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Messages - fotogemeinschaft_de

The nightly Build for Canon 5D MK 3 (firmware 123) wasn't updated for 4 Weeks; the older firmware is updated daily? Any reasons for this?
It would be nice, when the 2 pages:

could be set as rss-feeds for special cameras.

F.i. I would like to be informed, when a new nightly build for my Canon 5D MK 3 is ready for download.
Before ML on my Mark 3 I could easily let the camera on over several days; thats not possible with ML 123; the power-consumption is really high
I would like to re-install the older version 1.03. Where can I download it?
On my System (Windows 8.1; LR 5.2) the new version (2.0) doesn't open a window and doesn't export a file anymore. Before this new version it was ok.
I would like to understand the development order of the nightly builds (f.i. the important bleeding edge Build of Canon 5d MK 3 (firmware 1.2.3.) is dated 17.3.14 and the Nightly build of the firmware version 1.1.3 is dated 21.3.14; why (in the development cycle) the development of the old firmware version is more important than the development of the newer firmware version?

IMHO the ML-version for newer firmware-version (1.2.3.) seems to be much more important (because of easy (de)installation etc.) than the development of the old one.
Quote from: Audionut on March 19, 2014, 10:58:57 AM
Why only 48 characters?  :o  :P

How much are possible?  ;)
Quote from: kichetof on March 19, 2014, 11:03:37 AM
Solved it ! :) Download v1.0.2 from first post

Great! Thanks a lot!

Quote from: kichetof on March 19, 2014, 10:02:51 AM
Ok I know what you're this problem. My export template rename the file with "dualiso_xxxx.cr2" but if your originale name doesn't has number, the export plugin can't add to the destination.
I'll try to resolve it !

My filenames HAVE unique numbers, but are rather long (;-) f.i.  140302-1584-320ASA-Max-Mustermann-00491739900599.CR2 '1584' is the unique number.

Your plugin seems to CUT the filename; if it won't cut the filename and only would add '-dual-iso-1[number consecutively
].dng' at the END of the filename everything would be ok...
After the first export (which was ok) I always get the following error with every other Picture:

'Already treated' - 'The File xy has already converted to dual iso'
(LR 5.2)

In fact the file was NOT converted.

I have found the reason for this behaviour by myself: The plugin doesn't add numbers to the converted files; my filenames are rather long and the plugin therefore produces always the same filenames in the same directory.

After every single conversion I have to rename the converted file manually. A batch-job will therefore not be possible but nevertheless the integration in LR is great..
