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Topics - sammyb

Hey, was just flicking through the nighty build I have on my 5D mk III and couldn't find the h.264 module that allowed me to change the data rate. Is that not supported as of yet?

Also noticed two raw modules - one called and another called any difference between these two?
Installed ML with the raw modules on my 5D MK3 and am super keen on shooting RAW with it but I read on the forums that once it's been installed and if you have messed with the bootflag (which most tutorials show how to do) that you won't be able to totally get ML off you're camera by reinstalling or updating you're firmware. I reinstalled my firmware but I still have a 3 second delay when turning on my camera.

Is there any way to fix this?
General Help Q&A / Did I almost brick my Camera?
November 06, 2013, 12:52:40 PM
Followed this tutorial although I'm on a mac so I used macboot to set the flag, when i selected update the camera when completely blank (no UI, screen etc). Pulled battery out along with SD Card and it asked to update, so I had to use canon firmware to be able to use the camera again.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong :/