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Messages - romeus

Raw Video Postprocessing / DXO OPTICS
July 11, 2013, 03:05:01 AM
Did anyone test the DxO Smart lighting option ? it's like a shadow recovery
There is reduction in contrast and color shift
it's caused by quicktime which converts the luma from  (0-255) to (16-235) and the chrominance to (16-240).now you have a broadcasting color.Prores is Rec.709 color space
try to use x264 encoder it allow to you to select (0-255) full range
I forgot to mention that you must duplicate it twice so you'll have 3 layer
when you use subtracted layer you will have a video without skin must put the third one under the other layers

I'm not sure about that but I think in colorista there is an option to show the skin mask , so  Duplicate your layer then in colorista turn your  layer to display the skin mask then you this layer as a substactive layer ( mode substract)
Quote from: squig on June 18, 2013, 07:21:27 PM
You didn't really say 2000 hours did ya Andrew?

2000 Hours ?
from April 26th to 20th june there's only  1344 hours  ...... O_O Zombie Timebender !!!

ML Team Please !!! Don't talk about what you can't understand. This guy can bend Time  -___-

I sorry I'am not english-speaker, I would have liked to help  you in writting of manual.

General Development / Re: 4k Filming
June 16, 2013, 01:39:44 AM
Why people keep talking About 4K  ??? ?? What About something more realistic Like shoting 900 fps like FT-one :D
General Help Q&A / Re: Flickering during Raw video.
June 12, 2013, 02:53:20 AM
I think it's just some auto settings so ACR does what it seemed to him more correct. so it shifts the luma.
Quote from: ewinemiller on June 11, 2013, 05:10:24 PM
I didn't use a slate. I left the Sync Beep option turned on with the RAW settings on the camera. I'd start recording on the Zoom, and then start recording on the camera.

Later I'd open the WAV file in Soundbooth and tell Soundbooth that I want to see it lined up against a 23.976 fps timeline. I'd look for the beep on the WAV file and see what frame it starts.

Back in Premier I'd put the WAV file at T=0, and put the video at T=whatever I found looking at the timeline in Soundbooth. One of my test videos the beep started right on the frame boundary, one about halfway through. I just picked the closest frame. Both looked and sounded fine in the final render for about a 90 second video.

I haven't looked for a similar feature in other tools, but I suspect if you don't have Soundbooth there's other options for doing the same thing.

Why you don't just shot the Timecode of your recorder with the camera?
Quote from: ewinemiller on June 09, 2013, 10:30:10 PM
Thanks for the suggestion. I picked up one, tested it today, and it worked great. It was much easier to synch than I expected.

how ?
can you explain how did you syncronize the audio , did you use a slate?
Like Squig said I'm talking about syncing the video with an external recorded audio
So if you record the sound on an external recorder like h4n and you sync with a claperboard there are no issues anymore
Post-processing Workflow / Re: DSLR Color Space
May 30, 2013, 08:31:54 PM
T2i can shoot raw but there is a limitation in the resolution

with FCP X the H.264 will not be the good format for editing  so you must convert it to something like Prores

you can shoot with you t2i with technicolor cinestyle and convert your footage with DSLR Log2Video plugin to rec.709

I think 5DtoRGB can do the same thing before the editing

if you're using adobe premeire you can edit  in a Rec709 space natively , premiere wil interpret your files correctly

ps: the colors in sRGB go from 0 to 255
rec 709 from 16 to 235
Post-processing Workflow / Re: DSLR Color Space
May 30, 2013, 07:29:15 PM
T2i use 2 color space sRGB and Adobe RGB

Now if  you shoot RAW the camera will ignore the color space  and you'll apply it later when you process your video

Rec. 709 and sRGB share the same primary chromaticity and the neutral point, only sRGB is explicitly referring to the display with a gamma correction average of 2.2

rec 709 if you are shooting for  HDTV
sRGB if you are shooting for the web
Quote from: a1ex on May 29, 2013, 06:15:06 PM
Technically it's possible to have real-time playback, but it will still be black and white (unless someone like "d" makes an ultra fast color raw developer in ASM :P )

What you ask is also technically possible, though it feels quite dirty to code something like this. Do you have an idea how much H.264 will slow down the raw recording?

is there any solution except H.264,something lighter with low resolution black& white 8bits, that will be ok it's just for checking performances so the quality doesnt really matter
the biggest problem I think is having audio in playbacks  :-\
Shoot Preparation / Re: Documentary prep!
May 30, 2013, 10:48:23 AM

"exposing to the right "can be very useful specially when you shoot indoor situation
If you shoot RAW you can adjust exposure in the post

Quote from: Shield on May 29, 2013, 08:06:33 AM
Do you have a 5d3 and a Lexar 128 1000x card?  If so, fire them up and test it out.  You get slightly over 6 minutes per 32GB, so if that card is fast enough you should be good.  I personally wouldn't dream of recording anything super crucial while this software is being developed every day. :)

I don't have 5DmIII but I'ill get one next month for a summer project . I will Shot RAW  50% of the project :)
Are you sure that you'll get 6 minutes in 32GB card O_o I think you are wrong I did the math and it's like 11 minute for this resolution (without audio)

Quote from: Danne on May 29, 2013, 09:29:02 AM
Actually, I have a silicon power 64gb 6000x card and I can go even a bit higher than that, around 1720 x 732 I believe. I think it,s 24p though but you should be fine I think.

Actually It's not a big problem to me to shot 1440x 720, I want to shoot on this resolution to save space in the cards and to get 40 minutes per card

1440*720*25*14/8 = 45.4 M/s 5
am I wrong ?

I'm just wondering if I can get a continious recording for  15 minutes on lexar 128 1000x without having problem like dropping frames

Quote from: Danne on May 29, 2013, 09:29:02 AM
I can record audio and I have put my magic lantern firmware on a SD card(which is very slow, doesn,t matter) so the camera boots magic lantern from the sd-card while records to the CF-card.

why you don't just put your ML in the CF card ?
Hi guys I want to know if we can shoot for 10/15 minutes in a single take (like shooting an interview) in 1440 X 720  25p on Lexar 128 1000x?
Is the 5D Mark III can records audio when it shoot raw ? I did a search in the forum but I'm little bit confused :-\
is there any video tutorial to explain that