds (high will bring startrails). By now Silent Fullres is restricted to 15 seconds, so that is all you got now. Aperture somewhere around 8-10, but you might have to lower it a bit because of the 15 seconds restrictor.
Thanks Alex! Works fine. This also brings a "Take pics like crazy" if you keep holding halfshutter (only in MLV mode EDIT: and CanonReview time is 0) :)
With the MX3 controller i can adjust shutter signal to 0 ms, and when I adjusted the focus signal to 1000ms it worked with original cable!

The only issue is that it might be strange to some people when the screen is black without any information after review is timed out.

But I have exactly what I need  8)
@alex: I'm using an Dynamic Perception MX3. I could not find anything in the documentation, and all i have in hand now is a slow multimeter. Anyway, i estimate the trigger signal to be somewhere between 500 and 1000 ms. I might measure it with oscilloscope tomorrow.
Another thing - i can also activate bulb mode on the trigger, so that will let me choose whatever trigger lenght i would like :)

Edit: fully adjustable, 120 ms default.

Alex, are there any way to auto-end the pic review after taking silent pics? I'm working on getting external trigger to work properly, and the only thing stopping me now is that it's only taking pics every second time. The ml intervalometer behavour is perfect, but it's not taking external halfshutter signal in that mode... Maybe there could be a setting setting "external trigger" in that menu?
I have tweaked a cable to make the trigger signal reach halfshutter.
Oki, thanks! Hoped for a sw solution  ;) But since i consider myself as an hw wizard i think i can solve this  8)
Thanks a lot for this amazing feature! I'm testing it with my 7d - no issues seen there so far.
I have an Dynamic Perception rig that i would love to use it with. Since the controller do both motor actuations and shutter in perfect sync its preferred not to use ml's intervalometer. But the issue here is the half shutter actuation to take silent pic...
Could you implement a choice somewhere to shutter silent pics on full shutter instead?  8)
Quote from: mk11174 on September 26, 2014, 09:26:02 PM
For 7D User, Can't test either, so please let me know if it works or not.

Thanks - FullRes is working! But i don't have time to play with it untill later today.
Would be very happy if anyone could compile a fullres silent build for my 7d. Will test if especially for timelapse with external trigger (dp slider).
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
March 01, 2014, 06:59:49 PM
Thanks a lot 1%! ETTR/INT is working fine now. Bracketing also seems to work as it should. Great work as always  :)
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
February 27, 2014, 10:44:40 PM
Quote from: 1% on February 23, 2014, 12:08:25 AM
hmm... I can check if its supposed to work with silent pics. Haven't tried

What i also see now is that sidecarfiles isn't made with noisypics ither when intervalometer is used, but only when pictures is shot manually. Pictures shot with intervalometer do not show up as set as Review time in Canonmenu, so i suppose that also will make ETTR unusable.
Tragic Lantern / Re: 7D Raw Thread
February 22, 2014, 08:50:14 PM
Hi! I have tried to get sidecar files when shooting Silent pics, but I only get it if I shoot Noisy pics. I have tried both XMP and UFRaw, and I have tried both MLV and raw_rec...

Is that anything you 1% can look into? I'm using latest nightly build.