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Messages - TBar15

In my case, I am missing the module. Are we needing to actually compile that module for ourselves, or is it supposed to be included in the experimental build? I have tried compiling, but that is spitting back errors, unfortunately.
I downloaded the experimental build for the 5D2 linked by @a1ex, but I am having a bit of trouble implementing the 10 or 12 bit modes for the RAW recording. When activating the or, I only see that 14 bit footage is referenced, so I am curious about how to switch to 10 bit or 12 bit. I also am missing the module referenced in @a1ex's post in addition to; have others reported the same thing? I have been trying RAW recording on my 5D2's for a couple years now, and this looked like a promising result for me to try to adopt. Any help would be appreciated, and I am glad to post any screen information or log files from my specific case if requested.